Artist: Nargorra Title: Rainbow_Dash.exe Has Stopped Working CAT#: UGCC007 Release Date: February 17th, 2015 Tracklist: 1. Space Shit (1:25) 2. Mr Patch (2:44) 3. I'm Gonna Be (Fuck) 4. Skrillminem (3:38) 5. Speed Room Break (3:06) 6. Backstreet Donk Dealer (3:48) 7. Drugs Factory (2:17) 8. Speedcore Is The New Bad Pop Music (3:02) Total Runtime: 21:52 Notes: Wow, this random dude from France I found on soundcloud ended up making some pretty kickass stuff, like holy shit. Enjoy this marvelous musical masterpiece done by one of my collaborators, Nargorra - Ayane Fukumi His soundcloud (Support this dude, holy fuck): Label Site: