LES NEIGES NOIRES DE LAPONIE "DEVOURING THE DARK SUN" LIVE SPLIT LABEL RELEASE [SK063]/[CHASE HS 07]/[NKSPROD121]/[LNNDL01] RELEASED ON THE 17TH SEPTEMBER 2013 Description: Tingling nano-tech, intimate exploration of matter, abstract constructions, labyrinthine tangles ... custom sound project invite immersion, the risk of loosing direction. They suggest the singing of the infosphere, that our environment is invisible, alienating, continuous. - LNNDL Bio: "Les Neiges Noires De Laponie" is the multi-headed creature of Alexandre Casademunt, industrial land known in industrial land alias " Sickbrain", or hardcore techno via his experimental project . for the IDM community, he was also the brains behind Angstprod: a pioneering platform, which, by its focus on quality has helped to give credibility to the concept now accepted as "netlabel". artist info: Born in 2002, the project "Les Neiges Noires De Laponie" was plunged into stasis in 2006 and recently reactivated, updated with all the advances in pure computer music. Draining crystals "flashcore" (one thinks of label Hangars-liquids) in the heart of the abyss dark ambient, return "Les Neiges Noires De Laponie" exercise their power to fascinate. - LNNDL Tracklisting: 1.01. Omega 1.02. Ytlisa 15 1.03. Sodom and Petrification 1.04. Oval 1.05. Andromeda 1.06. Aquila 1.07. Introlake B3 1.08. El Chupacabra 1.09. Cyberfuck 1.10. You Suffer 1.11. Repudians 1.12. Aquarius Credits: This live album is produced, performed and mastered by Alexandre Casademunt. For more noise follow: lnndl@free.fr http://lesneigesnoiresdelaponie.bandcamp.com http://www.soundcloud.com/lnndl http://lnndl.tumblr.com http://www.facebook.com/LNNDL http://www.splatterkore.blogspot.com http://www.soundcloud.com/splatterkore http://www.facebook.com/splatterkore