Herv "Not figuratively, but literally in love with Music..." www.cockrockdisco.com Thanks and love to: Jason Forrest, Meljoann Ryan, Lisa Crowne, Barry and Mick at Richter, Paul at Acroplane, Declan Brennan, Jivin' Ivan Ruane, Sarah Quinn, Sarah Usher, Helen Early, Dj Welfare, Barra, Reddy, Sixfoot Apprentice, Finn, Tracy, Bronagh, Kaboogie, Seomra Spraoi, Darren and Mark Malone, PCP, Krossie, Watts, Richie Rolfe, My family, Brian Nexus, Mischa Grae, Psymonok, Hands up who wants to die, Squarehead, Gestammel, JC, Johnny Doobs, Box Social people, Alex, Steve, Don and all Rathlin/Audioterrorists posse, John Thalamus, Ed Devane, Sunil, Aoife Nic Canna, Pete @ Curfew Festival, Goto80, Not Squares, Adebisi Shank and anyone who asks me to play their house parties or gigs. Special thanks to The Vinny Club for the pad sample on Thy Totalities and bass n' chip samples on Seequinn. All music by Herv, written and recorded at Redbridge April - July 09. Design by iheartwillies www.myspace.com/iheartwillies www.myspace.com/a4sounds The large file that comes with this album is a poster which should be printed A0 size. You can stick it on your wall, OR alternatively you can cut it up and make it into a cool little box to hold the cdr which you might burn this release onto! To make the box follow these instructions: 1. Print the Image marked "Album Cover - Poster for Printing" at size A0. It might cost you a bit but it'll look great! 2. At the bottom of the image there are 2 large crosses which have all the album information on them. Cut these chaps out. At the top of the second cross (on the right hand side) theres a picture of a belly with the letter "U" drawn on it. Cut around the dark line and seperate this top bit from the rest of the cross. You now should have 3 pieces. 3. Glue the second cross on top of the first cross but don't put any glue on the back of the panel of the second cross which has the track listing on it. When the glue is dry you'll be able to slide the cdr into that space. 4) Fold the entire piece into a box shape and glue the tabs into position. Don't glue any of the tabs on the top of the box (which has the tick boxes "Figuratively" and "Literally" printed on it) but stick the final 3rd piece (with the belly "U" on it) underneath. 5) There are visual instructions in the blog section at www.myspace.com/iheartwillies 6) Tah-dah! For more free music see the releases section at www.myspace.com/hervmusic For bookings, queries or if you just want to chat please message me on myspace or email to: herv@riscrecords.com Keep this music free and spread this release as far as you can! Bests Ewan Herv