============================================== NTR069 : Cloned For Eternity - Warrior Blood. ============================================== Words are unnecessary if they're just there to cover blanks of spaces. Frustrations & worrying is pointless, obeying is useless, and every war we fought being meaningless. I admit that I never went to the moon exploring space and don't know what beholds on the other side of the crater when we die here however I wouldn't dare pollute minds with my own views of imagination suggesting it's real. Dragging others in or collecting souls will only reveal the true nature of this agenda as you watch your kids report every action they take fading away from outside activities. Their numbingness towards us will shatter the illusion and this time we won't have to move a muscle. Long live James Randi, the people that still know how to love and care. And everything that's beautiful and precious we'll protect. Nothing is worse then driving a sane mind into choas of anger feasting on their mysery. It is what I call "fucking with the wrong individual" as he or she will strike back with greater force and power. At the end of the night they'll be begging to join yet little will they know that recruiting into groups doesn't exist anymore. For every witch that we capture, they'll be forced to grow fungi under each tree. I never met a stupid human yet. They're all equally smart & creative in their own way just that some are hypnotised and others to busy in their own realm of what's important & what's not. Paragraphs mean nothing if you don't deliver the goods and get to the point right away. Easy to recognize as they disguise yet a wolf can sense the danger from miles away. For every sword that breaks, replacing won't be an issue because we multiple like ants yet working hard for the right purpose of keeping all living safe & warm. A true definition of freedom & peace without any jerks in suits and ties selling you lies with political management views. A woman or man without a bit of fear will only get burned in the fire or drown in a small pool of water. Cherish your life and don't let them corrupt you with daily consumption of poison. We don't need to tell ourselves that things are bad, as if that's the way things are suppose to be. Stand your ground and scream out mad saying "I'm a human being and now!!!!.... get ready for the real nightmare. Remember that none of you are alone and it's only the gloomy sad vibes that make things seem that way. Mad as or worse then hell taking everything they used against us and just sticking it far down up their asshole. Pitty peasants eating the corpses of valuble queens & kings that shouldn't be there in the first place. I ask you, what have the royals or religion done to stop poverty? They've been more busy blasting subliminal messages through our tv sets and radio saying "go back to sleep humans, maybe things will turn out better tomorrow". And yet it's very blatant. Their decisions affect our lifes 24/7 because debt equals slavery. Fuck you and your economy crisis & the war on terror. We've woken up and smelled the roses on day one at the delivery bed growing up as children on the search for fun and happiness. Long live Pink Floyd cause yeah, teachers should just leave the children alone and stop cultivating them with garbage that will never stimulate minds with positive results. No need to categorize people into groups either because today it's allah, tomorrow it will be jesus and the day after that will be aliens yet no promising evidence that we can hold on to indicating that "yes this is where the light is". Instead we get a lot of everything and the confused wondering what's really happening which works out perfect for those that harvest the innocent. I was a born figher, always picked on the bullies knowing that if I let them pick on me or others, things will only get worse because in their eyes I've seen how they scan for weakness taking advantage. Most of my friends came out of broken homes and so if your parents never got along and split up, I'm not suprised. Greed, money & selfishness got the most of many as they loot and plunder from their own yet not willing to go after the root of cause. Victory is ours, winning everyday & night, warrior blood. 1. No Shield Strong Enough 05:25 2. Giving Love A Great Name 03:32 3. Burning Inside 04:21 4. Imprisoned Mind Thinking It's Free 04:48 5. Sword Lessons 02:57 6. Metaparadigm 02:08 All tracks (c)opyright 2011 by Cloned For Eternity & Night Terror Recordings. All artwork (c)opyright 2011 by Cloned For Eternity, Mattia Travaglini & Night Terror Recordings. This release is free to share under the terms of aCreative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Australia License. Selling of this release without the permission of the artists & Night Terror Recordings is strictly forbidden and will result in extreme torture followed by a very painful death. ================================================