SPLATTERKORE - VARIOUS ARTISTS "PRISMS OF IMAGINATION" COMPILATION. [SK062] RELEASED ON THE 14TH SEPTEMBER 2013 Description: H.P. Lovecraft inspired compilation. "There were nauseous musical instruments... ...dissonances of exquisite morbidity and cacodaemoniacal ghastliness..." Tracklisting: 01. Coldbreathe - Ascension from Rlyeh (Remix 2013) 02. Kid Corrupt - Cthulhucore 03. Lawrencium - In Sea 04. Darkh-Side aka Desolation - The Horror in Clay 05. Glurzedelic - Symphonic Forest 06. Hersenerosie - Von Unausschprechlichen Kulten 07. Baconhangar - Dreams in a Witch House 08. Warp Maiden - Faceless Night Gods 09. L055 - Beyond the Wall of Sleep 10. Coredyceps - Cthulhu Ritual 11. Ohmega Sir - C.h.a.O.S. (Cthulu has angered Ohmega Sir) 12. Cave Dweller - Nameless City 13. Om O'Blivion - Transient Surcease 14. The Xenaxium - The Lurking Fear 15. A999C - The Necronomicon Credits: Mastered by Adam Freethinker Front cover and logo by Vonkor.net Back Cover by L055 For more noise follow: http://www.splatterkore.blogspot.com http://www.soundcloud.com/splatterkore http://www.facebook.com/splatterkore