BC_033 Kuntpuncher - A Letter from a Fish 01] dial r for rape (the love machines part 1) 02] the spastic whisperer 03] 3] jesus aint got shit on me & roHYPNOl 04] alien whoretopsy 05] holeless simpson 06] naked in the woods 07] programmed to make you cum (the love machines part 2) 08] mystery wine 09] less talk more falk 10] Mr Mac 11] we took your drugs 12] hey donny, everyone thinks your songs are super balls 13] a letter from a fish 14] a change of heart A sleazy, 'fuck me', horrorfest, breakcore and metal's bastard son after a filthy night spent in the dingiest of motels. Don't forget to wipe your cock on the tablecloth on the way out. Released by Braincore Recordings in September 2012 under a Creative Commons License. For more information and downloads visit the website, www.braincore.co.uk. www.braincore.co.uk Cat No: BC_033