SHIT UP FOOL Track List 1, みくみくにしていくぞ![していくぞ] - Cyte 2, Conflict of Rights - Cyte 3, popopopoopoppoppooopon - Cyte 4, The memories of MTK - Cyte 5, Open the nExt - Rbm Noise Ensemble 6, 初音ミクとRbm Noise Ensamble - Rbm Noise Ensemble 7, 夏風 / Summer Breeze - Cyte 8, Liveset @SHIN-KUSOIKORE Shinjuku Be-WAVE '18 0722 Liveset Track List 1, Conflict of Rights - Cyte 2, popopopoopoppoppooopon - Cyte 3, UTADA & 泣きます - pencil 4, Hello Meow - Squarepusher 5, みくみくにしていくぞ![していくぞ] - Cyte 6, 獣姦・搾精・とらのあな - †新感覚獣姦魔法少女☆マジカル褐色ロリエルフ† 7, Heisei Internet AllstarZ!!!!!! - Cyte 8, こちら、Born Slippy委員会です。 - Cyte 9, My Name Is Ayane Fukumi - Ayane Fukumi 10, Wanna Fxxk the Waves - sabi_c 11, Honey's Whip - Cyte 12, 夏風 / Summer Breeze - Cyte 13, The memories of MTK - Cyte Thank you for DL! At Shin-Kusoikore, I did a soulfull act from your surpport. And I apologize for I can't broadcast them well on Fb due to bad Wi-fi environment(many people came so can't connect! good things) This Liveset is not include audience's fuss in other words you can concentrate only musick haha I keep doing. Enjoy! Cytekinesis bandcmp Cyte SoundCloud