Artist: SqueZ Title: HEADCRUSHER CAT#: UGCC009 Release Date: April 25, 2015 Artist Country: Russia Tracklist: 1. Wake Up! (Intro) (0:38) 2. DESTROY EVERYTHING (2:24) 3. From Russia With Love (1:45) 4. Totally Not A Virus (Feat Cotheq) (2:26) 5. Shake My Mind (2:28) 6. Weeaboo Party o(≧▽≦)o (2:53) 7. After The Credits (2:13) Total Runtime: 14:47 Contact: CDR: Label Page: Ish a loli ouo I kina found this artist on a whim but I like thier stuff, especially track 2: DESTROY EVERYTHING Anyways, same stuff. Love on the person's music and shit. :3