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  • このサイトについて - 翻訳
  • Blotter updated: 10/01/08

  • File :1224766546.jpg-(44 KB, 319x312, cat_aki.jpg)
    44 KB Anonymous 10/23/08(Thu)08:55 No.15767479  
    Look what I found. Does /a/ care?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/08(Thu)08:58 No.15767504
    forgot link:


    and the info:

    >> Anonymous 10/23/08(Thu)08:59 No.15767524
         File :1224766794.jpg-(45 KB, 350x512, tess02.jpg)
    45 KB
    Depends, is that the OST? If so, do want....
    >> Anonymous 10/23/08(Thu)09:00 No.15767528
    fuck yeah. ah, takes me back to when I was a young boy.

    On a more serious note, I do care, that show is one of the first anime I ever saw as a series. I liked the difference to some of the other shows in artistic driection (the whole "east vs west").

    need more tribute threads to a bygone era.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/08(Thu)09:01 No.15767545
    yeah, its the second OST.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/08(Thu)09:02 No.15767574
         File :1224766961.jpg-(55 KB, 494x731, test10.jpg)
    55 KB
    Awesome. Thank you for the find!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/08(Thu)09:11 No.15767646
         File :1224767462.jpg-(47 KB, 480x360, samurai_pizza_cats.jpg)
    47 KB
    >> Amuro !nA4kpJCkfU 10/23/08(Thu)09:48 No.15768127
    >> Anonymous 10/23/08(Thu)11:35 No.15769542
    >> Anonymous 10/23/08(Thu)11:39 No.15769608
         File :1224776389.png-(144 KB, 1024x768, Samurai_Pizza_Cats_by_lastscio(...).png)
    144 KB
    op here:

    i've never watched the show before, but this music is pretty fucking good. is the show worth it?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/08(Thu)12:27 No.15770399
    of curse Anon!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/08(Thu)13:43 No.15771633
    i watched the english op and it looks (and sounds) pretty lame. should I watch it subbed?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/08(Thu)14:07 No.15772027
    Of course it's lame. It's a stupid kids show. The dub just made up it's own script as it went along, and frankly the slightly bizarre, offbeat humour that lends itself too was better than original(it also helps that they localized all the jokes, such as keeping "Big Cheese" gay by giving him the Paul Lynd voice, even if they work around some of the humour otherwise).

    Also, I don't think anyone ever subbed this anyway...
    >> Anonymous 10/23/08(Thu)14:43 No.15772600
    Seriously, are they cats? Robots? Cat robots? Samurai?

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