The Support Kit contains classes and utilities that any application can take advantage of--regardless of what kind of application it is or what it does. Among other things, it includes:
- The BArchivable protocol for objects that can archive themselves and be instantiated from their archives.
- The BList class, a container for keeping track of a number of data items, typically object pointers.
- The BLocker and BAutolock classes for implementing locking mechanisms.
- The BDataIO and BPositionIO protocols for objects that can be read and written, and the BMemoryIO and BMallocIO classes that implement the protocols.
- The BFlattenable protocol for objects that can write themselves to a flattened representation.
- Debugging tools, including the BStopWatch class.
- Common defined types and constants, such as int32 and int64.
- The error codes for all the software kits.
- Type codes for identifying data types in messages, attributes, and resources.
- Utility functions such as atomic_add(), write_16_swap(), and convert_to_utf8().
The Be Book, in lovely HTML, for BeOS Release 4.
Copyright © 1998 Be, Inc. All rights reserved.
Last modified December 6, 1997.