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Obnoxious ita stories! I love hearing stories about girls who not only dress poorly, but also have awful personalities.

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Hey /cgl/ , this is the Pokemon Men, and we wanted to share some con coverage of Fanime. I admit it's a very narrow view of what happened, but we only had one intoxicated woman for a cameraman!


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>Implying there's anything wrong with being a porn star



>Americans clap when being uptight cattle who don't approve of those don't approve of people who shy away from social norms

If only she was born in a forward thinking nation like France
37 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
>over 5 and you're a write off.

I don't know where you guys live but that's a very small number here. In my experience in LA no one's going to hold you to a set number. Most people won't even ask. I've never had a boyfriend demand I give him numbers. I've never even taken the time to count. People do this??
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Yes, people do this.
Here's an insight into guys; if we don't ask or genuinely don't care, then we're not that into you.
If you were seen as lifetime relationship or marriage material, they would care and they would ask.
Not asking or caring makes you someone they're dating because it's regular sex without much effort. Sure they might like you a bit, but not for wife material.

Guys will never tell you this however, because to tell you this is to fuck up their chances at easy sex in the meantime. Even guys who claim they are your 'friends' or whatever other nonsense.

Over 5 and you invalidate yourself from the pool of acceptable lifetime mates and wives.

Not only is this biologically how men work, but studies have shown time and again that this is the correct viewpoint.

Every time you choose to have sex as a woman, you're making a choice in whether you want to be a pump and dump, or a wife.
All this belief that what you do doesn't affect your life for more than a week is more dense than a down syndrome african kid with no schooling.
I'm not trying to look like a badass; I'm just saying that it's important to be honest about how many people you've banged, regardless of if you're a guy or girl. It sucks that there's a double standard for these things, and most of the responses ITT solidify the fact that people only act as prudes when they have problems with initiating conversation/ being intimate with the opposite sex.
But you're wrong. Because no guy I've ever been with has been like that. I've never been asked. I've had one night stands AND long term relationships spanning years with people I loved. They've never asked me to give them numbers. Ever.

I'm with my soulmate now, and we've been together for 4 years. I've finally found the man I'm going to marry and he's never once asked me how many guys I've been with. He genuinely doesn't care. I've never asked him either - I'm with him now so it doesn't matter in the scope of things.

Everyone's an individual and everyone feels differently about sex/marriage/whatever. Sure many people may think like you, but to say your entire gender feels exactly the same as you do about the subject is pretty naive.
You must have missed the part where the post said
>guys will never tell you

Completely anonymously over the internet isn't fucking up his chances, anyone that knows you in person it is.

And I don't believe anyones talking about 'entire gender', they're talking about overwhelming majorities. There are always going to be a small number of exceptions, but when 98% of people think something or do something, the 2% are irrelevant and going to be described as the same because of the 98%s actions.

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Frill is getting closer. Roll call for who is going! What are you wearing? What are you excited about?
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Excited about it being not in the middle of nowhere in a couple years I hope.
Not going :/ Too far away.
I wish California had a lolita convention? I mean, there's already all the stuff here.
I'm going, but only for Saturday. It seems like all the really fun stuff will be the Frill after dark, but I can't stay for that.
I'm going from NC. I'm not sure if I understand all the negativity. There are worse ways to spend the weekend.

I'll be in mumsy classic.

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Hey lolitas, where's a nice place to get a bitchin' petticoat (if possible, not through Taobao)? I was thinking about getting this one cause that one lolitas for dumbasses tumblr told me to. Also, ITT: Post really awesome off-brand online shops.
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they sell new and consigned pettis. mostly a-line and square dance. malco modes ones are very nice
Anyone know of any cuppycake pettis?
The malco modes looks nice, but would never work for a bell shape.
Are you only looking for cupcake? Classical Puppets is a taobao store... so even if you order through clobba or any of the 'store front' online SS, it'll basically be the same as ordering from an actual SS for taobao, except more expensive. I personally don't like CP, my petti came to me smelling like smoke and was dirty on the trim. I read another review where the girl showed huge holes in hers when it arrived, and they had sent her one that was like 6 inches shorter than the site. /shrug win some, lose some I guess. I would go with Dear Celine cupcake petti if you're going to use Clobba or some other similar store front. For something cheaper, go with victoriangirldress eBay store, and just roll the waistband down to give it more of a cupcake.

Just to add on that I had no problems with my cp petticoats. Sorry to hear about your experiences though D:
No worries Anon, they make so many, there's bound to be some shit ones, just like anything else that's mass produced. I'll be buying from them again and just cross my fingers I'm not unlucky twice in a row. I want their really huge a-line this time... Which one do you have?

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Hey I just wanted to thank all of you nerdy sluts for dressing up like whores and posting pics acting as whores online for me to jerk off with....

Sincerely Anon
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All for you anon. All for you.

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Madoka Thread pls :3
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Yup! Hope it helped!
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Maby :3
i still need to get the pink contacts for her eyes ... and the red ribbons for my hair :3
Is that Godoka using a real composite bow?

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see sometimes you dont have to be a huge whore to still be beautful, ps thats from a guy to all you "average" yet still very beautful ladys
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Girl in the pic is a whore.
Lobi is a whore too and you love her anyway.
girl in pic is a whore.
Anyone who models for a photo like that is.
>not whores
pick one.

they all have near infinite daddy issues and require validation by every man they find.
unfortunately for everyone they wont even admit and face these issues let alone deal with them and fix themselves.
brb marrying an arab girl.
Too cute to be a whore.

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Hi. I'm new to lolita and have just bought my first dress! I need help with what style of blouse to pair it with though and what colour you think would be best. I only have a white blouse and I think that might look odd with the cream of the jsk. Do you think pink would work?
As long as you use the top/mid/bottom rule with the white blouse, it would be fine... So something white on your head, your blouse, and then something white (I would go with tights/socks) on the bottom. Then blend in cream accessories/shoes/more head shit. I'd probably go with a white purse to blend it in more.
Personally, I'd pick up on the red floral and go with red blouse/accessories/shoes and creamy legware.

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