======================================================== NTR096 : Noistruct - Sacrilege ======================================================== 01.Sacrilege 11:58 02.Sacrilege (Sacrificial Ceremony Mix) 10:41 03.Sacrilege RMX 04:19 ======================================================== ** BONUS REMIX PACK ** 04.Sacrilege Atmospherics Stem 12:14 05.Sacrilege Beats 07:55 ======================================================== All tracks constructed by Boris Otterdam at ESPACE, West Footscracy, Melbourne on Halloween 2013. The remix pack is free to use, if you remix the track then please email a copy to noistruct@hotmail.com Artwork by Boris Otterdam. All tracks & artwork (c)opyright 2014 by Boris Otterdam, licensed by Night Terror Recordings. ======================================================== This release is free to share and distribute on a non-profit basis under the terms of a Creative Commons Attrribution 3.0 Unported International License. ========================================================