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  • Blotter updated: 10/01/08

  • File :1224993901.jpg-(19 KB, 600x411, fma_art_02.jpg)
    19 KB Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:05 No.15837513  
    Goddamn I hate fullmetal alchemist. Seriously the most retarded show ever. It doesn't have anything to do with real alchemy. What's up with that robot kid? That's so retarded.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:06 No.15837570
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:09 No.15837640
    Fucking sage.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:09 No.15837661
    fuck you edward is the best
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:11 No.15837720
    dude name is Al get with it
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:13 No.15837771

    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:15 No.15837836
    Have you actually watched it?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:15 No.15837852
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:16 No.15837860
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:17 No.15837897

    yea I've totally watched it, and it taught me nothing of alchemy
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:17 No.15837919

    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:17 No.15837921
    Maybe you hated it , because Ed's mom ain't can bring back to life
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:18 No.15837938
    2nd most popular anime in Japan.

    Just thought I'd mention that.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:18 No.15837939
    Same faggot
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:18 No.15837946
         File :1224994719.jpg-(18 KB, 375x281, 9gj255.jpg)
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    <--------------This is why people should watch FMA.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:18 No.15837951
         File :1224994724.jpg-(18 KB, 512x384, 1195860254703.jpg)
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    >real alchemy
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:19 No.15837965
    >Fullmetal Alchemist
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:19 No.15837978
    >Ed's mom ain't can bring back to life
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:19 No.15837980
    Go back watching Naruto and One Piece fag.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:20 No.15837998
         File :1224994835.png-(452 KB, 640x480, Edward_Elric.png)
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    I just want my body back. why you gotta hate
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:20 No.15838010
    No no, I laughed. Especially at robot kid.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:21 No.15838030
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:22 No.15838053

    You havn't heard of it because it's boring and involves chemistry , not magic.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:22 No.15838056
    What are you talking about, Ed can do everything with alchemy.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:23 No.15838109
    shat the fuck, it's all about the lulz and mother
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:24 No.15838135
    Can he bring his mom back?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:24 No.15838141
         File :1224995066.jpg-(71 KB, 300x307, Cowboybebop.jpg)
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    >robot kid
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:25 No.15838180

    Good job Ed
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:26 No.15838221
    Hughes' death shocked everybody, you gotta give me that at least
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:27 No.15838249
    Original troll on my /a/?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:28 No.15838275
    All I know is that robot kid confuses the shit out of me.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:28 No.15838285
         File :1224995304.jpg-(19 KB, 430x330, gunnery-sergeant-hartman-point(...).jpg)
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    You know what's missing from this series? Gunnery Sergeant Hartman.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:29 No.15838338
    I don't even know what to say to that.

    You will give your rifle a female's name--because that's all the pussy any of you will ever see.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:32 No.15838411
    whole plot is stolen anyway
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:33 No.15838450

    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:34 No.15838476
    Not sure but it was some manga that came out before fma but totally ripped off most of the characters/plot.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:36 No.15838539

    Yea I heard that ergo proxy was the same way
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:40 No.15838646
         File :1224996005.jpg-(39 KB, 704x396, paniponihartmann.jpg)
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    And that's why Pani Poni Dash is the best thing ever made.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:47 No.15838843
    >It doesn't have anything to do with real alchemy.

    actually it does have some truth in it a long time ago alchemist did look for a Philosopher's Stone to turn other metals into gold and to stay young forever.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)00:55 No.15839051

    And they walked around in man-armor too. I heard about that.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/08(Sun)01:35 No.15840086
    Bump to make an example of you.

    People of /a/...this is a 0/10

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