Derived from: none
Declared in: be/support/BlockCache.h
The BBlockCache class provides a simple mechanism for caching fixed-length blocks of memory. Typically, this is useful when a program is frequently allocating and deallocating fixed-sized objects. BBlockCache maintains a pool of memory blocks, doling them out as needed by the application. The program can also return memory blocks to the pool for reuse later.
BBlockCache(size_t cache_size, size_t block_size, uint32 type)
Creates a new memory block cache, allocating memory for cache_size blocks, each controlling block_size bytes of memory. type is either B_OBJECT_CACHE or B_MALLOC_CACHE. Specifying type B_OBJECT_CACHE will cause the memory blocks to be managed by new/delete while type B_MALLOC_CACHE memory blocks are managed by malloc/free.
Frees all memory in the free pool of the memory cache.
void *Get(size_t block_size)
Retrieves a memory block of size block_size from the cache. If block_size is the same as the value given to the constructor, the memory returned will be taken from the cache. Otherwise, it is allocated by either new or malloc as appropriate. The caller assumes responsibility for deallocating the memory block, although it should in general return the memory block to the BBlockCache with the Save() method, described below.
void Save(void *pointer, size_t block_size)
Returns a memory block of size block_size to the cache. If block_size is the same as the value passed in the constructor, the memory block is returned to the cache free block list. Otherwise, it is freed or deleted, as appropriate. In either case, the caller is freed of responsibility for deallocating the memory.
The Be Book, in lovely HTML, for BeOS Release 4.
Copyright © 1998 Be, Inc. All rights reserved.
Last modified January 29, 1998.