Declared in: be/kit/net/socket.h
A socket is an entry onto a network. To transmit data to another computer, you create a socket, tell it how to find the other computer, and then tell it to send. To receive data, you create a socket, tell it which computer to listen to (in some cases), and then wait for data to come pouring in.
The socket story starts with the socket() function. The set of functions you need to call after that depends on the type of socket you're creating (as explained in socket()).
int socket(int family, int type, int protocol) int closesocket(int socket)
The socket() function returns a token (a non-negative integer) that represents the local end of a connection to another machine (0 is a valid socket token).
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Socket tokens are not file descriptors (this violates the BSD tradition). |
Freshly returned, a socket token is abstract and unusable; to put the token to use, you have to pass it as an argument to other functions--such as bind() and connect()--that know how to establish a connection over the network. The function's arguments, which are examined in detail in The socket() Arguments, accept these values:
Argument | Acceptable Values |
family | AF_INET |
The most typical socket calls are:
/* Create a stream TCP socket. */ int tcp_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); /* Create a datagram UDP socket. */ int udp_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
ICMP messages are normally sent through "raw" sockets; however, the Network Kit doesn't currently support raw sockets, so you should use a datagram socket instead:
/* Create a datagram icmp socket. */ long icmp_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_ICMP);
closesocket() closes a socket's connection (if it's the type of socket that can hold a connection) and frees the resources that have been assigned to the socket. When you're done with the sockets that you've created, you should pass each socket token to closesocket(). No socket is exempt from the need to be closed. This extends to sockets that are created for you by the accept() function.
socket()'s three arguments, all of which take predefined constants as values, describe the type of communication the socket can handle:
There are only two socket type constants: SOCK_STREAM and SOCK_DGRAM. However, if we look at the way sockets are used, we see that there are really five different categories of sockets, as illustrated below.
The labelled ovals represent individual computers that are attached to the network. The solid circles represent individual sockets. The numbers near the sockets are keys to the socket categories, which are:
1. The stream listener socket. A stream listener socket provides access to a service that's running on the "listener" machine (you might want to think of the machine as a "server.") The listener socket waits for client machines to "call in" and ask to be served. In order to listen for clients, the listener must call bind(), which "binds" the socket to an IP address and machine-specific port, and then listen(). Thus primed, the socket waits for a client message to show up by sitting in an accept() call.
2. The stream client socket. A stream client socket asks for service from a server machine by attempting to connect to the server's listener socket. It does this through the connect() function. A stream client can be bound (you can call bind() on it), but it's not mandatory.
3. The "accept" socket. When a stream listener hears a client in an accept() call, the function call creates yet another socket called the "accept" socket. Accept sockets are valid sockets, just like those you create through socket(). In particular, you have to remember to close accept sockets (through closesocket()) just as you would the sockets you explicitly create. Note that you can't bind an accept socket--the socket is bound automatically by the system.
4. The datagram receiver socket. A datagram receiver socket is sort of like a stream listener: It calls bind() and waits for "senders" to send messages to it. Unlike the stream listener, the datagram receiver doesn't call listen() or accept(). Furthermore, when a datagram sender sends a message to the receiver, there's no ancillary socket created to handle the message (there's no UDP analog to the TCP accept socket).
5. The datagram sender socket. A datagram sender is the simplest type of socket--all it has to do is identify a datagram receiver and send messages to it, through the sendto() function. Binding a datagram sender socket is optional.
TCP communication is two-way. Once the link between a client and the listener has been established (through bind()/listen()/accept() on the listener side, and connect() on the client side), the two machines can talk to each other through respective and complementary send() and recv() calls.
Communication along a UDP path, on the other hand, is one-way. The datagram sender can send messages (through sendto()), and the datagram receiver can receive them (through recvfrom()), but the receiver can't send message back to the sender. However, you can simulate a two-way UDP conversation by binding both sockets. This doesn't change the definition of the UDP path, or the capabilities of the two types of datagram sockets, it simply means that a bound datagram socket can act as a receiver (it can call recvfrom()) or as a sender (it can call sendto()).
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To be complete, it should be mentioned that datagram sockets can also invoke connect() and then pass messages through send() and recv(). The datagram use of these functions is a convenience; its advantages are explained in the description of the sendto() function. |
Upon failure, socket() returns a negative value and sets errno to...
EAFNOSUPPORT.,format was other than AF_INET.
EPROTOTYPE.,type and protocol mismatch.
EPROTONOSUPPORT.,Unrecognized type or protocol value.
closesocket() returns a negative value if its argument is invalid.
int bind(int socket, const struct sockaddr *interface, int size)
The bind() function creates an association between a socket and an "interface," where an interface is a combination of an IP address and a port number. Binding is, primarily, useful for receiving messgaes: When a message sender (whether it's a stream client or a datagram sender) sends a message, it tags the message with an IP address and a port number. The receiving machine--the machine with the tagged IP address--delivers the message to the socket that's bound to the tagged port.
The necessity of the bind operation depends on the type of socket; referring to the five categories of sockets enumerated in the socket() function description (and illustrated in the charming diagram found there), the "do I need to bind?" question is answered thus:
-2147309756. Stream listener sockets must be bound. Furthermore, after binding a listener socket, you must then call listen() and, when a client calls, accept().
-2147309756. Stream client sockets can be bound, but they don't have to be. If you're going to bind a client socket, you should do so before you call connect(). The advantages of binding a stream client escape me at the moment. In any case, the client doesn't have to bind to the same port number as the listener--the listener's binding and the client's binding are utterly separate entities (let alone that they are on different machines). However, the client does connect to the interface that the listener is bound to.
-2147309756. Stream attach sockets must not be bound.
-2147309756. Datagram receiver sockets must be bound.
-2147309756. Datagram sender sockets don't have to be bound...but if you're going to turn around and use the socket as a receiver, then you'll have to bind it.
Once you've bound a socket, you can't unbind it. If you no longer want the socket to be bound to its interface, the only thing you can do is close the socket (closesocket()) and start all over again.
Also, a particular interface can be bound by only one socket at a time and a single socket can only bind to one interface at a time. If your socket needs to bind to more than one interface, you need to create more than one socket and bind each one separately. An example of this is given later in this function description.
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The 1-to-1 binding differs with the BSD socket implementation, which expects a socket to be able to bind to more than one interface. Consider it a bug that will be fixed in a subsequent release. |
bind()'s first argument is the socket that you're attempting to bind. This is, typically, a socket of type SOCK_STREAM. The interface argument is the address/port combination (or "interface") to which you're binding the socket. The argument is typed as a sockaddr structure, but, in reality, you have to create and pass a sockaddr_in structure cast as a sockaddr. The sockaddr_in structure is defined as:
struct sockaddr_in { unsigned short sin_family; unsigned short sin_port; struct in_addr sin_addr; char sin_zero[4]; };
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Currently, there's no system-defined mechanism for allowing a client/sender machine to ask a listener/receiver machine for its port numbers. Therefore, when you create a networked application, you either have to hard-code the port numbers or, better yet, provide default port numbers that the user (or a system administrator) can easily change. |
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The BeOS does not currently implement global binding. When you bind to INADDR_ANY, the bind() function binds to the first available interface (where "availability" means the address/port combination is currently unbound). Internet interfaces are considered before the loopback interface. If you want to bind to all interfaces, you have to create a separate socket for each. An example of this is given later. |
The size argument is the size, in bytes, of the second argument.
If the bind() call is successful, the interface argument is set to contain the actual address that was used. If the socket can't be bound, the function returns a negative value, and sets the global errno to EABDF if the socket argument is invalid; for all other errors, errno is set to -1.
The following example shows a typical use of the bind() function. The example uses the fictitious gethostaddr() function that's defined in the description of the gethostname() function on page 23.
struct sockaddr_in sa; int sock; long host_addr; /* Create the socket. */ if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { /* error */ } /* Set the address format for the imminent bind. */ sa.sin_family = AF_INET; /* We'll choose an arbitrary port number translated to network byte order. */ sa.sin_port = htonl(2125); /* Get the address of the local machine. If the address can't * be found (the function looks it up based on the host name), * then we use address INADDR_ANY. */ if ((host_addr = (ulong)gethostaddr()) == -1) { host_addr = INADDR_ANY; } sa.sin_addr.s_addr = host_addr; /* Clear sin_zero. */ memset(sa.sin_zero, 0, sizeof(sa.sin_zero)); /* Bind the socket. */ if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa)) < 0) { /* error */ }
As mentioned earlier, the bind-to-all-interfaces convention (by asking to bind to address 0) isn't currently implemented. Thus, if the gethostaddr() call fails in the example, the socket will be bound to the first address by which the local computer is known.
But let's say that you really do want to bind to all interfaces. To do this, you have to create separate sockets for each interface, then call bind() on each one. In the example below we create a series of sockets and then bind each one to an interface that specifies address 0. In doing this, we depend on the "first available interface" rule to find the next interface for us. Keep in mind that a successful bind() rewrites the contents of the sockaddr argument (most importantly, it resets the 0 address component). Thus, we have to reinitialize the structure each time through the loop:
/* Declare an array of sockets. */ #define MAXSOCKETS int socks[MAXSOCKETS]; int sockN; int bind_res; struct sockaddr_in sock_addr; for (sockN = 0; sockN < MAXSOCKETS; sockN++) { (socks[sockN] = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)); if (socks[sktr] < 0) { perror("socket"); goto sock_error; } /* Initialize the structure. */ sa.sin_family = AF_INET; sa.sin_port = htonl(2125); sa.sin_addr.s_addr = 0; memset(sa.sin_zero,0,sizeof(sa.sin_zero)); bind_res = bind(socks[sockN], (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa)); /* A bind error means we've run out of addresses. */ if (bind_res < 0) { closesocket(socks[sockN--]); break; } } /* Use the bound socket (listen, accept, recv/send). */ ... sock_error: for (;sockN >=0 sockN--) closesocket(socks[sockN]);
To ask a socket about the address and port to which it is bound you use the getsockname() function, described later in this section.
Upon failure, bind() returns a negative value and sets errno to...
EABDF. The socket argument is invalid.
B_ERROR. All other errors.
int connect(int socket, const struct sockaddr *remote_interface, int remote_size)
The meaning of the connect() function depends on the type of socket that's passed as the first argument:
The remote_interface argument is a pointer to a sockaddr_in structure cast as a sockaddr pointer. The remote_size value gives the size of remote_interface. See the bind() function for a description of the sockaddr_in structure.
Currently, you can't disconnect a connected socket. If you want to connect to a different listener, or reset a datagram's interface information, you have to close the socket and start over.
When you attempt to connect() a stream client, the listener must respond with an accept() call. Having gone through this dance, the two sockets can then pass messages to each other through complementary send() and recv() calls. If the listener doesn't respond immediately to a client's attempt to connect, the client's connect() call will block. If the listener doesn't respond within (about) a minute, the connection will time out. If the listener's acceptance queue is full, the client will be refused and connect() will return immediately.
If the socket is in no-block mode (as set through setsockopt()), and blocking would occur otherwise, connect() returns immediately with a result of EWOULDBLOCK.
Upon failure, connect() returns a negative number and sets errno to...
EWOULDBLOCK.,The connection attempt would block.
EISCONN.,The socket is already connected.
ECONNREFUSED.,The listener rejected the connection.
ETIMEDOUT.,The connection attempt timed out.
ENETUNREACH.,The client can't get to the network.
EBADF.,The socket argument is invalid.
B_ERROR. All other errors.
int getpeername(int socket, struct sockaddr *interface, int *size) int getsockname(int socket, struct sockaddr *interface, int *size)
getsockname() returns, by reference in interface, a sockaddr_in structure that contains the interface information for the bound socket given by socket.
getpeername() returns, in the structure pointed to by the interface parameter, a sockaddr_in structure that describes the remote interface to which the socket is connected.
In both cases, the *size argument gives the size of the interface structure; *size is reset, on the way out, to the size of the interface argument as it's passed back. Note that the sockaddr_in pointer that you pass as the second argument must be cast as a pointer to a sockaddr structure:
struct sockaddr_in interface; int size = sizeof(interface); /* We'll assume "sock" is a valid socket token. */ if (getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&interface, &size) < 0) /* error */
Upon failure, getsockname() and getpeername() return negative numbers and set errno to...
EINVAL.,The *size value (going in) wasn't big enough.
EBADF.,The socket argument is invalid.
B_ERROR. All other errors.
int listen(int socket, int acceptance_count) int accept(int socket, struct sockaddr *client_interface, int *client_size)
After you've bound a stream listener socket to an interface (through bind()), you then tell the socket to start listening for clients that are trying to connect. You then pass the socket to accept() which blocks until a client connects to the listener (the client does this by calling connect(), passing it a description of the interface to which the listener is bound).
When accept() returns, the value that it returns directly is a new socket token; this socket token represents an "accept" socket that was created as a proxy (on the local machine) for the client. To receive a message from the client, or to send a message to the client, the listener must pass the accept socket to the respective stream messaging functions, recv() and send().
A listener only needs to invoke listen() once; however, it can accept more than one client at a time. Often, a listener will spawn an "accept" thread that loops over the accept() call.
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Only stream listeners need to invoke listen() and accept(). None of the other socket types (enumerated in the socket() description) need to call these functions. |
listen() takes two arguments: The first is the socket that you want to have start listening. The second is the length of the listener's "acceptance count." This is the number of clients that the listener is willing to accept at a time. If too many clients try to connect at the same time, the excess clients will be refused--the connection isn't automatically retried later.
After the listener starts listening, it must process the client connections within a certain amount of time, or the connection attempts will time out.
If listen() succeeds, the function returns 0; otherwise it returns a negative result and sets the global errno to a descriptive constant. Currently, the only errno value that listen() uses, other than -1, is EBADF, which means the socket argument is invalid.
The arguments to accept() are the socket token of the listener (socket), a pointer to a sockaddr_in structure cast as a sockaddr structure (client_interface), and a pointer to an integer that gives the size of the client_interface argument (client_size).
The client_interface structure returns interface information (IP address and port number) of the client that's attempting to connect. See the bind() function for an examination of the sockaddr_in structure.
The *client_size argument is reset to give the size of client_interface as it's passed back by the function.
The value that accept() returns directly is a token that represents the accept socket. After checking the token value (where a negative result indicates an error), you must cache the token so you can use it in subsequent send() and recv() calls.
When you're done talking to the client, remember to call closesocket() on the accept socket that accept() returned. This frees a slot in the listener's acceptance queue, allowing a possibly frustrated client to connect to the listener.
Upon failure, listen() and accept() return < 0 and set errno to...
EBADF.,The socket argument is invalid.
EINVAL. (accept() only) The listener socket isn't bound.
EWOULDBLOCK. (accept() only) The acceptance queue is full.
B_ERROR. All other errors.
int select(int socket_range, struct fd_set *read_bits, struct fd_set *write_bits, struct fd_set *exception_bits, struct timeval *timeout)
The select() function returns information about selected sockets. The socket_range argument tells the function how many sockets to check: It checks socket numbers up to (socket_range - 1). Traditionally, the socket_range argument is set to 32.
The fd_set structure that types the next three arguments is a 32-bit mask that encodes the sockets that you're interested in; this refines the range of sockets that was specified in the first argument. You should use the FD_OP() macros to manipulate the structures that you pass in:
The function passes socket information back to you by resetting the three fd_set arguments. The arguments themselves represent the types of information that you can check:
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Currently, only read_bits is implemented. You should pass NULL as the write_bits and exception_bits arguments. |
select() doesn't return until at least one of the fd_set-specified sockets is ready for one of the requested operations. To avoid blocking forever, you can provide a time limit in the final argument, passed as a timeval structure.
In the following example, we check if a given datagram socket has a message waiting to be read. The select() times out after two seconds:
bool can_read_datagram(int socket) { struct timeval tv; struct fd_set fds; int n; tv.tv_sec = 2; tv.tv_usec = 0; /* Initialize (clear) the socket mask. */ FD_ZERO(&fds); /* Set the socket in the mask. */ FD_SET(socket, &fds); select(s + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); /* If the socket is still set, then it's ready to read. */ return FD_ISSET(socket, &fds); }
If select() fails, it returns -1; if the function times out, it returns 0. Otherwise (i.e. if any of the selected sockets was found to be ready) it returns 1.
ssize_t send(int socket, const void *buf, size_t size, int flags) ssize_t recv(int socket, void *buf, size_t size, int flags)
These functions are used to send data to a remote socket, and to receive data that was sent by a remote socket. send() and recv() calls must be complementary: after socket A sends to socket B, socket B needs to call recv() to pick up the data that A sent. send() sends its data and returns immediately. recv() will block until it has some data to return.
The send() and recv() functions can be called by stream or datagram sockets. However, there are some differences between the way the functions work when used by these two types of socket:
For stream sockets, send() and recv() can both block: send() blocks if the amount of data that's sent overwhelms the receiver's ability to read it, and recv() blocks if there's no message waiting to be read. You can tell these functions to be non-blocking by setting the sending socket's no-block socket option (see setsockopt()).
Datagram sockets never block on send(), but they can block in a recv() call. As with stream sockets, you can set a datagram socket to be non-blocking (for the recv(), as well as for recvfrom()) through setsockopt().
The arguments to send() and recv() are:
For a stream listener, socket is the "accept socket" that was previously returned by an accept() call. A stream listener can send and receive data from more than one client at the same time (or, at least, in rapid succession).
A successful send() returns the number of bytes that were sent; a successful recv() returns the number of bytes that were received. Upon failure, the functions return negative numbers and set errno to...
EWOULDBLOCK. The call would block on a non-blocking socket.
EINTR. The local socket was interrupted.
ECONNRESET. The remote socket disappeared (send() only).
ENOTCONN. The socket isn't connected.
EBADF. The socket argument is invalid.
EADDRINUSE. The interface is busy (datagram sockets only).
B_ERROR. All other errors.
ssize_t sendto(int socket, const void *buf, size_t size, int flags, struct sockaddr *to, int toLen) ssize_t recvfrom(int socket, void *buf, size_t size, int flags, struct sockaddr *from, int *fromLen)
These functions are used by datagram sockets (only) to send and receive messages. The functions encode all the information that's needed to find the recipient or the sender of the desired message, so you don't need to call connect() before invoking these functions. However, a datagram socket that wants to receive messages must first call bind() (in order to fix itself to an interface that can be specified in a remote socket's sendto() call).
The four initial arguments to these function are similar to those for send() and recv(); the additional arguments are the interface specifications:
sendto() never blocks. recvfrom(), on the other hand, will block until a message arrives, unless you set the socket to be non-blocking through the setsockopt() function.
You can broadcast a message to all interfaces that can be found by setting sendto()'s target address to INADDR_BROADCAST.
As an alternative to these functions, you can call connect() on a datagram socket and then call send() and recv(). The connect() call caches the interface information provided in its arguments, and uses this information the subsequent send() and recv() calls to "fake" the analogous sendto() and recvfrom() invocations. For sending, the implication is obvious: The target of the send() is the interface supplied in the connect(). The implication for receiving bears description: when you connect() and then call recv() on a datagram socket, the socket will only accept messages from the interface given in the connect() call.
You can mix sendto()/recvfrom() calls with send()/recv(). In other words, connecting a datagram socket doesn't prevent you from calling sendto() and recvfrom().
A successful sendto() returns the number of bytes that were sent; a successful recvfrom() returns the number of bytes that were received. Upon failure, the functions return negative numbers and set errno to...
EWOULDBLOCK. The call would block on a non-blocking socket.
EINTR. The local socket was interrupted.
EBADF. The socket argument is invalid.
EADDRNOTAVAIL. The specified interface is unrecognized.
B_ERROR. All other errors.
int setsockopt(int socket, int level, int option, const void *data, uint size)
setsockopt() lets you set certain options that are associated with a socket. Currently, the Network Kit only recognizes one option: It lets you declare a socket to be blocking or non-blocking. A blocking socket will block in a recv() or recvfrom() call if there's no data to retrieve.
A blocking socket will block in a send() or sendto() call if the send would overrun the network's ability to keep up with the data.
A non-blocking socket returns immediately, even if it comes back empty-handed or is unable to send the data.
The function's arguments are:
Upon failure, setsockopt() returns a negative number and sets errno to...
EINTR. The local socket was interrupted.
EBADF. The socket argument is invalid.
ENOPROTOOPT. Unknown option.