Welcome to "Night Falls", a brief showcase of my attempts so far at freeform. It was originally intended to just be a mixed set, but it ended up becoming more album-like. Whatever it is, it is what it is! Why is it what it is? Because that's what it is! My aim in freeform is to combine a sense of unrestrained depravity with the organization mandated by the stylistic consistencies of the genre. I didn't come up with this until after I had written and mixed all these, but it seems like an appealing goal. Combining this mission statement with the style I currently have, it shouldn't be hard to guess who my influences are, but by far my biggest one is Betwixt & Between. Reception on Soundcloud was very limited, likely due to the breakcore intro, length, and lack of "cleanliness" by mainstream 2016 standards. I could make excuses like having subpar equipment, but the bottom line is that I wrote them for my own sake and really don't care about prodution quality the way others seem to. I put a lot of time and emotion into this and won't pretend for a second that I don't love how it turned out. (That's not to say I won't stop my tracks from sounding "cleaner" in the future, so as to spread their reach to inspire future producers if I get that far.) Despite the production level, I was still urged to post it publicly, perhaps in part due to the scene's recent inactvity. Led by those same urges, I now submit it to Tsundere Violence, a weblabel for which I have unparalelled respect. It'll probably go on Bandcamp too, once I upscale them all to WAVs and post my more important project on there. Notes: - This is a non-stop mix. All individual tracks are unreleased until further notice. - The original version of "Iron Eyes Conduct Heat" can be found on Tunedere Volume 3 [TV659]. - "Estuary Highland" is an arrangement of "Hidden Highland" from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2, originally composed by (probably) Arata Iiyoshi. - "Ricky Avenger's Ambition" is dedicated to https://www.facebook.com/KillEmAllDead/ - "Charovakora" is a later version than the one posted on Soundcloud. - "Peony" is not in the place I want it to be yet, but I've lost the drive to work on it further for at least a few more months, so it's included as-is to do what it currently can for the atmosphere and structure of the set. - The bonus material includes an segment of Dies Moirae in its earlier stages, as well as random bits of other tracks at various stages, mostly from 2016.