Hey, everyone! Thanks for downloading this copy of "Lolistep"! It's been a lot of fun making music, but life beckons... So, I'm going to have to take a break for a while. I'll be back, though. I just need to take care of a few things. It's the people like you who remind us artists why we make music -- so people like you can enjoy it. And if you're an artist, you know that feeling. So thanks! And if you like what you hear, please, please, please son't hesitate to send this album (and my others) along to friends, family, complete strangers... Whoever you can. I'd like to have as many people as possible hear this. Not for ego kicks. Simply because if you like it, someone else may, too. Special thanks to the people who helped, and the people who matter. A lot of the samples on this album are from various series (e.g. Lucky Star, Clannad). If it weren't for you guys, I'd have never heard of those series (I grew up on cyberpunk, not cute slice-of-life/shoujo, which is what I'm into these days). And a lot of samples and VSTs were royalty free, and came from various people who put their work up for free (like this album!) and expect nothing back but thanks. So thanks to: my family (and friends), Nick Whitehurst, Patchen, the Winstons, Russell Borogove, Keith303, God, Itchy/pjbridger, DSK Music (I firggin' love those atmospheric synths!), mda ind., dmi (Flutes!), Smart Electronics, NoiseDEV, Exponent Digital, Jack DARK Plugins, the FISH Fillets suite, Xavier Hosxe, Allesandro Gallo, Tweakbench (!!!), Steinberg Cubase, the WONDERFUL team who created Renoise, the helpful feedback of the Renoise Boards, the great advice of those on dubstepforum And many, many others whose work has helped me. If I stand tall, it's on the shoulders of giants. Till we meet again, may your listening be exciting.