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folderCoping Mechanism - lo1n4ry2022-03-31 12:03
fileBaracuda.mp32022-03-31 12:021131 KB
fileCoping mechanism - all that he showed me.mp32022-03-31 12:022631 KB
filecuddling sounds so comfy to me.mp32022-03-31 12:021442 KB
fileDancing uncontrollably.mp32022-03-31 12:021825 KB
fileHyperfixation on my ceiling to counter act the desire to harm myself.mp32022-03-31 12:023136 KB
filei have to focusssssssssssssssssssssssssss,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.mp32022-03-31 12:022988 KB
filei love you.mp32022-03-31 12:032056 KB
fileI want love.mp32022-03-31 12:032521 KB
fileIFearLosingItAll.mp32022-03-31 12:032447 KB
fileIm going to kill myself after berlin..mp32022-03-31 12:032268 KB
fileim thinking miku miku.mp32022-03-31 12:032330 KB
filekkkkkk.mp32022-03-31 12:032158 KB
filelets get drunkā™„.mp32022-03-31 12:031683 KB
fileLisa und Kleo.mp32022-03-31 12:032365 KB
filemind.mp32022-03-31 12:03866 KB
filemy arms are crying because they miss you.mp32022-03-31 12:031752 KB
fileMy heart stops everytime she looks at me.mp32022-03-31 12:032412 KB
fileNoise in my head.mp32022-03-31 12:032945 KB
fileOnly Girl.mp32022-03-31 12:032979 KB
fileout of reasons to push these feelings aside.mp32022-03-31 12:031569 KB
filete amo.mp32022-03-31 12:032717 KB
filethoughts about an angel who came from paradise to fall in love with me.mp32022-03-31 12:031413 KB
filetreating myself tenderly c .mp32022-03-31 12:03616 KB