::::: SOUND OF ILLUSION ::::: :::::: Breaking Dawn EP ::::: Sociopath Recordings http://sociopath-recordings.com Sound of Illusion is an experimantal/ambient project from Belgrade, Serbia (south-east Europe) which started in 2008. The idea was to experiment with different genres and types of music using conventional and unconventional instruments (bass, electric guitar, keyboard, percussion and computer generated sounds, beats and noises). Founder of Sound of Illusion is producer and bass player Ivan-Milan Matic. Besides Ivan, the only permanent member of Sound of Illusion is guitarist Bojan Nikolic. Howerever, on this release lots of friends,fellow musicians and artists were involved - some of them were members of band "Device Experience", together with Ivan and Bojan - and Without these people this project wouldn't be possible: Amir Jasari colaborated with Ivan and Stefan - they did a remix of his track "Siblings". Bojan Nikolic is performing with Ivan and he played guitar on live tracks (from the concert in Nis), and also recorded most of the guitar lines in the studio. Vuk Bursac also recorded guitar lines, and helped with arrangments and production on one track. Eva Zlatkovic recorded keyboard and vocals on four tracks. Nenad Milosevic produced and arranged one track, and gave numoerous advises to Ivan, regarding production. Stefan Sladic worked togeher with Ivan on arangments and production on many tracks on this EP, and programed beats and samples for three tracks. Vladimir Budimirovic played percission on one track. Desanka Reljin did the artwork. "Sibings" composed by Amir Jasari (Below Bangkok), remixed, arranged and produced by Stefan Sladic (Staffan Sladik) and Ivan-Milan Matic. "Breaking Dawn" composed by Eva Zlatkovic (Alinore) and Ivan-Milan Matic, arranged and produced by Ivan-Milan Matic. "Drill Core Neighbor" composed, arranged and produced by Ivan-Milan Matic. "Crimson Sky" composed by Nenad Milosevic (The Root Out), Eva zlatkovic (Alinore), Bojan Nikolic and Ivan-Milan Matic. Arranged and produced by Nenad Milosevic (The Root Out). "Forest/Skies" composed by Ivan-Milan Matic, Eva Zlatkovic (Alinore), Stefan Sladic (Staffan Sladik), Bojan Nikolic and Vladimir Budimorovic. Arranged and produced by Stefan Sladic (Staffan Sladik) and Ivan-Milan Matic. "Mushroom" composed by Ivan-Milan Matic, Bojan Nikolic, Eva zlatkovic (Alinore) and Vuk Bursac (Chengo). Arranged and produced by Vuk Bursac (Chengo) and Ivan-Milan Matic "Belgrade Scum" composed and arranged by Stefan Sladic (Staffan Sladik), Ivan-Milan Matic and Bojan Nikolic; recorded live at FNW Fest E-TVRDJAVA, Nis, Serbia, 2010. "Stepping Stone" composed and arranged by Ivan-Milan Matic and Bojan Nikolic; recorded live at FNW Fest E-TVRDJAVA, Nis, Serbia, 2010. All tracks recorded at Illusion Studios, B.I.G.Z. or live at E-TvRDJAVA festival in Nis, south Serbia. Contact info: Sound of Illusion gobervart@yahoo.com ivan.milan.matic@gmail.com http://myspace.com/soundofillusionbelgrade http://www.facebook.com/sound.of.illusion.belgrade http://soundcloud.com/sound-of-illusion http://sociopath-recordings-artists.blogspot.com/2009/06/sound-of-illusion-rs.html Artwork by Desanka Reljin (Mizidora) http://mizidora.deviantart.com/ Sound of Illusion - Breaking Dawn EP Tracklist: 01.Sound of Illusion & Staffan Sladik ft Below Bangkok - Siblings (6:00) 02.Sound of Illusion ft Alinore - Breaking Dawn (2:56) 03.Sound of Illusion - Drill Core Neighbor (3:36) 04.Sound of Illusion & Alinore ft The Root Out - Crimson Sky (5:28) 05.Sound of Illusion ft Device Experience - Forest/Skies (6:08) 06.Sound of Illusion & Alinore ft Chengo - Mushroom (3:45) Bonus tracks (live): 07. Sound of Illusion - Belgrade Scum - live at FNW Fest E-TVRDJAVA, Nis, Serbia, 2010. (5:24) 08. Sound of Illusion - Stepping Stone - live at FNW Fest E-TVRDJAVA, Nis, Serbia 2010. (5:00) ----------------------------------------------------------- Discography: [SRmp3 127] Sound Of Illusion - The Future Of An Illusion (2009/2/6) ----------------------------------------------------------- Released Date: 2010/11/17 Sociopath Recordings: official website: http://sociopath-recordings.com myspace: http://www.myspace.com/sociopathrecordingstw facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sociopathrecordings soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/sociopath-recordings twitter: http://twitter.com/sociopathrecs last.fm: http://last.fm/label/Sociopath+Recordings discogs: http://www.discogs.com/label/Sociopath+Recordings Contact: sociopathrecordings@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- All works are licensed under Creative Commons: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0