Tracklist: 1 | Science Fiction 2 | Wired 3 | Dark Shivers 4 | Area Azure 5 | Fault 6 | Grin 7 | Deeper Still 8 | Fault (Soft Sub) 9 | Blood, Milk, and Sky (Kikaruu Dubstep Remix) Running time: 49:56 This is a blend of dubstep, drum and bass, and ambient. Make of that what you will. =] ==== Hej, everyone! Thanks for downloading this copy of my ninth album, "Area Azure." It's named after track four, which was named as such because of the feel of the main synth line. That's all there is to it, really. Remember, if you like what you hear, please don't hesitate to send this album (and my others) along to those you know -- friends, family, complete strangers... Whoever you can. It's all free, remember. I'd like to have as many people as possible hear this. If you like it, someone else may, too. So, spread the word! == Quite a few samples and VSTs were royalty free, and came from various people who put their work up for free (just like this album!) and expect nothing back but thanks. So thanks to: my family and friends, Tokyo Animation, ERH, totya, the Winstons, God, Renoise, Itchy/pjbridger, DSK Music,, Steinberg Cubase GmbH VST technology, the WONDERFUL team who created Renoise, the helpful feedback of the Renoise Boards, the great advice of those on dubstepforum, the respect and feedback from those on, the awesome people who let me live in their house (and cover the walls in aluminum foil) Plus so many others whose advice and personal work have helped me loads. These are special thanks to the people who helped, who are also the people who matter. You know you are. 'Til we meet again, may your listening be exciting. ~Kikaruu