D.J.SOUND VOLUME13: Straight Fire http://cdbaby.com/cd/djsoundvolume13 1 - Feeling Crunk (Riggy Rounds Remix Intro) 2 - Straight Fire 3 - Trifling Alley 4 - Handgun With Hollows 5 - Robbery Keeps Me Strong 6 - The Money Motive 7 - In This B (Jazzy Remix) 8 - Walking Car Show 9 - Fuck da Law Hey this that straight fire! Once again the click is in the house. Another D.j. Sound Productions, remember you heard it first right here on Cd baby. We bring to you the raw, the rare, and the unheard. Thanks for supporting the volume 12. now thanks to you, we're able to bring you this new smash bomb hit junt, Volume 13 STRAIGHT FIRE. Be on the lookout for the volume14, the more we receive support on your end the more interviews videos and music By D.j.sound we can bring you. More click bangers and new releases by D.j.Sound on the new stuff with more then a 4 track better drum machines bigger samplers coming soon. Just keep doing what youre doing bumping that D.j.Sound, collecting our classic vintage. be it tapes Og tapes, wax, Hardcopy CDs, Downloads from Amazon and iTunes, iTunes match cloud or Americas, Apple music, iTunes Radio, and we will bring you volume after volume solos by dirt gold Money and red(+Bay)ya dig? we keep something up our sleeves. if our CDs are sold out when you see this (if it says cd isn't available then that means this junt is sold out) click the link above to the left or upper right (or lower left lower right) that says click here to buy Cd. From now on we are going to be giving you, the loyal supporter, a cheap price and discount. it just get better and better and buy volume 15 this shit is going to be thick Click here to buy CDs http://kunaki.com/MSales.asp?PublisherId=111370 Buy our Cassette Tapes and much more from our ebay store http://www.ebay.com/usr/frayserclick Check out Our website http://www.frayserclick.com Click here to watch our Film "Straight outta Frayser" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xmjwIqTMgM