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    File: 1336436725.jpg-(688 KB, 1600x1200, fps.jpg)
    688 KB Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:25 No.138727993  
    Is it wrong that I dislike FPSs?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:26 No.138728072
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:26 No.138728073
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:26 No.138728103
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    Not at all bud, since when was it illegal to have a preference?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:26 No.138728123
    I don't know but you should really construct that guard tower...
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:27 No.138728164
    no, there's only like 1-2% of FPS' out there that are actually enjoyable.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:27 No.138728217
    >playing the worst FPS ever made

    ET:QW was fucking awful.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:28 No.138728254
    No, just play whatever you want. What do you hate about them? There's tons of different FPS games out there, maybe you haven't played one that you liked. I find it hard to believe that you would hate something just because of the perspective.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:28 No.138728305
    I use to like them. Everyone makes them now just to make an easy $. Its not a bad thing to want to make money but fuck sakes the market is so flooded with them they all just blur into boring. So in short. No.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:29 No.138728384
    what are some good FPS then?

    I'm not interested in tribes, Counter strike or arma
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:29 No.138728416
    No, you just have different tastes. There are different type of video game genres.

    Real question: Which video game genre do you like OP.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:30 No.138728461

    Get out. You don't deserve to know.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:30 No.138728503
    Yes. FPSs are the natural evolution of games. The first game you were basically reflecting bullets, then eventually you could shoot pellets at aliens, and now finally you're able to control complex weaponry with crosshair precision and take down waves of enemies in the blink of an eye.

    There's really no where to go with the medium besides innovating in the FPS space.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:30 No.138728539

    Killing Floor is pretty good. The guns are just brilliantly made. It's like gun porn.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:31 No.138728575
    I used to hate FPS, but then I played STALKER.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:31 No.138728624
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    I was about to say no, and that you are entitled to your opinion, but then I remembered I'm on /v/.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:31 No.138728636
    but Arma is a FPS, it may be more of a simulator than an arcade game but it is still an First Person Shooter
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:32 No.138728678

    There's that word again, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:32 No.138728714
    you didn't read that sentence at all did you?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:32 No.138728742
    No, it's not. ARMA is not an FPS in any sense. An FPS is more than what the name entales.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:33 No.138728796
    fps is probably the worst genre, and it has nothing to do with COD
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:33 No.138728858
    >arma is not an fps
    It's a military simulator fps.
    That still doesn't change that it's a fucking first person shooter.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:33 No.138728872
    Nah. Just play what you like. Everyone has "that" one true genre they love and "that" one genre they hare. At one point, I wondered if I was missing much by just not playing FPSs and tried one, but I just couldn't enjoy it. I think the only one I ever tried and enjoyed it even remotely was Counter-Strike. My brothers play that game a whole lot. Nowadays, I like to experiment different genres so I don't get stuck with just one. But I just can't get into FPSs.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:34 No.138728882
    Screw you guys, ET:QW was awesome as fuck.

    It just didn't have any good servers and everyone wanted Call Of Dookie instead.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:34 No.138728921
    A game can't be classed FPS just because it's a first-person perspective. There is a whole criteria to be met to be considered FPS.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:34 No.138728939
    What kind of underage retard gets this angry at people telling him his tastes are terrible?

    Did someone mock your favorite game?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:34 No.138728942
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    Arma 2 is some of the most fun i've ever had while gaming.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:35 No.138729005
    Only fps I like is tf2, any other games like it?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:35 No.138729027

    HAHAHA, enjoying your bot servers, endless lag, and shitty class balance? I had more fun in that game playing with just bots in a Custom match than I ever did online.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:35 No.138729051
    It's first person
    And you shoot.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:35 No.138729056
    and what is that magical requirement that Arma doesn't meet?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:36 No.138729074
    Yes, such as military first person shooters.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:36 No.138729124
    Works the other way, too. I don't give a shit what you say, Gears of War is a first person shooter, even though you can see your character's back. It really doesn't matter what the actual viewpoint is, it plays like every other FPS, I class it as an FPS.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:37 No.138729203

    I will admit that the Strogg wasn't as good as the EDF, but otherwise I had no lag and an enjoyable experience playing online. This thread is starting to stink like asshole, and by asshole I mean opinions.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:37 No.138729232
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    And then there is this retard.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:39 No.138729378
    You're dumb.

    Well, to start, considering the name, it entales that no matter what you do, you will be shooting in first person. For ARMA, that's wrong.

    In ARMA, there are several roles to be filled that aren't even combat based, and some that don't even shoot. The game isn't built around shooting, either.

    Also, large, open world. In traditional FPS games, it's small, isolated areas as to promote shooting. Battlefield is the exception to this mix.

    Next, there's the fact that FPS games focus less on teamwork and strategy and more on personal skill. ARMA doesn't scale so highly with personal skill, but it definitely will help in the long run. But at the end of the day, you don't need to be good at ARMA to be helping your team complete the objective.

    That's also another thing, is that it has global, changing objectives, rather than small-world, static objectives, or none at all.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:41 No.138729553
    It's a tactical military first person shooter. You're arguing with the developers of ARMA, ARMA 2, the developers of WW2Online and fucking everyone who played WW2 online right now.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:42 No.138729660
    Except you're retarded.

    If a game company called a racing game a platformer, should I believe them simply because they made it?

    Refute my argument properly, then come back.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:43 No.138729747

    If you shoot guns, and it's in first person view. It's an FPS.

    If you don't shoot guns, we say FPS anyway, instead of First Person Perspective because nobody cares.

    So shut the fuck up with your obsessive aspie logic.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:43 No.138729760
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    yeah yeah, now go back to your gears of war, you deserve it
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:44 No.138729850
    And why would there be a classification as third person shooter you spastic?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:45 No.138729937
    >if you shoot guns, and it's in First person perspective, it's an FPS

    So Hitman is an FPS, as well as Splinter Cell, and several other games that clearly aren't FPS'?

    Wow, you sure are fucking autistic.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:47 No.138730134
    if the majority of your time is spent in first person , as in the default is first person, and you shoot, its a first person shooter.

    Doesn't matter if you can alternate between 3rd person and what not.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:48 No.138730226
    >trying to confirm Hitman and Splinter Cell as FPS games

    Good to see that you are officially retarded. Next time, just flat out say it so I don't have to waste time essentially talking to myself.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:49 No.138730273
    >There is no way that games can inhibit different genres

    You are a braindead moron and the fact that you're obsess over the definition of a self-explanatory word and use the word autistic in the same sentence is fucking hilarious.

    How about YOU define what you think an FPS is?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:50 No.138730341
    *you're obsessing

    I swear to god if you're making anything out of this.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:50 No.138730353

    It's not marketed as an FPS, but if you had the option, why not? It's as simple as that. Oh, and stop making something out of nothing, just play vidya.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:50 No.138730364
    Nice samefag, retard.

    >i can't refute your argument
    >I call you obsessive and such instead

    come back when you learn to argue.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:50 No.138730369
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:51 No.138730452
    >Majority of time in first person mode

    >Splinter Cell
    >Not a stealth FPS

    No John, YOU are the moron.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:52 No.138730530
    >so hitman and splinter cell hurr durr herp derp
    I don't care about those we're talking about ARMA
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:52 No.138730585
    >gears of war is very obviously to anyone but stevie wonders a third person shooter
    >nope it's an FPS

    are you FUCKING KIDDING ME /v/?

    summer has come way too early
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:54 No.138730735
    Oh god I'm shaking with rage.

    First off, I'm not that guy.

    Secondly, why don't you adress any points?


    Jesus Fucking H. Christ.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:55 No.138730872
    Not the guy you're replying to but:

    >implying you spend the majority of your time in first person in hitman.

    No you fucking don't you sperg. The game is played most of the time in third-person. The option for first-person EXISTS but that's doesn't mean it's classified as first-person.

    Hitman is always and will be primarily played in third-person as that's the standard for the game.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:55 No.138730890
    Did we ever find out what Jesus's middle name was?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:56 No.138730913

    Tasteless pleb detected.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:56 No.138730958
    not only is Arma an FPS, it's a shitty FPS
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:57 No.138731000
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:57 No.138731004
    This is what I was trying to say.
    Why do you think I greentexted it?

    It's clearly Helicopter.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:57 No.138731015
    Modern FPS, yes.

    If you dislike the classics (rollerskates shooters) then you're a horrible person.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:57 No.138731070
    >Splinter Cell
    >First person

    You might be thinking of Thief there, boss. The only time you're in first person is when you're scoped in
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:58 No.138731146
    so when you're shooting?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:00 No.138731264
    No, you shoot from an over the shoulder view

    Have you ever played Splinter Cell?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:00 No.138731301
    Okay fine.

    If play a game that is in first person perspective, then it's an FPS, regardless if you shoot anything.

    If it's a game that is 3rd person and you can not play as first person, then it is not an FPS, even if it plays like one.

    If the game starts as first person, it is first person. If it has 3rd person option, it is still first person.

    If game starts as 3rd person and you have the option to play in first person, it is still a 3rd person.

    Happy now? Or are you going to find some fault in this?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:00 No.138731318

    To clarify:

    That one guy says you have to spend the majority of time in first person mode for it to classify as FPS.

    The other guy basically says: LOLNO HITMAN IS NO FPS

    I come in and try to make clear that you don't actually spend most of your time in first person mode in hitman.
    And I stay by my point, the fact that you people use terms like "sperg" and "aspie" and "autism" because you think someone is wrong (which has nothing to do with those terms), while at the same time not being able to understand basic rhetoric (which very well has something to do with those terms) is fucking hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:01 No.138731380
    I was derping there and I have never played Splinter Cell.

    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:01 No.138731402
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:01 No.138731406
    so skyrim is an FPS?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:02 No.138731490
    Minecraft for example is no FPS, so I guess the shooting element IS quite vital.

    Otherwise, that's what I think, yeah.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:03 No.138731606

    It starts out as a first person, so yes. Also, and this is my opinion, playing 3rd person in any Elder Scrolls game blows.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:04 No.138731718

    Nigger, what?

    I'd argue that the game is balanced for the most part but if there's one side better than the other it's the Strogg.

    They have
    -Tall mechs that can cover a lot of ground vs stout tanks
    -Icarus jetpacks, it can launch grenades and it fucking flies vs totally useless quad bike deathbeds
    -Infiltrator class has flyer drones and teleporters vs Covert Ops' mini radar and smoke grenade.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:05 No.138731723
    FPS is a subgenre of shooter.

    If the primary focus is on shooting, you play a shooter.

    If the primary view is first person, you play a first person shooter.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:06 No.138731890
    They were all confirmed aspies for wasting oxigen & posts discussing what's is FPS and what isn't.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:08 No.138732090
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    I am really enjoying the direction this thread has gone.

    By the way, Minecraft is my favorite first person shooter.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:09 No.138732113
    >what's is
    Bro you went full psychological aspie.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:09 No.138732173

    DOES IT MATTER IF YOU SHOOT ANYTHING?! Regardless if you don't shoot anything it's still in first person! So instead of saying FP or FPP, you just say FPS because people will say something "Oh like Doom, but you don't shoot anything but you build or swing a sword, neat!"
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:10 No.138732258
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    I dislike them too, except when they are done right.

    Pic related, even if Hi-Rez is hell bent on ruining it.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:12 No.138732430

    But it really does matter man.

    Skyrim is a first person open-world rpg
    Minecraft is a first person sandbox adventure(?)
    CoD is a first person shooter

    Just because the camera mechanic is the same, those games have nothing to do with each other gameplaywise and to put them all in the same genre would be stupid.

    Also, calm down man.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:17 No.138732981



    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:20 No.138733208
    It may be wrong if you dislike FPSs and own a 360. Every other system (handhelds included) has a better collection of non-FPS games than the 360. Kind of a waste in that regard.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:22 No.138733408
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    >mfw I like urban terror because of gottagofast and everybody starts walljumping like aspies
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:33 No.138734436
    Enemy MAN! To our left!
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:44 No.138735572
    Already ruined beyond repair
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:50 No.138736012
    thank you, kind sir
    now let's get focused to the OP and his erection problem, please

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