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  • Blotter updated: 10/01/08

  • 4chan turned five 4 4/4 years old on Wednesday, October 1st 2008

    File :1223173687.png-(114 KB, 480x500, 6f0391b2b67d8b11a150063ac649dc4b.png)
    114 KB Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:28 No.15272069  
    My name's Matt and I'm a reformed anime downloader. There was a time, not too long ago, when I rushed home from school to check the progress of my torrents with all the thrill of opening gifts on Christmas morning. I compiled series after series, put them on CD and even made my own labels for them with photoshop. But it was a speech made at AnimeFest in Texas by Greg Ayres that got me to stop. I didn't understand just what effect I had been having on the Region 1 industry by joining the ranks of other downloaders out there. The industry was ailing and like a distracted medieval physician asked for a second opinion I was just prescribing more blood-letting. Since then I've reformed and have been buying more and more of the series I had downloaded on legit DVDs. I want to help the anime industry continue here in the US. Anime is an immersive, vibrant, fascinating art form from a culture that, as an outsider, I will never fully understand. But understand the Japanese or not, I love the art form they've created and I want it to continue and I understand that the best way to do that is the buy the DVDs, watch the shows on television, watch the shows via sanctioned websites, etc. I hope this reaffirms that there is a group (perhaps an all too quiet group) who do want to support the shows we enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:29 No.15272102
    this copypasta is a bit cold.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:29 No.15272111
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    >> Dr Butthole 10/04/08(Sat)22:30 No.15272134
    Death to America, etc. etc.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:30 No.15272135
    Buy the R2 DVDs

    Support the show without supporting bad localizations.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:31 No.15272152

    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:32 No.15272179
    Download the raws

    Support the show without supporting translations
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:32 No.15272189
    >>There was a time, not too long ago, when I rushed home from school to check the progress of my torrents with all the thrill of opening gifts on Christmas morning

    Oh jeeeeeeeeesus, someone get this guy a SAGE
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:32 No.15272193
    fuck you, I live in R2
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:33 No.15272202
    My name's not matt and I'm an anime downloader. I sit at home all day and occasionally check the progress of my torrents. I compile series after series and put them on DVDs, no need for shitty labels that will degrade the disc over time. And I don't give a shit what happens to the english anime industry.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:33 No.15272225
    R2 dvds...
    I love them
    You get 2-3 episodes on a disk, no subs, and you pay $70+ for them!
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:34 No.15272232
    >Greg Ayres

    I stopped reading there. Man, that guy is a friend of a friend and REALLY annoying irl.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:34 No.15272251
    2 problems with this:

    1. I don't speak Jappo.
    2. They are extremely expensive.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:36 No.15272306
    we dont buy, they dont licensed, no illegal fan subs= profit?
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:40 No.15272402
    Why is Haruhi's name in katakana? It's a Japanese name, so it should have kanji, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:42 No.15272460
    Hi my name is David, and I'm an anime downloader.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:43 No.15272480
    Besides, with the emergence of blu-ray and the fact that Japan and the U.S. are in the same region for blu-ray releases, it's only a matter of time until Japanese production companies start hiring their own translation firms to provide English subtitles on their blu-ray releases and distributing themselves, cutting out American distributors entirely.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:44 No.15272509
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    If you're going to copypasta, do it right.
    >> Alejandro Corner, the serene clown !!nRH+NLx0EMy 10/04/08(Sat)22:44 No.15272524
    Old and stale copypasta.

    Plus I do buy shit that I've downloaded anyway.

    But heres the trick: I download things to make sure they arn't shitfests so that I don't waste my money on blind purchases.
    >> Alejandro Corner, the serene clown !!nRH+NLx0EMy 10/04/08(Sat)22:45 No.15272552
    Oh and for the record, I WOULD download a car.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:46 No.15272571
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    Greg's just mad BECK Mongolian Chop Squad ain't sellin DVDs.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:48 No.15272606
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:49 No.15272641
    I've seen the budgets to make anime. I don't care about English voices. Paying current prices is unnecessary rape of fans, but don't call it that because they're willing. Until they're packing entire seasons in HD releases on bluray discs for $30 (you know, the going rate for SEASONS of House, etc.), they can fuck off.

    Bottom line is I'll buy what I WANT to support, and download to find those shows.

    The day can't come soon enough. Put these guilt-tripping bastards out of business.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:49 No.15272643
    anime is made ridiculously expensive because the us taxes imports. same thing with music cds. if they taxed it at $1 instead of $10 or $15 you'd cut a third of the price right there
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:49 No.15272645

    if i could d/l a fucking Ferrari, you bet your fucking ass i'd be driving the damn thing the next day
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:55 No.15272791
    While this certainly doesn't hold true for other industries, I submit that without the fansubbing community distributing anime to the rest of the world, the anime industry would be nearly nonexistent outside of Japan, except--possibly--for 4Kids dubs.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:59 No.15272899
    I could get behind that
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:00 No.15272951
    Hi /a/. I would never download a CD. I would never download a feature film (but I make an exception if it's ever been broadcast on a channel at basic cable or lesser). However, I without hesitation download TV shows. Why? Because at no point does the target audience have to pay money for them. With CDs, the artists aren't making a lot of money off of them directly, but the production company does, and if they aren't making enough money, they drop the artists. I support my favorite artists, therefore, by buying their CDs. The same goes for movies for the same reasons.

    However, TV shows are goddamn free to people on their TV sets! I want to watch those things for free just as much as the target audience does. I don't mind buying a season box set for a TV show, but it should be reasonably priced. Look at the Simpsons Season 11 box set. It retails for $50, but is widely available for $30 brand new. AND motherfuckers, it includes the ENTIRE SEASON, 22 episodes in all. This is reasonable pricing. $80 for 1/3 of one season is NOT reasonable pricing. I do occasionally buy anime on DVD when I find a good price, though. The slim pack releases of old anime I'm fine with, but even they are a bit pricey. $50 for the entire season of NGE is OK, but a bit on the high side. If the anime industry wants to survive in the States, they need to figure out more ways to keep the prices down. I'm not paying $120 just to see some shitty anime that I don't even like. Instead I'll watch the cunt on streaming or downloaded fansub and will probably delete it after watching it once or twice if I don't like it.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:01 No.15272977

    Not necessarily. I doubt it would have as large a following as it does, but it would still be large.

    Without fansubs, I'd say about half of the series that do get licensed would actually be getting licenses. And we'd be seeing them many more years later than we actually do.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:01 No.15272980
    Enjoy waiting months or years while we watch it as Japan are watching it
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:02 No.15273002
    Until ALL the shows im interested in are broadcast or otherwise provided to me even temporarily, for free, with English subtitles, under a week behind jap broadcasts, i will probably never buy DVDs, and will continue to download to my hearts content. If we dont get it for free like the japs, why should we have to pay like the japs?
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:03 No.15273017
    Holy shit I did not know that. I've got to get a Blu-Ray player, then.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:03 No.15273023
    Unless they started broadcasting outside of Japan, it would never catch on.
    >> table-kun !14oyxSa99Q 10/04/08(Sat)23:05 No.15273098
    i bought bebop,akira,ninja scroll, etc. if companies still made great product i probably would buy it.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:06 No.15273111

    cable/satellite fees, etc. It's not entirely free, but I understand where you're coming from.

    I believe simulcasting, via the web, is going to be a big thing in anime in the near future. Many companies are already doing this in some form or another. The only problem with this is that the quality of internet streams is generally worse than what can be found on television.

    If there were some subscription service that I could join that would charge me a monthly fee for high-quality, subtitled streams that are released simultaneously with the Japanese airing, I would probably sign up.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:07 No.15273149
    man you'd let some faggot like greg ayres influence you to stop downloading anime? what a worthless sheep.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:08 No.15273158
    Fuck that. I'll buy official swag with the money I save by downloading Japanese episodes and I get to stay ahead of the curve at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:10 No.15273214
    This is probably the stupidest argument I've ever seen. You're comparing two different business models. You want to know why House can be priced so low? It's because the show already made back it's money from the advertisements when it aired on TV. The dvd sales are for pure profit. Now look at the anime industry. They have to pay licensing fees for the episodes, the extras, etc. They have to make that money back before they start making a profit off of it, and they only have dvd sales to go on. Most anime don't have the luxury to air on TV in the States. That's why they charge so much. And as far as putting everything out on blu ray.... most people who buy anime still prefer regular dvds. There's a poll on Bandai's front page (http://bandai-ent.com/index.php?action=results&poll_ident=14) asking which format they prefer, less than 20% voted for blu ray. The majority still wants anime on regular dvds.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:10 No.15273217
    haha, that's something I never thought of. You're still supporting the anime industry.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:10 No.15273231
    You know what i mean, i pay for cable anyway. I wouldn't mind another 10-15$ a month for all the shows i want on cable on a specific network. That is a given for the TV industry. I just want a way to tell if i like a show before i dump money on DVDs.

    I buy seasons of House because i really like it. I still watch it on TV when it airs, however. If i never saw it on TV in the first place, I'd never buy it. I hold Japan to the same standards.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:10 No.15273234
    My name is Matt and I just lost my job. No more anime DVDs and cable TV for me.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:12 No.15273272
    Don't care. Our society, our business models, our money. You can't deal with it, get out. I'll still watch fansubs.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:12 No.15273280
    I have no interest in supporting the american anime industry.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:15 No.15273356

    Yeah, it's unfortunate that the "anime cable network" model hasn't work out so well thus far, otherwise it would be nice for the people running these networks to reach agreements with the Japanese companies to air simultaneously.

    If they were to do that, I would sign up in a flash. As it is, though, I'm not going to pay extra for someone to show me anime that I've already seen.
    >> table-kun !14oyxSa99Q 10/04/08(Sat)23:16 No.15273394
    anime production companies should just put up streams of the shows. charge a small fee per show or allow people to pay monthly.
    pay a quality fansub group to do the subs. now you have a situation where fans are actually taking part in the industry. have english forums where we can talk about the shows and give feedback. now the animation companies have direct feedback from the english speaking fanbase.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:16 No.15273411
    Yeah, because everybody knows that Japanese companies are successful at putting out anime in the States. Just look at Toei and Bandai Visual USA. Chances are if Japanese companies were to distribute Blu Ray themselves, they would charge the same prices as the Japanese, which is ridiculous. $300+ for the entire season of Air TV or FMP season 1? And then you complain about the prices here.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:17 No.15273443
    the sooner anime dies in the US, the better. then it'll always be free since we will only download it.

    manga is a more worthy industry to support anyway.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:18 No.15273457
    They've already been doing that. Look at Strike Witches and some of the other GONZO shows. But chances are you are still torrenting it on TT.
    >> iRage !RAGEpq8/Ww 10/04/08(Sat)23:19 No.15273477
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    Buy 'em in stores.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:20 No.15273495
    It didn't work because it wasn't treated as good as the Japanese broadcasts. It's gotta be very quick (like within a week) or people will just turn to fansubs again. Its gotta have ALL (or as close to) of the shows from the current season, or people will just turn to fansubs again.(if its missing one or two shows you want and you download that, you are more inclined to just download everything) Its gotta have GOOD subtitles or people will just turn to fansubs again. Its gotta be reasonably priced, or people will just turn to fansubs again.

    I'm not sure if there is a business model that could support, this, but i am pretty confident that previous anime networks failed because they did not meet all of these requirements.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:20 No.15273504
    I don't care about how the industry is faring and never will.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:21 No.15273519
    haha fag.

    What's wrong with downlaoding and buying DVDs as well? Stupid shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:21 No.15273527
    One other problem with this scheme is think about how many production companies you could end up subscribing to. A typical anime fan could have like 6 or 7 different subscriptions and eventually the pain of having to keep those subscriptions going would eventually drive them back to the free market.

    I say make it more streamlined than that. Let someone with international distribution rights handle the online stuff so as to cut down on the individual companies running their own rackets.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:22 No.15273544
    Down with the anime industry! Because everybody knows that fansubs will get the job done properly! BTW, Hidamari Sketch x365 episodes 9 and 10 subs are out.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:22 No.15273550

    The fact that they're different business models doesn't matter to me, the potential consumer. I see a season of award winning television for $30, and 2 episodes of niche market entertainment for $30, and I'm not seeing that as fair, or even warranted.

    It's not my fault they decided to go into business with a shit idea, I'm not going to be guilted into keeping some jackass in business by paying their supposedly necessary exorbitant prices.

    And yeah, Bluray is the minority still. I have a PS3 and an HDTV and I'd like to see shows that aired in HD released in HD, I think anyone would. The capacity is great, but when you're limiting even DVDs to 2 or 3 episodes, that's kinda pointless.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:23 No.15273585
    So the broadcasting networks would be the ones streaming them.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:25 No.15273610
    lol no
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:26 No.15273634
    I only buy anime DVDs if they don't have a dub track. They're half the price of those that do, and I never watch the dubs anyway.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:26 No.15273641
    Sauce now plz!
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:27 No.15273661
    This, It's a companies job to figure out how to make money on a product by meeting consumer demands. The potential customer has no obligation to support a company.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:27 No.15273673
    I'm not sure if you are trying to make a point that fansubs are slow and miss the obscure shows or not, but in case you are, its not like R1 dvds are any faster.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:32 No.15273783
    >2 episodes of niche market entertainment for $30, and I'm not seeing that as fair, or even warranted.

    Wow, using an argument that may have been valid 5 years ago? Impressive. You know most anime nowadays is coming out in half season box sets, right? And even the single releases that are still around are ~$20 per 4 episodes, not the durr hurr 30 dollars 2 episode bullshit.

    But chances are no matter how much companies lower their prices and try to please you, you're just going to continue making excuses and pirate it. I guess that's the problem with newer generation of fans who view anime more of disposable entertainment, rather than an actual hobby.
    >> iRage !RAGEpq8/Ww 10/04/08(Sat)23:34 No.15273852
    I'd rather do other hobbies for free than pay for them as well, what's your point?
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:38 No.15273941
    They ALWAYS fuck it up when they port it from Japan to any other country. It's usually cut, names are changed and they don't sub it the same way that I'm used to when watching a fansubbing group doing it.

    I think the fansubbers put in a shit load of more work than what the industry does when porting it over. tbh, they should be paying the groups to be releasing it on DVD, but then we'd not get our weekly animu. :(
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:41 No.15274039

    Cry more, faggot.

    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:42 No.15274052
    >I only buy anime DVDs if they don't have a dub track. They're half the price of those that do, and I never watch the dubs anyway.

    You know all anime dvds with dual audio have a subtitle option, right? I never understood why people would prefer subtitled only releases, because it limits your options. There have been cases where a company would screw up their subtitles (see Kashimashi subtitle glitch and large font as an example) or use a font style and color that may be unpleasant for you. At least with dual audio you have an option of using the dub as an alternative to bad subs. Also just because it's subtitled only doesn't mean it will be priced lower. Look at Bandai Visual USA for example, they were charging MORE on their subtitle only releases than other companies who were charging for regular dual audio releases. And companies such as Media Blasters isn't lowering the price that much for their subtitle releases. Compare their dubbed Tweeny Witches singles to their subtitled only Simoun dvds, and they are only 3-5 dollar differences.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:43 No.15274106
    The Japanese anime industry needs to invest in getting a US cable channel to air anime on. It needs to be optional and available in a package by itself, not just stuck in the "I've got everything" 5000+ channel package. All of it subbed, supported by English commercials. Then release their own DVDs over here and cut out the middle man.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:47 No.15274232

    >5 years ago?
    I remember this being true for the Shigofumi and True Tears releases not too long ago as well, but it looks like that company went under... wonder why.

    >But chances are no matter how much companies lower their prices and try to please you, you're just going to continue making excuses and pirate it. I guess that's the problem with newer generation of fans who view anime more of disposable entertainment, rather than an actual hobby.

    As stated before, I pirate to sample, there's nothing wrong with that and you're not going to convince me otherwise. I will buy what I want, simple as that.

    Sorry, but I don't consider buying overpriced shit to be a worthwhile or rewarding hobby.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:49 No.15274268
    On 99% of US releases if the subs aren't watchable I'm not even considering the dub. That's a horrible argument.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)23:55 No.15274459

    oh man I remember that thread.

    Good times. Wasn't that like July? Oh, it was august. Close enough.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:00 No.15274613
    >you're just going to continue making excuses and pirate it

    >I remember this being true for the Shigofumi and True Tears releases not too long ago as well

    Thanks for proving my point. So you use Bandai Visual USA's outdated practices of charging Japanese prices and just assume that every company is like that? You're either ignorant or retarded. BTW, True Tears complete collection is coming out at under $40, so I don't see how that would really help your argument.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:04 No.15274755
    Assuming im a "good fan" and never downloaded the show in the first place, i wouldn't know if i liked true tears or not, and wouldn't buy it. So they still don't make money. shit.

    Bottom line is im a frugal buyer and don't spend money on something i could potentially enjoy. I buy things i know I enjoy. I'll get the 30$ house season instead.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:13 No.15275052
    Buy more DVDs

    I don't like the way the American companies edit and translate so I don't want to support them. They could die off and it wouldn't effect me.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:16 No.15275162

    What is my argument, have you been paying attention? As a consumer, I'll buy what I want. And while that price is decent for a boxed set sub-only release, I don't want to buy True Tears. So I won't. I wouldn't have known that I didn't want to buy True Tears if it weren't for downloading fansubs.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:17 No.15275205

    And then anonymous was a smart consumer.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:20 No.15275277
    buy r2 dvds, supports azns, not jews
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:21 No.15275291
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    ITT: People who wouldn't buy anything even if it was priced lower, because they're poorfags

    Also have some Mutio
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:23 No.15275337
    Except this argument isn't about blind purchasing anime dvds. It's about fans who have unrealistic expectations on the anime industry or just want it to die all together. I don't understand why people think that killing off the r1 industry will help improve the anime industry in Japan. Japanese anime dvd sales have been declining over the years, so much in fact that Japanese companies are looking for other countries to make some money. Hence why Strike Witches is getting put out on BOST, or why Production I.G. is doing a simultaneous release on that upcoming show of theirs (the one about the two super models). If you think that the Japanese Otakus are going to do the all the buying for you, so you can enjoy watching the shows for free, you're wrong. If anything they will just make less anime, and in b4 some douche goes "durr they will make less shit then," doubt it. They will just make the stuff that sells, which is probably shit to you, and make less of things you like because you aren't buying it.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:24 No.15275366
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    >you have an option of using the dub as an alternative to bad subs

    since when dubs are OPTIONS?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:26 No.15275412

    Since anime started being released on DVD? I can only think of a few releases that aren't bilingual.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:27 No.15275439
    true dat
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:27 No.15275441
    truthfully, these companies and others like it just need to redo their business models.

    shit just doesn't work the same thanks to the internet.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:29 No.15275499
    He, and I earlier, are pointing out that dubs are not even considered as anything except shit taking up space on our discs. They are worthless to someone who wants subs.

    I spent about $100 on 12 Kingdoms stuff last month and recently watched the whole series again. I have never heard a single word of dub for that series.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:32 No.15275596

    you don't understood

    non-japanese voices in animu are disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:33 No.15275612
    What's my scene!
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:33 No.15275619
    Ofcourse it's the consumers fault when the supplier floods the market with to much product :\
    I remember back when we would get probably a handful of new series released in a given season, now its common to see 50+ new shows a season.
    Oh, and its not the consumer to blame for piracy. It's the supplies fault for not making piracy less appealing. Just think what would happen if companies could get subbed anime out faster than the fansub groups.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:35 No.15275662
    There isn't any reason they couldn't, working together with the studios they could have the subs up the same time the episode airs.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:36 No.15275668

    OK? They're still optional to watch. Companies include them to sell DVDs to casual viewers, but they're not forcing people to watch them since they include the Japanese track.

    Ungrateful faggots should've been around for VHS, you were lucky to find a commercially subbed series then.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:37 No.15275715
    But these companies are making changes. Hence why we're getting half season box sets, lower prices, etc. Companies are doing the best they can do please the consumer. They aren't going to destroy everything they've done and rebuild from the ground up just to please YOU, so they can risk everything and "redo" their business model.

    tl;dr you have unrealistic expectations
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:39 No.15275767
    The original voice acting for Akira was amazing.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:41 No.15275799
    Hi. Mi country is suffering from a long depression in its economy..As such, most people get barely enough money for living, Not to say, very little for anything else like a hobby. As such, i prefer to spend all my money in an Internet connection, as slow as it be, to use it all in a single dvd with 4 episodes. because licensed anime is worth more than a whole month of Internet. Life is hard, you know ...
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:41 No.15275800
    But even if you hate dubs it's stupid to reduce your options. There have been instances where I've watched the fansubs of a show, liked it enough to buy it and only to be disappointed with the subtitles on the official release in one way or another. At least with a dub you have that back-up option.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:42 No.15275833
    Earlier you complained that sub only releases were idiotic since we were limiting our options for a few dollars of gain. We see it as them knocking off a few bucks to not have to shit on our disc. There is a fundamental difference in the way we see anime, all we were doing was pointing that out.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:43 No.15275842
    And what country would that be?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:43 No.15275858
    The dub is NOT AN OPTION for us.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:44 No.15275870
    Western anime industry is shit anyway, I want it to die. now. I only buy raw.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:45 No.15275900
    Just about every fucking country on Earth right now
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:46 No.15275938
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:47 No.15275962
    If companies started to hire fansubs then I would buy the dvds. Fansubbers do a better job.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:49 No.15276010
    People tend to forget the ones who built up the American anime industry were the now 20' somethings who rented VHS tapes from Block Buster. I would also contend that the only people buying DVDs are the 20' somethings and not the "general audience" the companies attempt to market anime to. Face it, the teenagers that are interested in anime do not have funds to drop on a DVD boxset. Sure, they buy a fuckton of manga, but that's it.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:49 No.15276012

    No, I didn't. I've only posted in this thread twice. I would be perfectly content with sub-only releases because I don't watch dubs, and in fact these happen more often than the inverse (recently, Aria was released sub-only). However, the notion that dubs are somehow being forced on the buyer is retarded when considering a bilingual release. It would cost more and be a lot of hassle for the companies to release multiple versions when they can fit both on one disc.

    Basically, I just don't understand the argument of not buying because there's a completely optional dub included. I actually rarely buy myself, so I'm not supporting the naive Gaia buyfags in here. The notion that one should have to pay for DVDs in order to watch television product is pretty ridiculous. Home video's a niche market.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:50 No.15276038
    Spoiler: who you are replying to isn't the one who made the price comparison post. Anyway does including a dub going to influence whether or not you buy the product? It's been proven that subtitle only releases sell less than products that have dual audio releases. There's a ton of people who won't buy a product if it only has subtitles. Go to AOD or any forum that specializes in anime dvds and you'll see a big fan base that won't buy dvds if they are just subtitled only. And these are the people who buy the dvds, not someone who may buy it if it's priced at x dollars and has other unrealistic expectations. Companies would much rather get a dub on a series if they think it's profitable enough, since more people would be willing to buy it.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:52 No.15276073
    If marketing to teenagers wasn't effective, then why do so many companies do it? Teens have plenty of money to throw around; it's just their parent's money usually.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:52 No.15276089
    yeah, good times.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:54 No.15276144
    I'm just arguing against the thought that dubs are good in case of a fuck up with the subs. I don't care really if the dubs are on the disc, just stop saying I should be thankful for them.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:55 No.15276156
    Well chances are you live in a consumer, capitalistic society. In order for the economy to grow, you have to spend your money. By not spending and hoping for it to just "go away" you are just making the economy worse.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:57 No.15276207
    Because they "think" it will make them money, which obviously isn't working. *cough* Geneon *cough*
    They saw "OMG DBZ, POKEMANS, and SAILOR MOONZ PRINT MONEY LOL", got a few cash cows like Naruto (mindless action) and Death Note (homolust and emos), but getting two or three profitable series published and marketed in the past 5+ years does not make up for the 100+ other attempts.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)00:58 No.15276229
    >Ungrateful faggots should've been around for VHS, you were lucky to find a commercially subbed series then.


    This argument AGAIN? damn, grandpa, get the fuck off my internet.

    Everyone always brings up this argument. IT ISN'T RELEVANT ANYMORE.



    No longer relevant = shut the fuck up = get the fuck out
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)01:00 No.15276282

    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)01:00 No.15276289
    lol, are you implying the average teenaged anime fan has money? If they had wealthy parents, they would be playing football and fucking a cheerleader.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)01:01 No.15276303
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)01:02 No.15276345
    .... DVD's didn't become mainstream until 2000~
    Someone has a warped sense of time, guess thats what happens when your under 16 and you think the world didn't start until you became self aware.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)01:02 No.15276346
    Teenagers are still the main buyers of anime. It's just less of them are buying then in previous years. Mostly because the earlier generations didn't have the luxury to use the Internet and download fan subs. The new generation of anime fans treat anime as some disposable entertainment and they view it as some sort of fad or fashion statement. Hence why less people are buying.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)01:05 No.15276419
    Akira released in 1988. Know your roots, you dumbshit.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)01:07 No.15276484
    I'm not saying you should be thankful for them. I just find it bizarre when someone goes "I'm going to buy series X because it's subtitled only" as opposed to saying "I'm going to buy series X because I like the show."
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)01:07 No.15276504


    1. I was generally referring to VHS' height, which was 80's-90's

    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)01:08 No.15276533
    According to Wikipedia, DVDs weren't even introduce to Europe and Australia until 1999. Your logic fails. How old are you kid, 15?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)01:11 No.15276598
    "The DVD-Video format was introduced first, in 1996, in Japan, to the United States in March 1997 (Test Marketed), mid-late 1998 in Europe and early 1999 in Australia."

    Toonami's been around longer than DVDs, you fail. Just shows how much of a self centered dumb little prick you are kid.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)01:12 No.15276648
    underage ban
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)01:13 No.15276660
    sage for little kids on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)01:15 No.15276703
         File :1223183714.jpg-(59 KB, 261x223, 1209102651131.jpg)
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    hahaha, oh wow. 10 year olds on 4chan

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