There you go! A bunch of the last GHETTOLOLITECH trash and overall unreleased garbage that i did until i went more serious with production, also a bunch of cringey pretentious collage that i did when i was a sad fuck in 2016. If you dont know, im Esca-chan, the creator of the GHETTOLOLITECH project, that for me now is nothing but a curse, a awful project full of trash, poorly mixed, cringey etc. If you dont follow me on social media, I discontinued the GHETTOLOLITECH project for good, since im not much fond of it and focused studying production in late 2017 and wanted to take a more serious route to my music other than "lol fun musics", and continuing a shitty joke project is dumb. Fuck, im a sellout, how dare me to take a more serious route!!! :3c Follow my Bandcamp for better stuff other than this bunch of garbage: btw you lost The Game (and If youre reading this youre gay)