Derived from: none
Declared in: be/app/Invoker.h
A BInvoker is a simple object that can be "invoked" to send a message to a BHandler (the "target"). The message is set as a BMessage object (which is not copied by the BInvoker). The target is designated as...
The muscle of a BInvoker object is its Invoke() function: When Invoke() is called, the object's message is sent to its target
BInvoker is most often used as a mix-in class. For example, BControl in the Interface Kit derives from BInvoker as well as, principally, from BView.
BInvoker(BMessage *message, const BHandler *handler, const BLooper *looper = NULL) BInvoker(BMessage *message, Messenger messenger) BInvoker(void)
Initializes the BInvoker with a message and sets the target where the message is to be sent when Invoke() is called. The target can be set as a local BHandler object, as the preferred handler of a local BLooper, or with a BMessenger object. A BMessenger can target either local or remote objects. The handler, looper, and messenger arguments passed to the constructor work precisely like identical arguments passed to SetTarget(). See that function for a full description of how to set the BInvoker's target.
A BInvoker doesn't have a default message or target. If a target isn't specified when constructing the object, SetTarget() must be called to set it. If a message isn't set, SetMessage() can be called to set it. However, you can also pass the BMessage to Invoke() each time you call it.
See also: SetTarget(), SetMessage(), Invoke()
virtual ~BInvoker()
Frees the BMessage object.
virtual status_t Invoke(BMessage *message = NULL)
Sends the message passed as an argument--or, if the message argument is NULL, the message last assigned by SetMessage()--to the designated target. The message is sent asynchronously with no time limit (an infinite timeout).
Invoke() is not called for you in BInvoker code; it's designed to be called in derived or client classes when the conditions are met for taking the action encapsulated in the message. For example, a BButton object (defined in the Interface Kit) calls Invoke() from its MouseDown() and KeyDown() functions when the button is clicked or operated from the keyboard. It's up to each derived class to define what events trigger the call to Invoke()--what activity constitutes "invoking" the object.
If variable information needs to be added to the message each time it's sent--for example, the current time--it's possible to treat the message assigned to the BInvoker as a model or template for the message that actually gets sent. In this case, you need to get the message from the BInvoker, copy it, add the necessary data to the copy, and pass the copy to Invoke(). For example, this code adds the current time:
BMessage copy(theInvoker->Message()); copy.AddInt64("when", system_time()); theInvoker->Invoke(©);
Invoke() fails and returns B_BAD_VALUE if a BMessage hasn't been assigned to the object and the message argument is NULL. Otherwise, it returns any errors encountered when sending the message. These are the same errors returned by BMessenger's SendMessage() function; they include B_BAD_PORT_ID if a target destination hasn't yet been set for the BInvoker or the one that was set has become invalid. If successful in sending the message, Invoke() returns B_OK.
See also: SetTarget(), SetMessage()
virtual status_t SetHandlerForReply(BHandler *replyHandler) BHandler *HandlerForReply(void) const
These functions set and return the BHandler object that will be responsible for handling replies to all messages the BInvoker sends. When Invoke() is called, the replyHandler is passed to the BMessenger's SendMessage() function, as follows:
theMessenger->SendMessage(message, replyHandler);
By default, the handler for replies is NULL, which means that all replies will be directed to the BApplication object.
SetHandlerForReply() always returns B_OK.
See also: BMessenger::SendMessage()
virtual status_t SetMessage(BMessage *message) BMessage *Message(void) const uint32 Command(void) const
SetMessage() assigns a message to the BInvoker, deleting any message previously assigned. The message is not copied; this function transfers ownership of the BMessage object to the BInvoker. The BInvoker will free the object when it's replaced by another message or when the BInvoker is itself freed. Passing a NULL message frees the current BMessage object without replacing it.
Message() returns a pointer to the BInvoker's message, and Command() returns its what data member. If a message has not been assigned to the BInvoker, both functions return NULL. (Note that Command() will also return 0 if that happens to be the command constant of the message.)
The message passed to SetMessage() and returned by Message() belongs to the BInvoker object; you can modify it, but you shouldn't assign it to another object or delete it (except by passing NULL to SetMessage()).
SetMessage() always returns B_OK.
See also: Invoke()
virtual status_t SetTarget(const BHandler *handler, const BLooper *looper = NULL) virtual status_t SetTarget(BMessenger messenger) BHandler *Target(BLooper **looper = NULL) const BMessenger Messenger(void) const bool IsTargetLocal(void) const
These functions set the BInvoker's target--the destination of the messages it sends--and return information about the current target.
SetTarget() sets the target to a particular BHandler object, or to the preferred handler of a particular BLooper. It can be passed either a pointer to a BHandler handler or a NULL handler and a pointer to a BLooper looper; it's never necessary to specify both the handler and the looper:
To identify the BLooper where messages should be delivered, SetTarget() calls the handler's Looper() function. Therefore, it's not necessary to also pass SetTarget() a looper argument (other than the default NULL). If a BLooper is specified, it must match the object that Looper() returns for the handler.
For example, the preferred handler of a BWindow object (in the Interface Kit) is the current focus view. Therefore, by passing a NULL handler and a BWindow looper to SetTarget(),
theInvoker->SetTarget(NULL, someWindow);
the BInvoker can be targeted to whatever BView happens to be in focus when the BWindow receives the message. This is useful for actions that affect the current selection.
Instead of a BHandler or BLooper, you can set the target as a BMessenger object. The messenger will send messages to the BHandler and BLooper specified when it was constructed. The arguments passed to the BMessenger constructor parallel the handler and looper arguments passed to SetTarget(). See the BMessenger class for details.
Target() returns the current target BHandler and, if a looper argument is provided, fills in a pointer to the target BLooper that will receive the messages Invoke() sends. If the target BHandler is the preferred handler of the BLooper, Target() returns NULL. It also returns NULL if a target hasn't been set yet.
Target() provides the target BHandler and BLooper whether they were set directly, indirectly (where one of the objects is inferred from the other), or through a BMessenger object. However, it can only identify objects that are local to the application. If the BMessenger has a remote target, Target() returns NULL and sets the pointer referred to by looper to NULL, as it would if a target wasn't set. IsTargetLocal() can distinguish these cases; it returns true if the BInvoker and its target are in the same team, and false if they're in different address spaces.
Messenger() returns the BMessenger object the BInvoker uses to send its messages. This may be the messenger passed to SetTarget() or an object the BInvoker constructs for itself. If a target hasn't been set yet, the returned BMessenger will be invalid.
When successful, SetTarget() returns B_OK. It fails and returns B_BAD_VALUE if the proposed target handler isn't associated with a BLooper. It also fails if a handler and a specific looper are both named but the handler is associated with some other BLooper object. In this case, it returns B_MISMATCHED_VALUES to indicate that there's a conflict between the two arguments. SetTarget() doesn't detect invalid BLoopers and BMessengers.
The Be Book, in lovely HTML, for BeOS Release 4.
Copyright © 1998 Be, Inc. All rights reserved.
Last modified January 28, 1998.