Here's a collection of BeOS CDs I found on torrents/emule. Most came without a CUE or TOC file, so they burned incorrectly as a single track (they actually contain 3 tracks, except PR1 and Dano). I split them in tracks and repackaged them. This torrent includes: BeOS PR1 (MacWorld Edition) BeOS R4 BeOS R4.5 BeOS R5 (Gobe software) BeOS R5.0.3 (Gobe software) BeOS Exp/Dano (no TOC/CUE, since it is a single track) Also included: boot/ Boot floppies and ISOs for R4 and Dano, and TOC/CUE to burn a bootable Dano CD. bigfs/, a filesystem driver allowing you to mount the PPC tracks from x86 BeOS (you can get it from too, I included it here for your convenience). Also note: PR1 is PPC only (BeBox and Macintosh). Tracks contain an Apple partition map, they mount fine in BeOS (and Macs, I guess) but they won't be much useful on other systems. And last, but not least: these CDs are probably only useful for historical reasons, if you actually need a recent BeOS-like OS you should probably use Haiku: