Ahlgul Ouijaha - outro to finale 01 in scintillations opaque.mp3 7:59 02 kid-o chant to krystiall glass.mp3 1:06 03 ahh, initiation in click and key minor..mp3 4:41 04 CD Track 04.mp3 6:46 05 looping is progress in static.mp3 3:00 06 metempsychosis of prior marble the sixth.mp3 6:44 07 pesadilla en las nyubes.mp3 6:43 08 plethora alegre for carousel.mp3 6:41 09 prime desires of fetus rainbow.mp3 8:00 10 a birthgrave for house.mp3 10:25 11 samples of pieces in the 555nm spectral range.mp3 7:24 12 welkin star outside.mp3 7:36 Total time: 77:05 ALL TRACKS WRITED AND PRODUCED BY AHLGUL OUIJAHA RELEASE NO. AREA002 2007 (C) AMENOREA NETLABEL HTTP://AMENOREA.C8.COM