RIGORDIGI01 - Technophobia Will Bust Your Arse! EP Sadistician (Hatewire) & Friends Side A: HateWire and Crazy 2nr present "The High Speed Degenerate's Side" A1. HateWire Vs Crazy 2nr - Busted... (700bpm) A2. HateWire Vs Crazy 2nr - Retarded.And.Penetrating.Everything (500bpm) A3. HateWire - Snuff's 'Snuff... (400bpm) Side B: The Sadistic Pain Squad (Sadistician with DJ Pinhead and NRK) present "The Doom, Gloom and Immorality Side" B1. SvP - MAnt-Gik Mashrooms (You've Just Sat On The Ashtray) (160bpm) B2. Sadistician Feat. NRK - Decay Has Set In (150bpm) B3. Sadistician - 7 Layers Of Gabber Tape (Structurally Sound) (240bpm) Tracks A1 and A2 written, produced and generally vomitted forth by A. Hate and Crazy 2nr; Track A3 written, produced and generally vomitted forth by A.Hate; Track B1 written, produced and generally vomitted forth by Sadistician and DJ Pinhead - samples provided by Ant Waltham...; Track B2 written, produced and generally vomitted forth by Sadistician and NRK; Track B3 written, produced and generally vomitted forth by Sadistician as a result of "additive"-infused ideas conceived by Sadistician, Missaw and Captain Chaos (got any gaffer tape anyone...?!?!)... All tracks hellishly mastered by Angel Enemy except track B1 which was mastered by DJ Buzz... Artwork insanely conceived by Winty Many thanks to the following: Lorraine Coxhead, Luke Pinhead, NRK, Crazy 2nr, Winty, Dale AAR, Andy Sawtooth, Wassim Centrifuge, Darren Captain Chaos, Drugzilla, Rico Disco Cunt, Rowan Lee Brains, Ant Panzram, Jon Macheeen Boi, Pensom, Speedcore Whore, Hate Division, Mortum, Hartnoise, Gritz, SpDhStE, cRAP_cILLA, pfp, Glurff and HASS-23, The Notts Collective, Leech Woman, Minister Of Death, Lordaeron, Insidious, Angel Enemy, Jadey, Tim Screamcore,Virus 136, Holly Lesporn, Klaas Veenstra, Jon D-Stroy, Junkie Kut and The Splatterkore Terror Tribe, Harm Veenstra, Boulty, Stu Dienamic, Jamie Shutler, Annie Spaz, Boki, Mattia/Albo/Viral Conspiracy, Noizefucker, Paranoizer, Melchen, Lucrezia RTK, Gabrielle RTK, Lorrenzo D-Man, Kat, , Ant Waltham, Kick Drums, Amber Leaf, Mary-Jane, Totmacha, Loffciamcore, Bad Acid Magazine, Mental D-Struction, HELL, Bing Crosby, Dave... ...If you have not been mentioned and feel you should have been, then please feel free to simply add in your name and save the file whilst maintaining the original file name and Bob's the uncle your parents always warned you about... www.soundcloud.com/hatewire666 www.myspace.com/crazy2nrrigormortis www.soundcloud.com/sadistician www.soundcloud.com/dj_pinhead1337 www.soundcloud.com/nrk-1 www.rigormortis.org.uk `.-:///////::-. .osssssoooooooo++++/-` .:+sydmmmmmmmmmmmmmmdo`d/:::::::::::::::::/+ss- -/sdmmmmmmmhymmmo++hyo:/++sh+/::ss::::::ssss:::::/d. `:sdmmmmmmm/-.` +md .``yo:::::/+ymmhyysyhmmmd:::://oy. :sdmmmdy+.-dm: R` :ds : /h:/:::::::/+osdmmysyyhdhsod+hd. `/hmmmmm:` -O `hh.-/yosdmddmy yo+mo:/::::::::/:+hoooshdmyd/sdso+` `+dmmmy/ymy` ``./ymmmmmmmdhhhy:/h::hmhhdyo/+/::///+y:::::omysdmd/oh: /dmmms.`-o:sh:ohdmmmhs+:.``````-h/:/mmmmmssyym/::s::y:/oo+hmmmmms::yy: .ymmmm+ .G`.ommmmho:`` .oy/:::mmmm+::+/yh::os:ydmmmmmmdmmmy::h+so :dmmh/shy- -ymmmdo-` .:+ooooss+++++shmmyydmh/yy:++ohdhhyo/://-ymh+:/h+ +mmmd: I:yhmmmh/` .yo+/:::::::::::::/shmmmm/oms+:om-:oo/-`-hh/:oyhos` +mmmsyhy/.:dmmd+` ss::::::+y/::::::::::+hmhss+hs+yo.dd- ./hmmdy:.` +mmm/ .//dmmmy. yo:::::::+yyooo+//:::::ddsy `//.`ymmd+osm:.smmd- -mmm/ `R -smmmo` .d::::::/sssdmmmmdyo:yhsodom .hmmmo - `ymmd` `hmmm+-` `ymmmo oy::::::osooymmmms:/odmy+hyo `oo+/----`.ydmo /mmmmmmdyymmmy -ss:::::::::/+smmmmd/:/ohh/hss` `-/oooo++ohdho:+d. hmmmmmmmmmmmm. +y/:::::::::::::smmmmy::::+o/:os+ooshs//:::::/ymmmd-+o .mmmmmmmmmmmms .d::::::::::::::::dmmmmdyyyhmyo::::::/+::::/oohmmmmh:/d :mmmmyyydmmmm: oy::::::::::::::::smmmmmmmmms/::::::::::::+dhs+::/+//dm` +mmmd. ommmm- +y::::::::::::::::::mmmmmmmmy::::::://://os+/+sh- -dmmm. +mmmm. `smmmm- :h:::::::::::::::::::dmmmmmmyoyhhhyyhssso/-`/dmmm/ /mmmm. :mmmdooohmmmm: -h/::::::::::::::::::+mmmmmmmmmmmmmmdh+-` smmmmooosmmmm` .mmmmmmmmmmmms -h/:::::::::::::::::/smmmmmmmmmmmmmo-.` dmmmmmmmmmmmd hmmmmmmmmmmmm. :h/:::::::::::::::::+dmmmmmmmmmmmmy- /mmmmmmmmmmmmo /mmmmmmmmmmmmy` `d/:::::::::::::::::ommmmmmmmmmmds- .dmmmmmmmmmmmm. hmmmmhs+-:dmmo os:::::::::::::::/+ymmmmmmmddho:. `hmmy-+dhdmmmmo -mmmd. R -dmmsss:::::::///+osyhhdmmmmdo/:-.` .hmmh` S` +mmmd` /mmmh/ - /mmmd/::::/oyddmmmmmmmmmh+:` :dmmd+.:- -dmmd- +mmmy`/oss/hmmms//ymmmmmmmmmmmmm+` .smmmo./sds/dmmm: +mmmdd+. .hmmmdmmmmmmmmmmmmmm/ .odmmdy:`I .ymmmd- :dmmd/`-Iy/-sdmmmmmmmmmmmmmd: `:smmmd+` /ds/smmmh. .ymmmdm+` .`.ommmmmmmmmmmd- `./sdmmmmo` T /ymmmmmo` /dmmmo- G:/-yyydmmmmmmm+-```````````.-/oshmmmmho:/h/oo`:hmmmy- `+dmmmy-`om+ `-+hmmmmmmmddhhhhhhdmmmmmmmmm+- .` /dmmdmmmh: `/hmmmmmo .O :m//+sydmmmmmmmmmmmyo/:..do R..-ommmmy: -sdmmmho:` :mo -` hh.`.y.``od` O` -my.:ymmmmd+. `:sdmmmmhmm:``R +mo M :mo `.-/mmmmmmho- ./sdmmmmmddsoyms::y:s+:+mmyhdmmmmmho/. `-/oydmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhyo/-` `.-:://////::-.`