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file01-3d girls are overrated.mp32022-04-05 23:117 KB
file02-for this track i just added anime samples to each track from ℵ₁₀ and sped it up.mp32022-04-05 23:117 KB
file03-guess the sample.mp32022-04-05 23:117 KB
file04-Having audible songs is for pussies.mp32022-04-05 23:117 KB
file05-i can cum whilst watching lolis quicker than you can listen to this album.mp32022-04-05 23:117 KB
file06-i dont even watch anime, i just name drop dragonball z for brownie points.mp32022-04-05 23:117 KB
file07-i need to get rid of these 4 month old piss filled bottles around my computer, ive been playing the same erogē all this time and i still cant get digi-laid.mp32022-04-05 23:117 KB
file08-saying i dont watch anime is accutally a massive lie ; _ ;.mp32022-04-05 23:117 KB
file09-some skit about some fucking weeaboo lolicore artist.mp32022-04-05 23:117 KB
file10-tracks as short as i can make without saving text files as wavs.mp32022-04-05 23:117 KB
filecover.png2022-04-05 23:111059 KB