Sadistic Hate Vs Yudlugar : Keep Away From Children... With the demonic pairing of Sadistic Hate and Yudlugar the sound of the apocalypse will ring in the ears of believer and non-believer alike. Dark, fierce, thrashingly epic terror and speedcore with black metal influences crammed into every available orifice. Tracklist: 01] Sadistic Hate - We create wonderful music 02] Yudlugar - Doesn't make sense (Sadistic Hate's Alle tod remix) 03] Darkthrone - Wreak (Sadistic Hate's Cold grim terror mix) 04] Yudlugar - Crack butcher (Sadistic Hate's I am death mix) 05] Yudlugar - Fist (Sadistic Hate's ...And I fucking well mean 5 minutes mix) 06] Yudlugar - Bathed in unicorns 07] Yudlugar - Diseased 08] HateWire - Antichrist (Yudlugar remix) 09] HateWire - Priestophile (Yudlugar remix) 10] Yudlugar - Die, die, die -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Track 01 demonically conceived by Sadistic Hate with the help of a sample stolen from the film "Bad Boy Bubby" (go watch it..!); Track 02 blasphemically conceived by Yudlugar and demonically deconstructed by Sadistic Hate; Track 03 hellishly conceived by Darkthrone and sadistically reformed by Sadistic Hate on request of WDMS; Tracks 04 and 05 blasphemically conceived by Yudlugar and demonically deconstructed by Sadistic Hate; Tracks 06 and 07 blasphemically conceived by Yudlugar; Tracks 08 and 09 infernally conceived by HateWire and blasphemically deconstructed by Yudlugar; Track 10 blasphemically conceived by Yudlugar. All mastering undertaken from beyond the stellar filth by Capta1n Cha0s Sadistic Hate and Yudlugar send grim impious greetings to the following: Capta1n Cha0s and the BCR crew, Neil and Legs Akimbo Recs, Whit-Killer, Crazy 2nr/Lorraine/Pinhead and the Rigor crew, AngelEnemy, Bonehead, cRAP_cILLA, WDMS, Dale The Reaper and AAR, Disco Cunt, CoreCaine, Junkie Kut, Pressterror, Scrubber Fox, Melchen and Anus Monus Recs, Matt Bleak and NTR, Winty, Annie the spaz, Sociopath Recs, Psychopath and, Drugzilla, Stu Toolin, Gritz, Miss Agitate, Speecore Whore, Prince Of Darkness, Cerberus, DJ Pinhead (you rock dude!!!!!), Jack Schmaltz, Kezza, Viral Conspiracy Recs, Mental D-Struction, SATAN, Nuh, Mindgrrind, Pentadrvg, Mindgrind and Splatterkore, Nihil Interit, Trash N Core, Kid Corrrupt, The Xenaxium, Digicore, Tooms, Gorean Slave Master, Rigamortis, any other fucker whom we might happen to have missed for which we (un)profously appologise!!!! WE WILL KILL YOU ALL ONCE WE'RE IN CHARGE!!! All material on this fucking release is fucking copyright via Creative Commons jazz to Braincore Recordings and Legs Akimbo Records.* This release is totally free - DO NOT PAY FOR THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Aside from the samples we have blatantly stolen and do not plan on paying royalties for!!! Ha!!!! ...And finally: WE HOPE YOU SUFFER AS A RESULT OF LISTENING TO THIS HELL-NOISE!!!!!!! 666 HAILS TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Released by Braincore Recordings and Legs Akimbo Records in Sepember 2013 under a Creative Commons License. For more information and downloads visit the website, Cat No: BC_040 / LEGS-NET 046