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  • Blotter updated: 10/01/08

  • File :1224997908.jpg-(87 KB, 950x950, Pink_Floyd_The_Wall.jpg)
    87 KB Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)01:11 No.15839526  
    The Wall should be made into an anime.

    It could be a two-season, 26-episode anime, one episode per song, one season per disc. Though it might end up meaning that we'll have lots of filler, especially in episode 24.

    The theme of isolating oneself from people would be perfect for the typical anime fan.

    And the judge from The Trial would be voiced by Wakamoto.

    The only problem I see would be the inevitable J-pop covers.
    >> Belnoma Pimpsleg !!jg3yajBLhAE 10/26/08(Sun)01:12 No.15839545
    Hmm Japanese television isn't too hot on drug use though. It would fail.
    >> Mako-chan is mai waifu !!2KVEybqjP40 10/26/08(Sun)01:12 No.15839550
    nal hol
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)01:14 No.15839586
    Personally I've always wanted an anime that focuses on an awesome song on a regular basis. It always comes off as very stylish to me.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)01:15 No.15839634
         File :1224998142.jpg-(67 KB, 380x542, evangelion-end.jpg)
    67 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)01:18 No.15839704
    I like OP's idea, but japs would do it wrong.

    Maybe a nice animation studio in america...
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)01:19 No.15839708

    Close, but way too angst. Something along the lines of Cowboy Bebop.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)01:19 No.15839733
    Fund it!
    FUND IT!
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)01:20 No.15839735

    Too Angst? This is THE WALL we're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)01:20 No.15839739
    Episode 19 would be fuckwin.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)01:21 No.15839750
    The movie already did it justice.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)01:23 No.15839808
    Me again, Edwin Samefag.

    I am having a hard time deciding which is angstier.

    I stand by my comparison.>>15839735

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