a journey 2 free traxxx
@waseda sabaco FMP.zip
BPM130 - 255

mrs.jynx	/ martian	
the centrifuge	http://www.missaw.com/blog/?p=317

miii / subculture subculture subculture
shushu records	http://shushurecords.com/002/	

politru	/ relaxx
altema records	http://www.altemarecords.jp/07.html

gassyoh / bishop
maltine records	http://maltinerecords.cs8.biz/77.html

naco / beat per acid
vol.4 records	http://www.otherman-records.com/releases/VL4OTMN_001

oxynucid / ph 6.6
the centrifuge	http://www.thecentrifuge.co.uk/_wp/2009/02/cf016-oxynucid-ph-series-6-5-ep/

madmaid /	waar lech dat dan
maltine records	http://maltinerecords.cs8.biz/69.html

retrigger	comancho! /
cock rock disco	http://www.cockrockdisco.com/CRD2/albumpages/Crockp3-018.html

capslock down	/ hardcore hero

murderah / the haunted boy
day of the droids	http://www.archive.org/details/Murdarah-TheHauntedBoy-Dotd006

cc inc. / le increible cafecore
sociopath recordings	http://www.archive.org/details/SRmp3_134

swampyboy / hollow hans requiem (chipmix)
sociopath recordings	http://www.archive.org/details/SRmp3_123

ijo / grom kast
sutemos	http://www.archive.org/details/Ijo-Selektidasutemos026

scheme boy / kiss my abyss
cock rock disco	http://www.cockrockdisco.com/CRD2/albumpages/Crockp3-006.html

parasite /now get ill
death$ucker records	http://soundcloud.com/parasitexxxx/parasite-now-get-ill

dj donna summer / jump off a rock  (soundbites rock rock rock remix)
cock rock disco	http://www.cockrockdisco.com/CRD2/albumpages/Crockp3-007.html

beastie boys / super disco breakin' (acapella)

ebi1000 / game over from pocky & rocky abremix(奇々怪界 -謎の黒マント-)(edit)

silvanian families / good morning, sir (iserobin remix)
maltine records	http://maltinerecords.cs8.biz/78.html

chopchop / acid mistake
sociopath recordings	http://www.archive.org/details/SRmp3_102

sub-69 / axel momotaro densetsu f

michael j rocks / sexydecimal
ninja columbo (zombfree)	http://ninjacolumbo.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/ninja-columbo-ZoMbFrEe-2.rar