Drawings pulled from Clonepa's art blog: http://cowfuture.tumblr.com and twitter: https://twitter.com/clonepa_ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- tumblr_mjkmf8ah971s8rugfo1_1280.jpg tumblr_mjkmf8ah971s8rugfo2_1280.jpg tumblr_mjkmf8ah971s8rugfo3_1280.jpg tumblr_mjkmf8ah971s8rugfo4_1280.jpg tumblr_mjkmf8ah971s8rugfo5_1280.jpg 03/12/2013: "a progression of work in progress shots of a ram skull I started a few months ago but never finished, someday I might finish it~" tumblr_mjkngoZ9331s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 03/12/2013: "And here’s something else. I’m not particularly proud of this but I need to at least post a few things as a starting point to use as a marker to judge future improvement by." tumblr_mk5db3uaKQ1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 03/24/2013: "I drew this as a joke (which is why it has that tacky gold frame) but I had a fun time with it!" tumblr_mk8uwrLe2p1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 03/25/2013: "here’s wario as a jojo character" tumblr_mkaug3UVcv1s8rugfo1_540.png 03/26/2013: "i drew this because https://twitter.com/clonepa_/status/316582099580776448" twitter: "i wanna practice drawing some more so first person who responds i will draw your twitter av or something else entirely if your av sucks" twitter request: "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BGS7S_qCQAAgFU6.png" tumblr_mkwhh7D3Na1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 04/07/2013: "as per usual https://twitter.com/mikesacco/status/317017128299532288" tumblr_ml0aarafBa1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 04/09/2013: "yup https://twitter.com/CelestialBeard/status/320986555823058944" tumblr_ml8bnyTFU31s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 04/14/2013: "another thing for a twitter pal, I wasn’t familiar with this character beforehand but she seems pretty neat" tumblr_ml8f6j09PU1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 04/14/2013: "here’s a doodle for someone" tumblr_mlja8rxYjX1s8rugfo1_1280.png 04/19/2013: "As usual, my interpretation of someone’s avatar. this person has one of those cute-lookin square face avatars that are popular now." tumblr_mlodb7jJ3N1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 04/22/2013: "I revisited that last painting and polished it up. Initially, I did the original pretty quickly and only spent about 90 minutes on it, but I liked the concept a lot so I decided to commit a few hours to refining it over the last couple days." tumblr_mm3a93Q7On1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 04/30/2013: "Tuxedo Marx. I did this really fast but it’s sort of funny, right?" tumblr_mmhurlO4Do1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 05/08/2013: "this is a trubbish I did for a friend!! just hanging ‘round the bus stop, doing trubbish things!!!" tumblr_mmoubaOhCn1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 05/12/2013: "Hi. this is my take on something a friend drew [http://wicked-draws.tumblr.com/post/50071458073/battlecorgi-version-two-she-looks-way-less]. Please enjoy this corgi." tumblr_mn7vdlxYYF1s8rugfo1_r1_1280.jpg 05/22/2013: "a real quick fanart I did of http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/84/44" tumblr_mounwxixVm1s8rugfo1_1280.png 06/23/2013: "I started this, but I don’t think it’s working out well enough to finish it. I figured I might as well post it anyways, though. This is fan art of the a character from a flash game called Fear Less! It’s a really cute game you should play it! -> http://newgrounds.com/portal/view/619262" tumblr_mq0b52bSz81s8rugfo1_1280.png 07/15/2013: "30-minute cyberized duck sketch" tumblr_mqcnmprfnO1s8rugfo1_1280.png 07/22/2013: "really fast doodle, might as well post" tumblr_mqkt01yb0L1s8rugfo1_1280.png 07/26/2013: "a cute 5 minute sketch" tumblr_mrqoocjQhE1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 08/18/2013: "don’t feel like hooking up my tablet today so here’s a pencil sketch (phone camera uguu). you know, it’s fun, I think, to draw skulls. some things are like that, they’re just fun to draw so you idly doodle them all the time. skulls, right? what is even their deal, I wonder." tumblr_ms1pzdEHy71s8rugfo1_1280.png tumblr_ms1pzdEHy71s8rugfo2_r1_1280.png 08/24/2013: "DIAMONDS AREN’T FOREVER BUT DIAMOND PUGS ARE Something way different! I decided to take a crack at 3d modeling as a way to supplement and further my 2d skills. Turns out, it’s really really fun! Figuring out how to build stuff up and have it result in clean quads is sort of like a tiny puzzle and you solve variations of it dozens of times. Maybe it’s more fun than it sounds… This was made in Cinema4D, by the way." tumblr_msv31sqOAC1s8rugfo1_1280.png 09/09/2013: "I painted this picture of slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek a long time ago as a joke. I used a photo reference initially but deviated from it because I thought he should be looking more at the camera." tumblr_msvkljVeV01s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 09/09/2013: "pugs on the brain (always)" tumblr_mt70v48yC71s8rugfo1_1280.png 09/15/2013: "bomberman doodle" tumblr_mtc4unmE011s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 09/18/2013: "You might remember a while ago I drew this [http://cowfuture.tumblr.com/post/50256589901/hi-this-is-my-take-on-something-a-friend-drew] for a friend. Well, I decided to up-res that sort-of quick painting and spend some more time on it! Please enjoy this corgi." tumblr_mtzx22340G1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 10/01/2013: "one day i will be a skullmaster. i’ll be top skulldog." tumblr_mu0bioaV771s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 10/01/2013: "SKULLS SKULLS SKULLS GOTTA KEEP DRAWING SKULLS" tumblr_mu1t3iqSZC1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 10/02/2013: "the way I live in perfect purity: 1.) draw pugs 2.) draw skulls If pugs had skulls this is what one might look like. diversify your skulls to gain a better understanding of what skulls are and their rude forms. diversify your pugs and learn the meaning of cruelty; breeding animals so fucked up they can’t breath right but they’re real cute. the paper isn’t actually filthy it’s my window screen casting shadows." tumblr_mu3n3hTA1Q1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 10/03/2013: "IT’S YA BOY PLATO" tumblr_mu5z30KFjO1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 10/04/2013: "giant onion i used an actual scanner this time instead of a phone" tumblr_muu721yh761s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 10/17/2013: "anime dog megan" tumblr_mvauooJbiM1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 10/26/2013: "WIP for halloween" tumblr_mvb2gf70A91s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 10/26/2013: "More or less done I guess. Maybe I’ll work on it some more later~ This is also the first thing I’ve done with Mischief, it’s a real cool program if not as powerful as photoshop." tumblr_mvcwo2MoPV1s8rugfo1_1280.png 10/27/2013: "BOG HIME birthday present for a friend." tumblr_mvlts5xl301s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 11/01/2013: "Chef Torts! Birthday present for a friend!!" tumblr_mwqzvpV5FC1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 11/23/2013: "painted this pug. used an amazing photo of a bunch of pugs dressed up like this as a reference." tumblr_mx3wd1Dhom1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 11/30/2013: "for a friend!!" tumblr_mx7gg5zGil1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 12/02/2013: "a (late) birthday present for a friend, they’ve been trying to catch a shiny Eevee." tumblr_n0p1eoaU8V1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 02/08/2014: "Nuclear Throne fanart I started yesterday + finished up today" tumblr_n0qrys1jC41s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 02/09/2014: "I don’t remember posting this, anyways I did this a while ago" tumblr_n1ev5yN8og1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 02/22/2014: "my submission for this thing: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sNqaRdpxsXqiS4bGu6RaZMlhUU9szcMyiHrXGLSC3HM/edit" tumblr_n23ay42ViF1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 03/07/2014: "I painted a ~17-18th century warship, though it’s not based on an actual historic ship or anything like that. I’ve never really had an interest in ships so I had to research a lot of stuff to figure out how these types of ships fit together. I’m sure in my somewhat superficial research I’ve messed up various details that ship modelers or admirers would frown upon, so sorry to those people in advance! Anyways, this was a lot of fun." tumblr_n3mqutXkw11s8rugfo5_1280.jpg tumblr_n3mqutXkw11s8rugfo2_1280.jpg tumblr_n3mqutXkw11s8rugfo1_1280.jpg tumblr_n3mqutXkw11s8rugfo4_1280.jpg tumblr_n3mqutXkw11s8rugfo6_1280.jpg tumblr_n3mqutXkw11s8rugfo3_1280.jpg 04/06/2014: "dumping some drawings. all of these were done by request except the last two." tumblr_n44yzgf3rI1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 04/16/2014: "magpie sketch for a friend" tumblr_n4ajfyZKhL1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 04/19/2014: "Here’s a Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup painting I did yesterday. A Felid confronts a starcursed mass." tumblr_n4arj50zxi1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 04/19/2014: "various wip shots of that last painting" BoSB0b2IAAA4X2u.jpg 04/22/2014: "started on some more dungeon crawl stone soup art. gonna paint this up later." BoW3EHpCYAE0gG_.jpg 04/23/2014: "worked on this some today. long way to go still." BojIJxeCQAEfwnk.jpg 04/26/2014: "getting there now" tumblr_nagi11N2VE1s8rugfo1_1280.jpg 08/17/2014: "wip for a friend but i don’t really have time to finish it right now" BzsT-7sCEAAvG8y.jpg 10/11/2014: "hopefully I'll finally finish this tonight. if you know exactly what this depicts then I welcome you as kin" BzxKeu2IEAASC8v.jpg 12/11/2014: "almost done finally" CIrjY7BWgAEbpCO.jpg 06/29/2015: "The Martyrdom of St. Wario - work in progress, started this morning" CJmfY7JUwAArd5k.jpg 07/10/2015: "finally almost finished with this painting" CJ0LWXaWoAAv8a-.jpg 07/13/2015: "multiple people have asked me about prints of this, so I decided to give it a go: https://society6.com/product/the-martydom-of-saint-wario_print#1=45"