'the end' was originally intended to cover one entire face of a 12" record, which could yet happen (please write me if you want it to happen, with the end as the subject: vorpalmusic@gmail.com) 'the end' contains some riffs borrowed from elsewhere, notably: Schumann, Mendelssohn, and some record scratching from DJ DAV of Montreal. It was mastered by me at la Société des arts technologiques in Montréal. 'The Self-Deploying Flower Entity decomposes into quietude' contains a sample of "Father Lucifer" from Tori Amos. The other tracks were mastered in my home on the increasingly decrepit pc that produced all of my previous work, and they do not contain samples other than the ones that I made them of and some generic drum breaks. If you enjoy this music please join my mailing list at www.vorpalmusic.com so that I can let you know when I publish more. Also, selling your information to corporations is the only way I can feed myself at this point. (Yes, dear Reader, that was indeed intended humorously). My thanks to everyone that is taking the time to read this, to my friends, to the remixers and Jason Forrest in particular for hosting and promoting this music. the above text was lovingly compiled by the Verbosity Engine v.1.03. track listing: (Note that these free versions are Layer3-ACM mp3s at 44100 KHz, 192 kbps.) 0. the end 1. the self-deploying flower entity decomposes into quietude 2. a truncated 3. further ruminations on a theme from the first track of my last album 4. emotional subsistence 5. some sort of travel theme 6. gymnopédie remix remix - Mothboy 7. autechnicolorschranz remix - Jason Forrest 8. crash up against the inevitable - Tatu on the Sun Cardopusher remix tell your friends and feel free to share as widely as possible... www.cockrockdisco.com