Special thanks to HaruMKT, Yuzu & The VGM instrument Discord for helping out with identifying samples.
Firstly, I want to thank all the contribuitors - this list wouldn't have been possible without their help.

Secondly, the list of synths below is just to help research - not having to look at every single synthesizer released is a very helpful thing, I promise. While this list doesn't account for any other Capcom games, you can use the resources here to base your own research for other Capcom games if you wish. This list is based on findings and other known facts about Capcom's library of synthesizers/samplers.

If you know of a sample's source location, please let me know (DM me on discord @ MelonadeM-#2612 (remove the dash) or DM me somewhere on the internet ( It would be super helpful if you included the patch name too. Thank you.
(if you want to edit this sheet, feel free to request, but PLEASE include who you are and what exactly do you want to help with)
Roland S-50Capcom confirmed they had one in an interview, a lot of the samples line up with patches on the RSB disks. It's possible that they had the factory CD instead.
Korg T1/M1?Capcom supposedly had one that they used for arcade games, it would make sense if they used it here as well. A lot of SNES devkit samples also sample the M1 sounds, though
Korg 01/WCapcom had to have one, as sounds from the 01/W are present in Mega Man X1 for the drums. (Maybe this came from a M1 card instead? TO DO)
Akai S900Some of the drum samples in Mega Man 7 are Linn 9000 drum samples. The Akai S900 PSL9025 drums line up more with what Capcom would have had back in the day, and the overall tone seems to match better than pure Linn 9000 samples.
Yamaha SY22The clap sample has been found on the Legowelt SY22 sample pack - I am unsure if this is where the sample originates, if it's on the synth at all, or what patch is it part of. Perhaps more sounds were from this synth?
Roland JV-1080Capcom had a JV-1080 that they used a lot in arcade and PSX games, but I'm unsure if they had it as soon as it launched, or if they got it sometime during/after this game. Worth looking into regardless. Some tones from MM7 sound like they come from the JV, but the tones are rather simple..
Roland U-220Some sounds from this thing ended up being used in other Capcom games, like Mega Man X2 and X3. While it's possible that the sounds used from this module were actually from the S-50, the one other thing pushing this as worth researching is the Rockman promo VHS from 1992 (showcasing Mega Man 5, Mega Man 3 GB and the board game), which has a ton of patches only used in the U-20 (110/220) used across all the demo tracks. Some D-50/D-70 patches can also be heard? Might be worth looking into

Further research suggests they also used one heavily in their arcade games, such as Super Street Fighter 2.
Roland D-50Can be heard in the same source as the U-220. The cover/demo theme for Napalm Man uses a patch that's very similar to Shamus Theme on the D-50 (albeit modified to turn off Partial #2 and quicker release).
Korg 05R/WSome of the samples here are used in Mega Man 8 (like the snare and the vox, they come from this). This is unlikely to have been used if Capcom had the 01R/W, however there is a slap bass on the unit that sounds similar in tone to the slap bass used in this game (Also on the X5DR)
Original Sample
Synth/libraryPatch nameNotesAuthor/Discoverer
Additive CycleSince this is a basic, single-cycle waveform, it could be from any synth that has a pure simple wave like this in a patch.N/A
Bell PadN/A
ClavHaru thinks this might be the Bank01 Disk03 clavinet with the EQ on the high end cranked up. This is close, but no cigar (looking at a waveform comparison at least). It could be a harpsichord patch
Elec. Guitar StratRoland S-50 RSB Sound LibraryBank02 Disk10 Clean StratMel
Fretless BassRoland S-50 RSB Sound LibraryBank01 Disk06 Fretless B.1Mel
Lead Guitar
MIDI KeysRoland S-50 RSB Sound LibraryBank06 Disk08 Midi BellsThis sample showed up in other Capcom games, such as UN Squadron. This may be a SNES Devkit sample rather than them sampling it from the S50 directlyYuzuMSX
Rhythm GuitarOnly shows up in prototype/unused tracks.
SawtoothRoland JV-1080?JP8 SAW ASince this is a basic, single-cycle waveform, it could be from any synth that has a pure simple wave like this in a patch. The JV sound though comes closest in terms of tone, at least to the naked ear.HaruMKT
Sine waveSince this is a basic, single-cycle waveform, it could be from any synth that has a pure simple wave like this in a patch.
Slap Bass
Square WaveRoland JV-1080?JP8 SQUARE A2Since this is a basic, single-cycle waveform, it could be from any synth that has a pure simple wave like this in a patch. The JV sound though comes closest in terms of tone, at least to the naked ear.HaruMKT
SupersawRoland S-50 (Unsure which libraries)S-50_FatMIDI5.wav?I found this on the L-CD1 library, unsure where this is specifically located on the R-SB libraries. Also it doesn't match up 1:1, but I don't know what else they could've used besides maybe a 01/w.N/A
Synth BassRoland U-220?T-36 Syn. Bass 4?Unconfirmed, but it sounds close. The SNES sample sounds darker, waveform doesn't match either. Could be a different synth bass tone though (from a different device)Mel
Synth Brass 1Roland S-50 RSB Sound LibraryBank07 Disk02 OB BrassMel
Synth Brass 2Roland S-50 RSB Sound LibraryBank01 Disk02 JX-10 SynbowMel
Synth String 1Roland S-50 RSB Sound LibraryBank07 Disk02 OB StringsMel
Synth String 2Roland S-50 RSB Sound LibraryBank01 Disk02 JP-8 Strgs 1Pitched up quite a bitMel
Thin Pulse WaveRoland U-220?I know the U220 has a thin pulse sample. To do: research
VoxRoland S-50 RSB Sound LibraryBank07 Disk01 Female OOOHA few patches on the S-50 disks make use of the specific sound sample, I just picked one out of them allMel
ClapYamaha SY22
i don't know it's just labeled Clapsy61.wav
I literally found this by accident, to do: Find the actual patch on the synth that this is from. Can it be found on anything other than the SY22?Mel
CrashAkai S900 (or Linn 9000)PSL9025 LinnDrumsMel
KickLinn Linndrum/9000?There's a kick on either of these machines that sound identical to the kick used in Mega Man 7, but this kick is absent from the Akai S900 disk. Patch settings are unknown as neither of us own a proper Linn drum machine.HaruMKT
Hi-hatAkai S900 (or Linn 9000)PSL9025 LinnDrumsMel
Ride CymbRoland R8?Labeled Ride1.wavThis could also be any other device that has this sample. It doesn't match perfectly.Mel
Snare DrumAkai S900 (or Linn 9000)PSL9025 LinnDrumsThe raw sample isn't compressed/limited - The composers must have run the sample through a compressor or limiter before conversion to get more volume out of it.Mel/HaruMKT
TomAkai S900 (or Linn 9000)PSL9025 LinnDrumsMel