========================================================= NTR098 : Loffciamcore - Extreme Brainrape ========================================================= 01. Zero Gravity 02. White Noise Suicide 03. Distorted Hate Cult 04. Napalm Enema Into Your Mouth 05. Bullet For My Harshead 06. Harsh Voices In My Head 07. Mindbreaker! 08. H.U.M. Ritual ========================================================= All tracks (c)opyright 2014 by Loffciamcore, licensed by Night Terror Recordings. Art & design (c)opyright 2014 by Loffciamcore,licensed by Night Terror Recordings. ========================================================= This release is free to share and distribute on a non-profit basis under the terms of a Creative Commons Attrribution 3.0 Unported International License. ========================================================= http://www.nightterrorrecordings.com http://nightterrorrecordings.blogspot.com.au/ http://www.loffciamcore.npx.pl =========================================================