Я стараюсь передать в музыке свои чувства,мысли,пытаюсь что-то рассказать и делаю я это больше не для себя, а для идеи найти в нас всех что-то общее,идеи в стремлении к друг другу... 1 - with prison cell was embraced* - intro 2 - with prison cell was embraced* - please take me away 3 - with prison cell was embraced* - sweet boys 4 - with prison cell was embraced* - from 50 to 15 5 - with prison cell was embraced* - the eyes from Moscow 6 - with prison cell was embraced* - i have nowhere to go 7 - with prison cell was embraced* - my world is collapsing 8 - with prison cell was embraced* - nobody can love 9 - with prison cell was embraced* - life 10 - with prison cell was embraced* - you are so far 11 - with prison cell was embraced* - you can believe me, but i can die 12 - with prison cell was embraced* - sound from sun 13 - with prison cell was embraced* - i wanted to say something 14 - with prison cell was embraced* - what is art? 15 - with prison cell was embraced* - you near 16 - with prison cell was embraced* - hesperus (bonus track) 17 - with prison cell was embraced* - outro