Artist: Ayane Fukumi Title: High-Octane Dancecore CAT#: UGCC003 Release Date: October 4th, 2014 Tracklisting: 1. Dancecore Internationale (2:54) 2. Dave! - Never Gonna Fuck A Barbie In The Ass (Ayane Fukumi Remix) (3:12) 3. Magicstars (3:15) 4. Sonic Xtratone (1:01) 5. VIDEO0001 (1:31) 6. Reizoko Style Mashcore (1:58) 7. Rrrrrr (Ayane Fukumi Remix) (2:14) 8. wow m8 my f8 is gr8 i r8 8/8 (2:52) 9. The Witch's D (1:22) 10. Emineminyah (1:35) 11. 19th Century Dancecore (2:35) 12. 7th Symphony (Remix) (1:53) 13. Annoying Ringtone - Devil's Dance Core (1:56) 14. Is There Anybody Out There (Ambient Cover) (Intermission) (2:17) 15. The Ultimate Aerodynamic Hardstyle (2:49) 16. Call Upon Teh Sea Ponehs (0:59) 17. odaxelagnia - Shortest Mashcore Ever (Ayane Fukumi Remix) (0:56) 18. Emineminyah (170bpm) (2:03) 19. Flaofei - Polka Plot (Ayane Fukumi Remix) (2:24) 20. Shears (3:12) 21. Fuck The Puto (Bonus Track) (5:09) 22. MK-853 (Bonus Track) (4:48) 23. A Lazy Day In The Town (Bonus Track) Total Runtime: 55:41 Note: Song 3 "magicstars" is a remix of a song Annoying Ringtone did by the same name in 2009 which is a remix of a song USA Kings did by the same name in 2008. Note: It's super obvious that I "stole" samples so if you dare point it out I swear... Note meaning: Being a free release, I'm not gaining any money from this. :I So I kinda can't be sued. Note meaning technicality: Under Section 107 of the Fair Use Clause of 1976, copyrighted material can be used for nonprofit or educational use. This falls into the Non-profit category ALRIGHT! Now that all that technical shit is out of the way... I'm pleased to bring you what I think is my best work. This is me departing from using Audacity and fully implementing myself into the use of FL Studio 10. That being said, I think my music quality has improved quite considerably. This is a catalog of most of the songs I produced from June 1st, 2014 - October 4th, 2014. Music queries can be made at: THANK CHU SO SO SO MUCH FOR DOWNLOADING THIS PIECE OF SHIT THING I MADE AND READING THIS THING I WROTE AT 5 IN THE MORNING AS WELL QAQ I decided to release this kind of prematurely, and sadly not releasing it in CD format as I had originally intended. There are a few reasons for this: 1. I feel like my music output has been lower recently and I wanted to release something, cause I'd probably be upset if this just sat there. 2. I had asked people for remixes/artwork/ect and I was willing to pay them too, but everyone just kinda stopped talking to me at the same time .w. AAAANYWAYS! SHOUTOUTS! <3 Thanks chu to Annoying Ringtone for actually liking my shit, as well as giving me the song names for the samples in "Magicstars", it meant more than you know. Thanks to EdszxNeo and Choclodous for mastering advice Thanks to The Pinkamena Party Academy of Booty chat, I got a lot of information and feedback out of that chat (even though most of my wips went unnoticed >w>;) Thanks to Dave! for the "amen", "909kick2", "k10a", and other samples in the WAT18 package I used Thanks to Reizoko CJ for being a wicked inspiration and helping me to improve my craft in trying to imitate his style. Thanks to FL10 for not being a butt even though you're not a sentient being and just a DAW Thanks to everyone who was supportive of me, I really didn't think I'd actually make shit that people would like Thanks to everyone who was so fucking adorable, you know who you are <3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AANYWAYS, this is less of a readme and more of a HOLY FUCK I NEED ATTENTION, lel. But anyways anyways, thanks to everyone for liking my shit and hopefully I can come up with an album of even better stuffs sometime in the future. This is Aya-chan signing off~! <3