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Render96 Video Game Texture Preservation
general discussion / general-talk
A channel for discussing anything.
⭐⭐⭐ 09-Apr-21 02:50 AM
Would'ja like me to go behind you and add descriptions to the channels?
DorfDork 09-Apr-21 02:51 AM
sure thing
⭐⭐⭐ 09-Apr-21 02:51 AM
Fanamel 09-Apr-21 02:53 AM
Oh when do you plan on announcing it btw? I know you want to get this done but I was hoping to be able to look over things for a bit first when I wake up before letting people in
DorfDork 09-Apr-21 02:53 AM
I can wait until you wake up
Fanamel 09-Apr-21 02:56 AM
That'd be great, I might be messing with the channels a little. I think having a section to showcase mods and 3D art will be useful too since this subject goes naturally in hand with it
⭐⭐⭐ 09-Apr-21 03:09 AM
Alright, descriptions are set up! How's it look?
DorfDork 09-Apr-21 03:10 AM
They look pretty good
I'm rendering the server icon right now
⭐⭐⭐ 09-Apr-21 03:11 AM
Wahoo! Can't wait to see it 💙
DorfDork 09-Apr-21 03:18 AM
💯 4
can't post the full res one but I went with this
we can always change it later
⭐⭐⭐ 09-Apr-21 03:20 AM
: 000
It's so pretty...
Andrat 09-Apr-21 05:55 AM
That’s awesome looking honestly
Speed Weed 09-Apr-21 10:57 AM
looks great honestly
what about arcade games though
Pik 09-Apr-21 12:03 PM
Howdy folks
⭐⭐⭐ 09-Apr-21 12:30 PM
Howdy howdy friends!!
Speed Weed 09-Apr-21 12:39 PM
hi bro
⭐⭐⭐ 09-Apr-21 12:47 PM
Hiiii 💙
Fanamel 09-Apr-21 05:28 PM
Okay so I got some ideas on what to do with channels but I'd have to delete and rearrange a few to do it if that's okay with you guys
I'm thinking it might be more efficient to organize sections by companies like Nintendo, Capcom, Konami, etc as the same teams would be more likely to share texture libraries rather than having the scope expanded over an entire console
👍 2
Pik 09-Apr-21 05:31 PM
That worked well for the Rare section, so I approve of that
⭐⭐⭐ 10-Apr-21 01:43 AM
Wowie wowie, the gang's all here! Hi, everyone! 💙
😎 1
👋 1
Lucoshi 20-Apr-21 05:03 PM
Hello there!
Fanamel 20-Apr-21 05:53 PM
Hello you
⭐⭐⭐ 20-Apr-21 10:20 PM
Oh gee, new members! Welcome, friends!
roovahlees 22-Apr-21 05:39 AM
Hi and welcome! (edited)
GenesisJam 27-Apr-21 04:40 PM
Came here from Poke’s stream heh
Stevie 27-Apr-21 04:41 PM
Hi everyone I'm new here. I do a lot of work for the 1996-1999 San Francisco Rush series (mostly 2049) on Arcade, N64, DC, etc. (edited)
👍 1
Me and a few others have found source textures for 2049 that I'd love to share/contribute at somepoint. Ik the wiki is on standby so I'll share what I have when ready.
Pik 27-Apr-21 04:42 PM
Oh nice, cool to see you on board!
DorfDork 27-Apr-21 04:42 PM
Pik 27-Apr-21 04:42 PM
Looking forward to any sources there
Stevie 27-Apr-21 04:43 PM
Are you guys familiar with the games by any chance? They went under the radar but they were in a lot of arcades in 90's and 2000's
One of the n64 composers (barry leitch) gave me source XM files for the N64 music last year which was huge because the sound is pretty compressed.
DorfDork 27-Apr-21 04:51 PM
not familiar with that series at all
Fanamel 27-Apr-21 04:52 PM
Oh that sounds awesome
I've been slowly picking away at getting the Wiki filled out the last few days so I can certainly make pages for them
Can't say I'm too familiar with the series sadly but I do recall seeing it a few times before
Stevie 27-Apr-21 05:04 PM
It's okay, it totally went under the radar for a lot of people.
Super cool game though, the 2049 arcade is so good for a game that's over 20 years old.
I was going through the texture libraries that you guys linked on the wiki, but I couldn't find any matches at the time and I think it's because it's an american game. Not sure if it's common for american devs back then to use japanese texture libraries
Fanamel 27-Apr-21 05:12 PM
Yeh I haven't spotted any Japanese images in any western games yet in what I've seen. What American companies were using back then is still a bit elusive to me. The only textures I've managed to spot so far is what came with Alias software
Oh I suppose there's those Art Beats stock videos that got used a lot but that's more for explosion/fire effects
Stevie 27-Apr-21 05:16 PM
We've been able to find some using some reverse image search (I forget the name)
yeah weirdly a fire texture was one of them
another was a full picture of some dodge concept car that was used for a really small billboard shot
Can post the few I have in #nintendo-resource-links?
my b just saw the channel below haha
Fanamel 27-Apr-21 05:22 PM
Oh no worries lol. general-game-matches will work perfect for it
Fanamel 27-Apr-21 05:35 PM
this one honestly seems familiar, I'll have to check if it's in anything I got
Appreciate the dump by the way, I'll make sure to get a page made for it
Stevie 27-Apr-21 05:35 PM
It probably is, all of these are found using a reverse search and that one had a lot of results.
Fire textures might be annoying. They're animated with like 8 or so frames but the only source I could find was a gif.
Fanamel 27-Apr-21 05:38 PM
Interesting, would you have the gif at hand to post?
Stevie 27-Apr-21 05:39 PM
Yeah, it looks super weird though.
I think it's sourced from the same thing as the first fire effect posted.
Fanamel 27-Apr-21 05:54 PM
Doesn't appear to match anything I have but what's there should be good enough to figure out what it came from if it ever pops up
can't imagine there had to be too many cd's you could get flame footage from at the time
Stevie 27-Apr-21 05:59 PM
I could always ask the devs specifically if they'd know. I've talked to 2 art people.
If this is anything to go by; they used Multigen II and Modelgen when creating a lot of the art for the game. A huge amount of the building textures are cg, it's mainly the environment textures that were pulled from something else.
There's like 50 or so textures like this
A lot of textures they used also started out as photos that they took themselves. They made an alcatraz track for an expansion pack and some of the guys went to alcatraz to take photos for the game's visuals.
There used to be a website showing off how they made the cg stuff too, I should have saved them bc the website just shutdown a few months ago.
Pik 27-Apr-21 06:06 PM
That's interesting, I'm always looking out for old CG software like that. I hadn't heard of Modelgen before but now I can look into it
Avatar Stevie
There used to be a website showing off how they made the cg stuff too, I should have saved them bc the website just shutdown a few months ago.
Pik 27-Apr-21 06:06 PM
Would this happen to be on
Stevie 27-Apr-21 06:07 PM
It was bundled with multigen I guess? Idk if I'm getting the lingo wrong
Fanamel 27-Apr-21 06:09 PM
That's pretty cool to know actually. I never heard of those programs either until now
Stevie 27-Apr-21 06:10 PM
I'm not good with
Tools for creating interactive models for use in realtime simulations and electronic entertainment. ModelGen was the basis for NinGen, which was used to create...
OpenFlight is the native file format of Creator and is the de facto standard 3D file format for modeling and simulation.
somewhere in there though, has to be used on an old silicon graphics set up
they mention sf rush here
Pik 27-Apr-21 06:12 PM
Ooh, excellent
I was on that last page recently, I knew I'd heard of that game before
Stevie 27-Apr-21 06:19 PM
I'm glad it got a moment in the spotlight!
Avatar Stevie
I'm glad it got a moment in the spotlight!
Fanamel 27-Apr-21 06:44 PM
Would it be okay if I credited you on the page for this game or would you prefer it to be anonymous on it?
Stevie 27-Apr-21 06:44 PM
Yeah that’d be awesome
Id prefer my YouTube or discord
My channel here if that’s ok
Fanamel 27-Apr-21 06:45 PM
I'll for sure put a link to your channel on there
Stevie 27-Apr-21 06:46 PM
Actually credit for the car was someone else hold on
I’ll get back to you on that, I think it’s okay to publish whatever you have right now (edited)
Stevie 27-Apr-21 07:11 PM
@VGTP Owner Cover photo. It's the best known title image and I was able to nab it from the official site. (edited)
Fanamel 27-Apr-21 07:13 PM
perfect, that's better quality than the one I found
ccc7 27-Apr-21 07:19 PM
any chance of some sort of bridge to an alternative comms protocol, even if just this channel?
like IRC, or XMPP...
RSS syndication for #announcements would be nice too
i will gladly provide any hosting needed (edited)
Pik 27-Apr-21 07:27 PM
I brought up the idea of an IRC chat for this earlier, half joking but if we really wanted to
I say why not
Stevie 27-Apr-21 07:37 PM
@Fanamel person who found yellow car is GrumpyI3unny (613) #2511 on discord
Fanamel 27-Apr-21 07:38 PM
I wouldn't mind it if people wanted to use it. I'm honestly a brainlet when it comes to setting anything like that up though.
@DorfDork don't know if you'd have a better understanding on it or how you feel about it
And gotcha, I'll add the name to the page
Avatar Stevie
@Fanamel person who found yellow car is GrumpyI3unny (613) #2511 on discord
Fanamel 27-Apr-21 08:13 PM
Got a page now, don't know if everything looks correct here for ya
Stevie 27-Apr-21 08:14 PM
That's awesome, thank you!
Can you use this for my avatar on the site?
Fanamel 27-Apr-21 08:16 PM
Sure thing, got it there now
Stevie 27-Apr-21 08:16 PM
Man this is awesome; I've always wanted to start publicly documenting the stuff I've gathered for these games. I've got a server of 180 or so people in it and they've all been wanting the same thing.
I just shared the page and they're stoked it's up
Fanamel 27-Apr-21 08:22 PM
That's awesome to hear lol. Honestly I've felt the same and always thought it was odd these type of findings never really found a place to form at
If there's extra things you'd like on there such as developer interviews or art galleries I'm down to link them. I like to think of these pages as eventually being good resources for people who want more insight on how the games were created
Stevie 27-Apr-21 08:25 PM
I have more official stuff that slipped under the radar.
a lot of car renders that look sweet but were never really used except for decal graphics
I have like 20 of these for different cars
Actually the cars might be overkill but these might be cool to put on the site
During development, they mapped San Francisco out for potential tracks and narrowed it down to what looked fun.
blog from one of the main devs "STV" (edited)
Avatar ccc7
any chance of some sort of bridge to an alternative comms protocol, even if just this channel?
DorfDork 27-Apr-21 08:32 PM
Thanks for the offer but it's not something I'm looking towards at the moment.
Fanamel 27-Apr-21 08:36 PM
Oh that's a cool link, I'll throw that in. For a gallery of the art like the car renders maybe we could set-up an outside page somewhere that's easier to view it at and link to it
Stevie 27-Apr-21 08:40 PM
Yeah that'd be a better idea.
Are there plans for a site outside of github that's meant for more broad source files for games and not just textures? I remember reading that somewhere but I can't recall where.
Fanamel 27-Apr-21 08:43 PM
If it's ever possible for us to it'd be ideal to have a custom site made for this stuff to organize it better but it's a bit of a distant dream situation at the moment
We just use github wiki since it's free and is pretty reliable for hosting
Stevie 27-Apr-21 08:47 PM
What I might do is throw together a repository for all of the source stuff I have and maybe that could be linked to the page that's up on your wiki. The filesize is huge mainly because of audio stuff.
Still working on the contents of it but I'd like to have it set up for people interested in modding the game; having all of the textures and sounds/music named, etc
Fanamel 27-Apr-21 08:49 PM
I'm completely down to linking that once you're ready for it because that sounds perfect for this
advanced 1
Stevie 27-Apr-21 08:50 PM
Thanks again for setting up the page, I'll bug you when I find more sources lol
Fanamel 27-Apr-21 08:54 PM
Go for it lol, and no problem man. Thanks for sharing this neat stuff
roovahlees 28-Apr-21 05:40 AM
They 've got this texture but in lower quality and cropped (edited)
roovahlees 28-Apr-21 06:14 AM
Fires and explosions , effects collection by Visual Concept Entertainment (1997) (edited)
roovahlees 28-Apr-21 08:04 AM
Fanamel 28-Apr-21 08:16 AM
damn these are interesting finds, nice
that grass match is really good spotting lol
Avatar roovahlees
They 've got this texture but in lower quality and cropped (edited)
Stevie 28-Apr-21 04:28 PM
In the about page of that website it says that all of the textures posted are public domain. No luck finding an actual source associated with them though.
pearce 29-Apr-21 03:07 PM
hi, not sure if this is the place to ask. trying to get the Bakku no Oni Blue images, when i download it none of the files are images, just 'file'. how do i view/convert them? It is the same for all Bakku no Oni downloads. Thanks
Avatar pearce
hi, not sure if this is the place to ask. trying to get the Bakku no Oni Blue images, when i download it none of the files are images, just 'file'. how do i view/convert them? It is the same for all Bakku no Oni downloads. Thanks
Speed Weed 29-Apr-21 03:10 PM
Do you see the folders when you extract the .7z?
pearce 29-Apr-21 03:15 PM
yes, i see all the folders. then the files inside them are corrupt/not images. could it be an extracting issue? i am on a mac atm, could try it in windows
pearce 29-Apr-21 03:30 PM
Tried it in windows, its the same, this is what i am seeing
Speed Weed 29-Apr-21 03:33 PM
this is the path with the ones
the windows folder
pearce 29-Apr-21 03:35 PM
oh crap ahaha, yeh they are there. sorry thanks @Speed Weed
Speed Weed 29-Apr-21 03:36 PM
have fun looking through them :)
DorfDork 29-Apr-21 03:36 PM
you can try xnviewer to see if those files open
Avatar DorfDork
you can try xnviewer to see if those files open
Speed Weed 29-Apr-21 03:36 PM
oh damn they do
Fanamel 29-Apr-21 03:41 PM
those are .pict files aren't they?
We should probably mention in the pages what file formats these are and how to view them properly
I know those ones should be a lot higher resolution than the images in the windows folders
MtH 30-Apr-21 07:26 AM
but it ORIGINATES from autodesk 3d studio
1.12 MB
MtH 30-Apr-21 07:41 AM
same with the grass one
extreme 1
1.12 MB
tho idr if it was also in michal franc. it is in 3d studio tho
@Stevie hope this aids u in ur search
Stevie 30-Apr-21 12:41 PM
@MtH holy crap, thank you so much!
MtH 30-Apr-21 12:41 PM
yw :)
Fanamel 30-Apr-21 02:14 PM
damn that's sweet there's a fair bit more you're finding in there
Avatar Fanamel
damn that's sweet there's a fair bit more you're finding in there
Stevie 30-Apr-21 02:21 PM
Yeah I'm surprised by how many were in that initial directory. I've seen enough of the textures in-game to be able to sift through these for anything familiar.
I'll post some before/after screenshots. Just having a hard time finding where some of these are used haha
DorfDork 01-May-21 01:38 AM
@Stevie from that website you linked
Stevie 01-May-21 01:39 AM
Oh shit it's there too.
DorfDork 01-May-21 01:39 AM
walls stones, textures stones, murature in pietra, muri in granito, pietre squadrato
bottom left
Stevie 01-May-21 01:39 AM
Thanks for pointing that out
Still though, in every instance it's 64x64
It's in the powerslave dump along with the daggerfall one.
I might be stumped on this one for a while lol
DorfDork 01-May-21 01:41 AM
oh the cd is called archweb textures
extreme 1
Stevie 01-May-21 01:42 AM
Holy shit that's more like it
Thank you!
Is there a dl on the wiki?
DorfDork 01-May-21 01:43 AM
nope, trying to find one
Stevie 01-May-21 01:49 AM
I don't think it's their texture, I think they pulled it from something else.
Every other texture on that site is in a decent resolution except for that one.
DorfDork 01-May-21 01:49 AM
yea I recognize other libraries being clustered into here
Stevie 01-May-21 01:50 AM
Well this is gonna be a hunt lol
DorfDork 01-May-21 01:52 AM
well that's odd
we could try emailing him and see where those textures originate from
Stevie 01-May-21 02:02 AM
Worth a shot; I don't mind sending the email if you haven't already.
He'd have probably forgotten already though
DorfDork 01-May-21 02:03 AM
feel free to send him one!
Stevie 01-May-21 02:12 AM
Just sent it, hopefully he'll know 😬
Fanamel 01-May-21 08:57 AM
those rocks posted earlier show up in the ImageCELs CD-ROM
Although the rock formation is very slightly different nearing the edges
Stevie 01-May-21 11:05 AM
Ya there’s all sorts of variations of it it seems. Could be a really old one.
I’ll take a look later today; the sandstone looking texture to the left is used in 2049 I think too. If that’s not the exact one then it’s really close.
Avatar Fanamel
those rocks posted earlier show up in the ImageCELs CD-ROM
Stevie 01-May-21 10:51 PM
I just googled it and saw that your tweet was the 4th or 5th result. Has the disc still not been found?
Fanamel 01-May-21 11:02 PM
nope not a hint of it anywhere other than uploads of old magazines or documents listing it for sale
It was one of the first texture cd's made from the looks of it since the site dates the copyright around 1990
Stevie 01-May-21 11:03 PM
I'm going to mention it to a 2049 dev named Spencer Lindsay who did some of the art. I have a feeling that if they used those CDs then it'd be company property (so they wouldn't have been taken home) but it's worth asking. (edited)
Have you tried tracking down the owner of the domain from the time when the site was active?
Fanamel 01-May-21 11:08 PM
I have not honestly. The furthest my hunt went was attempting to use the contact info their company had which is dead it seems like
then digging around whatever pirating sites there were and what google had
Imagecels pops up a fair bit but only their later releases such as professional designer
I kind of assumed our best luck on getting it would be if a veteran 3D artists kept a copy of the files around
Stevie 01-May-21 11:11 PM
Spence is among them so he might be our best shot for a while, just sent him a message.
Fanamel 01-May-21 11:11 PM
sweet, really appreciate that
Stevie 01-May-21 11:13 PM
He does a lot of 3D stuff even back then so maybe he does have it laying around, worth a shot
God it'd be so perfect if he had it though lol
Realistically we might have to keep track of all of the games that has matches and contact a bunch of the 3d artists.
Fanamel 01-May-21 11:16 PM
it'd be a pretty big breakthrough to get that CD imo. Since you saw the rocks in both 2049 and daggerfall that adds a fair amount of other games potentially by those same companies
Oh btw I just did a little searching and came across this CD on ebay
it showed this which looks a lot like the fire you posted earlier
So I went ahead a bought it since it was only $15 bucks lol
Stevie 01-May-21 11:18 PM
Oh heck yeah thank you very much!
Here's the Rush Server if you'd like to join and break the news
you guys are all welcome to join and check it out too; lot's of rush fans so you probably won't know of most of the stuff going on lol
the 6th fire graphic is used in the game too I think
Fanamel 01-May-21 11:35 PM
oh cool that's good to know there could be more on here
I'll send a link to the server once the CD comes in and I got the files dumped
advanced 1
Stevie 02-May-21 03:02 AM
imagecels - Collection By cgarchives : This collection was collected from imagecels company, all the existing collections of this company,
Found this when browsing mobile. This link claims it’s the entire collection of stuff. 3.6 gigs seems pretty meaty.
Fanamel 02-May-21 10:50 AM
oh yeh someone got those on a few months back and we got professional designer on there
I'd actually recommend digging through this one if you haven't yet, this one seems likely to be used in a few games too
Stevie 02-May-21 11:49 AM
Spence said he never used imagecel’s library. Only photos and whatever was pulled from an older sgi driving sim
Stevie 02-May-21 11:49 AM
I think I went through most of this one already
Was this one of you guys btw?
DorfDork 02-May-21 11:50 AM
Stevie 02-May-21 11:50 AM
Sold on April 22
DorfDork 02-May-21 11:51 AM
this has the other imagecels on archive
Avatar Stevie
Spence said he never used imagecel’s library. Only photos and whatever was pulled from an older sgi driving sim
Fanamel 02-May-21 11:57 AM
that's pretty interesting to know because I thought this might be the case for some images which helps confirm that
It's possible the ones that pop up in SM64 weren't even from Nintendo owning the CD either and they just grabbed what they could find on their SGI machines (edited)
Stevie 02-May-21 12:57 PM
hmm maybe
it's old so it could have been bundled so perhaps the imagecel stuff was bundled with other libraries
Stevie 04-May-21 11:37 PM
Has anyone tried connecting to this server here through filezilla? If it hasn't been done then don't do it because it doesn't encrypt your credentials. Just wondering if it has been tried already.
Fanamel 05-May-21 12:37 AM
Not that I'm aware of at all actually.
Stevie 05-May-21 12:55 AM
I don't know if it's actually on there but the server is online.
Stevie 05-May-21 09:39 PM
I got into that server but there's only like 3 or 4 new notable textures. I did integrity checks for them and they're actually a smaller filesize than the ones included in the imagecels designer cd.
So that was a bust. You guys have all of the ones that are in caps.
If you guys want the entire folder I can either upload it as is or reformat everything if you guys are sketched out but I think everything is cool.
Fanamel 05-May-21 10:30 PM
damn, interesting though. appreciate the attempt at it
Stevie 05-May-21 11:15 PM
No prob. This thing is so illusive lol
I'm going to look into the possibility of international releases and if they were called anything in different languages.
This probably won't help but there's a huge amount of mirrors of the imagecel discs on arabic sites.
Idk I think it may have had a different name in other regions. Weird that this one disc seems to have matches with a bunch of different games from all over.
roovahlees 06-May-21 09:32 AM
Take a look at these finds. No confirmed matches but they sure are interesting sources to have (edited)
PhotoDisc - SCRIPT AND TEXTURE - Stock Photography (Photo CD, V. 23). 100 high-res background images using collage, texture and handwriting/calligraphy. Condition is Used, but in excellent physical condition.Professional stock photo collection. Shipped with USPS Media Mail.
Release year 1998
Release year 1996
Release year 1995 (edited)
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Photodisc by 21st Century Media - Vintage (1993) for Mac Users at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Release year 1993
Stevie 06-May-21 05:44 PM
Were you able to recognize anything in the previews?
Avatar Stevie
Were you able to recognize anything in the previews?
roovahlees 06-May-21 06:24 PM
Unfortunatelly no..
frowney 2
Fanamel 06-May-21 07:05 PM
some of those have earlier release years than I thought they would, neat
there's a lot of preview images for the series here
👍 1
dominic 09-May-21 12:32 PM
is it possible that some people here know of not game matches, but movie matches?
I wanna find texture matches from titanic 1997
because I know they used sgi machines
Fanamel 09-May-21 03:31 PM
@Stevie just got this uploaded
And sadly I know nothing still as far as movie matches go lol
Stevie 09-May-21 03:32 PM
@Fanamel oh heck yeah I can't wait to look through this
@Fanamel do you have a decent sized texture cd collection from buying them up?
Fanamel 09-May-21 03:35 PM
Not too many surprisingly, a lot of the CD's we got before other people had shipped to them and dumped such as Roovahlees and Pik
Stevie 09-May-21 04:00 PM
Oh wow okay, thank you Pik and Roovahlees for also buying these up!
What was the most expensive CD purchased so far?
Some of the msrps for these are insanely high but I doubt anyone would sell them that high after market lol
Fanamel 09-May-21 04:23 PM
ItsEasyActually has gotten batches for a good chunk too but I don't think he's on this server. I think the most we spent was with him when we pooled together like $150 for a batch of the bakku no oni cd's
As for the most expensive CD on its own I'm not sure honestly but the shipping prices from Japan can mark them up quite a bit
Stevie 09-May-21 04:25 PM
thats quite a lot
if you guys ever need another person to ease some of the cost for one of these I'm happy to help
Stevie 09-May-21 04:58 PM
This is the contents of the Frames folder within that CD converted from TGA to PNG
Idk if you guys use some sort of external preview for tga files or something but it irks me when I open a folder with every image preview being the gimp logo. This'll make it easier to view the contents without needing to open them up in a program.
Avatar Stevie
Idk if you guys use some sort of external preview for tga files or something but it irks me when I open a folder with every image preview being the gimp logo. This'll make it easier to view the contents without needing to open them up in a program.
Speed Weed 09-May-21 05:07 PM
Use a program xcalled XNview
Avatar Speed Weed
Use a program xcalled XNview
Stevie 09-May-21 05:15 PM
Oh sick, I’ll try that
Speed Weed 09-May-21 05:15 PM
I supports a fuck ton of formats too
Stevie 09-May-21 05:16 PM
Must be super useful for browsing and matching then
Speed Weed 09-May-21 05:17 PM
i think it's a cool program
Stevie 09-May-21 05:19 PM
Do you guys ever need images batch converted or is there not really a need? I’m going to convert a few more libraries just so it’s easy on my end but if you guys are interested I can upload them.
dominic 09-May-21 05:21 PM
I wanna see if there are matches in the skeuomorphic wii and 3ds interfaces
there's plenty of real life looking pictures in tomodachi life that I would love to find
like the ice cream shop that has a signt hat says "1889"
theres no dump of the game textures online anywhere I can find
actually I found one these are all the mii news backgrounds
Full view of Tomodachi Life - Mii News Backgrounds (1/5).
Stevie 09-May-21 05:28 PM
@dominic You’ll likely have to start with dumping the textures yourself and familiarizing yourself with them. I’m not sure how to dump 3ds stuff but Dolphin has a built-in texture dumping feature that you could use for the Wii stuff.
The next step is to download and look through whatever is already provided on the or the wiki.
Or you can run your dumped images through reverse searches and see if you get any results.
dominic 09-May-21 05:34 PM
I used tineye and the city background is nyc
its somewhat edited to remove the water
theres also a version uncropped, with the water, and with less saturated colors, closer to the original stock image, but not exact
dominic 09-May-21 05:55 PM
the stage texture came up with this from
these textures arent used in the game last time I checked
DorfDork 09-May-21 06:06 PM
@dominic can you link me the original textures
the right ones*
Avatar DorfDork
@dominic can you link me the original textures
dominic 09-May-21 06:07 PM
its a game of scrolling through pages, these are available in "sets" on the upper link
theres no easy way to search for a specific texture or set of textures on the site
DorfDork 09-May-21 06:07 PM
oh nice
I'll do some searching in a bit
DorfDork 09-May-21 07:03 PM
スロヴァキア ヴルコリニェツの民家 写真素材-フォトライブラリーは、日本のストックフォトサイトです。ロイヤリティーフリー画像を販売。動画素材はSサイズすべて無料。 S:330円~ ID:1550969 スロヴァキア ヴルコリニェツの民家 はこちら
DorfDork 09-May-21 07:26 PM
@dominic so it looks like that new york picture is at least from 2010
those 3 images are similarly named so same library origin
Fanamel 09-May-21 07:36 PM
that blog makes it look like they were taken by the owner but I can't tell if they actually are
oh never mind just noticed the angles are a bit different in those images
DorfDork 09-May-21 07:39 PM
it does say a name in the header of the blog, I'll see if I can find anyone
Fanamel 09-May-21 07:39 PM
some of those tomodochi life photos look like personal photos while others look like stock
although they're edited a fair bit, you can see in a few of them the clone stamp tool was spammed across them a bit
A safe bet with Nintendo games is to dig through the sozaijiten images of course, wouldn't surprise me if the clouds are from those
DorfDork 09-May-21 07:43 PM
I did try to find some images in sozai, specifically New York. Couldn't find that image
Avatar Fanamel
some of those tomodochi life photos look like personal photos while others look like stock
dominic 09-May-21 11:51 PM
I think some of the photos are in house nintendo stuff because no matches can be found
I wanna find the background for the 1889 ice cream shop
Avatar DorfDork
@dominic so it looks like that new york picture is at least from 2010
dominic 09-May-21 11:53 PM
that's why I didn't recognize it as new york city at first, because in 2010 the one world trade center hadn't been finished yet
DorfDork 09-May-21 11:54 PM
I messaged someone that may have been the photographer, no idea if they will respond
dominic 09-May-21 11:55 PM
2010 was a long time ago so I doubt it
DorfDork 09-May-21 11:55 PM
You'd be surprised 😛
Fanamel 09-May-21 11:58 PM
this looks to be the same wall MtH was talking about before with Sonic Adventure
The twelve-angled stone is an archeological artefact in Cuzco, Peru. It was part of a stone wall of an Inca palace, and is considered to be a national heritage object. The stone is currently part of a wall of the palace of the Archbishop of Cuzco.
Fanamel 10-May-21 01:32 PM
I just got the heads up for something that could be really useful
Some dudes in the GTA community have been finding a lot of source textures for years now apparently and I got a DM from someone in the scene linking some of it
Since about 2012, Ive been collecting texture sources for the GTA 3D universe. And also textures created by me from sources and created from scratch. There is even one a 3D model(turtles) and beta textures. [img][/img] - t...
Fluvian 10-May-21 01:41 PM
There's communities for everything.
roovahlees 10-May-21 01:49 PM
I'd like to start hunting NFSU textures
I guess that Russian guy should have a ton of texture sets in his collection
dominic 10-May-21 01:51 PM
do you think the fisheye image of the flowers used for the reflection on mario was actually taken with a fisheye lens or just distorted digitally
roovahlees 10-May-21 01:53 PM
I believe it's distorted digitally
there are 2 variations of that reflection (edited)
dominic 10-May-21 01:53 PM
whats different about them
roovahlees 10-May-21 01:54 PM
One of them has an extra distortion around the edge of the image
dominic 10-May-21 01:54 PM
do you have them on hand?
roovahlees 10-May-21 01:54 PM
let me check
dominic 10-May-21 02:00 PM
roovahlees 10-May-21 02:00 PM
I'm not sure though.Maybe there's just one version (edited)
The first one is the original (edited)
dominic 10-May-21 02:03 PM
where'd you find the second revision
roovahlees 10-May-21 02:04 PM
I don't remember who posted that image. It was more than a year ago on SM64 Port server I think
dominic 10-May-21 02:05 PM
well it helps me to remove the fisheye
Speed Weed 10-May-21 02:19 PM
I've been wanting to look for textures in the old MK games and the old RE games
I'm not too sure as where to start
So far I've got cobblestone in umk3 and two possible matches for marble columns
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I believe it's distorted digitally
dominic 10-May-21 02:21 PM
I think its an actual fisheye lens
because if it wasn't, using undistort would make a regular looking image
not a super wide angle one
👍 1
no lens is that wide angle without fisheye distortion
especially not in the 90s
Eugene 15-May-21 03:39 PM
Does anyone happen to recognise these textures/images/backgrounds? (edited)
They're from some Super Mario 64 DS hack.
I think they look very nice.
I think they're probably from another game but idk.
Ah, so the wall texture appears to be from Mario Kart 7. (edited)
BlueYoshi (57EML) 21-May-21 12:33 PM
Found this in the MKW manual (EUR, FR, 2013 revision) "Blue Marble image provided by NASA" could this be the globe's texture source?
⭐⭐⭐ 21-May-21 03:17 PM
This is Blue Marble. 💙
Using a collection of satellite images and data, scientists and visualizers stitched together months of observations of Earth’s land surface, oceans, sea ice, and clouds into a seamless, true-color mosaic.
They may mean Blue Marble: Next Generation! Here.
@BlueYoshi (57EML)
12 months of high-resolution global true color satellite imagery.
Pik 21-May-21 04:28 PM
It definitely looks similar with the lack of clouds, but in the MKWii shot it looks like more of North America is visible Almost like this photo, but without the clouds visible
⭐⭐⭐ 21-May-21 04:45 PM
I do believe Blue Marble: Next Generation is a set of several images, so maybe one of em is the image! I'll have to check later
Romsstar 28-May-21 09:08 AM
Hello everyone. I'm currently working on trying to find Texture Sources of the game Digimon World Re:Digitize for PSP. I'm actually unsure whether sources actually do exist but I have concept art available and in that concept art the artists references some very obscure signs. I do know Japanese so I tried to google them but came up short. There is the chance that the artist invented them all but there are so many and so different that I find it hard to believe. I tried my luck but so far I don't have much. Maybe some of you guys with your trained eyes recognize a thing or two? (edited)
Like this is the concept art and in the game a lot of these signs are found like this as well
I could swear I saw that chocolate one somewhere before but I'm not sure...
The game is only from 2012 but still that's almost 10 years ago
⭐⭐⭐ 28-May-21 09:13 AM
Some of these look like Chinese, but I can read a few of the Japanese ones. (:
Romsstar 28-May-21 09:13 AM
Oh wow, Captain Byte, I'm a big fan. I watch your work on twitter 🙂
⭐⭐⭐ 28-May-21 09:13 AM
Oh, thank you! 💙
Romsstar 28-May-21 09:13 AM
A few read nonsense to me, so they might be edited
but I'm thinking an artist needed some inspiration, so the originals should exist in some form? At least that's what I'm thinking
I tried Sozaijiten and Bakku no Oni and Google Image search so far
⭐⭐⭐ 28-May-21 09:15 AM
Ohhh, you want image sources, not translations. Well, let's see...
Romsstar 28-May-21 09:16 AM
I'm sorry, maybe I explained myself badly. I'm actually a translator myself, so I don't need translations. As a matter of fact the game was only released in Japan and I translated the whole game and released a patch of it back in 2015 😄
so yeah I'm trying to find which kind of signs the artist might have used
⭐⭐⭐ 28-May-21 09:18 AM
This one reminds me of a Japanese drink, but I can't remember what it's called-
Oronamin C Drink (オロナミンCドリンク, Oronamin Shī Dorinku), produced by Otsuka Chemical Holdings Co., Ltd., (distributed and sold by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co.) is a carbonated beverage available in Japan. It is commonly called Oronamin C or Oronamin. Its name is similar to the Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. product "Arinamin" and its name comes from Otsuka'...
Romsstar 28-May-21 09:20 AM
I was wondering maybe KANTA is supposed to be Fanta?
because the one right next to it looks a lot like the coke sign
also wow, amazing 😄
⭐⭐⭐ 28-May-21 09:22 AM
Looks like it! HI・SET might be a parody of HI-TEC-C pens
Anywho. It may just be by name
Romsstar 28-May-21 09:25 AM
How do you know these things? It's so impressive. really
⭐⭐⭐ 28-May-21 09:26 AM
I enjoy Japanese content!
Romsstar 28-May-21 09:27 AM
So do I, I mean I studied Japanese for 7 years and yet I never heard of Oronamin C until today 😄
⭐⭐⭐ 28-May-21 09:27 AM
This movie sign here reminds me of Clouds Over The Hill, but I doubt that's what it is, and I haven't seen it myself
I know for certain the drink sign parodies Oronamin C, but I'm just guessing on the rest haha
Romsstar 28-May-21 09:29 AM
The HI-TEC one makes sense yet I would have thought there would be a close match to the sign. Like with the Oronamin it's a near perfect match so I have no doubts you are right about that one
But this alone confirms an important thesis I had: That the signs are mostly edited or parodies of existing things so I can't expect to find actual matches 🙂 (edited)
⭐⭐⭐ 28-May-21 09:30 AM
Again, just a guess... could parody something else, the pen was just what reminded me of it. Though HI-TEC-C pens are gel pens, and the HI-SET pen looks like a fountain pen...
But they're definitely hand-drawn parodies!
Romsstar 28-May-21 09:31 AM
yeah, that's already very important to know. Because a lot of the textures ingame are sourced from the concept art, so looking for matches in the sense of textures will be a futile task
In a matter of minutes you brought more sense into this than I could in the whole day. Truly amazing 🙂
Also most important: Thank you. I didn't expect someone would be able to recognize something right of the bat that fast 😄
⭐⭐⭐ 28-May-21 09:37 AM
Oop, sorry! Got a bit distracted... it's my pleasure! 💙
Romsstar 28-May-21 09:38 AM
coincidence? I don't think so
also with the KANTA right next to it?
it's just a guess too though
The chocolate one is killing me though because I swear I saw that face when I was in Japan
Eugene 01-Jun-21 07:51 AM
Are these islands/mountains far away from a photograph too?
If so, which real-world islands/mountains are they?
Holo 01-Jun-21 07:54 AM
I think its this?
Eugene 01-Jun-21 07:56 AM
Huh, so they cut out one mountain out of this whole bunch of mountains? Hmmm
Holo 01-Jun-21 07:56 AM
yeah, Nintendo is known for editing photos together
Eugene 01-Jun-21 07:57 AM
So do we know where these mountains are in the real world? Where was the original photo taken?
Holo 01-Jun-21 07:57 AM
I don't think we do
what I was saying with Nintendo editing images
like how these two are used to make the beta version of the Cool Cool Mountain Painting
Eugene 01-Jun-21 08:01 AM
I'm not sure what the beta version of the Cool Cool Mountain Painting looks like
Holo 01-Jun-21 08:03 AM
its just that image thrown into a painting frame lol
Eugene 01-Jun-21 08:03 AM
Holo 01-Jun-21 08:04 AM
also flipped
Eugene 01-Jun-21 08:04 AM
Also apparently this is the metal texture?
Holo 01-Jun-21 08:04 AM
yeah it is
Eugene 01-Jun-21 08:04 AM
How the hell did someone come up with the idea to use this texture?
Holo 01-Jun-21 08:05 AM
I think they just choose it cause it was probably a cool reflection map to them
Eugene 01-Jun-21 08:06 AM
Stevie 02-Jun-21 10:27 PM
Not exactly an entire library here, but this book contains pictures that were eventually used in Doom 1 and 2, and TES Daggerfall. Lots of animal/monster faces came from here. I figure it's worth post here.
Nightmares in the Sky: Gargoyles and Grotesques is a coffee table book about architectural gargoyles, photographed by f-stop Fitzgerald with accompanying text by Stephen King, and published in 1988. An excerpt was published in the September 1988 issue of Penthouse. Some of the images in the book were used as textures in the video games Doom and ...
👍 1
Folkin 03-Jun-21 02:24 PM
I come from the Render96 server with a question, can I post it here?
Pik 03-Jun-21 02:26 PM
Ask away
Folkin 03-Jun-21 02:27 PM
Alright, so I thought i knew with what equipment they worked but I can't find the source anymore, anyways the company was (is technically) called "WhoopeeCamp and was set up in 1996 -1997 by Tokuro Fujiwara, They created the Tomba games for on the PS1 and Extermination, until they went defunct. Although Tokuro is now woroking as a freelancer under the WhoopeeCamp company again with the latest game being the Ghost and Goblins remaster. They worked together with Deepspace to create Extermination.
But I'm mostly focused on the Tomba games. (Tomba 1 released in 1997 and Tomba 2 in 1999.)
I also posted this image as an example of one of the areas of the game.
I might also have the name of software they used but I can't find it for now, but I'm searching.
Pik 03-Jun-21 02:42 PM
Obligatory, but I have to wonder if this texture was edited from the famous cobble_stone
Folkin 03-Jun-21 02:42 PM
Ah it was LightWave!
Pik 03-Jun-21 02:42 PM
Oh nice!
Folkin 03-Jun-21 02:42 PM
Somebody said it was yes.
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Obligatory, but I have to wonder if this texture was edited from the famous cobble_stone
Speed Weed 03-Jun-21 02:43 PM
pretty sure it is
Folkin 03-Jun-21 02:44 PM
i tried fitting the texture on it but I guess I suck haha, couldn't get it to fit.
Pik 03-Jun-21 02:44 PM
It was probably edited pretty heavily, along with a color change
The original texture actually doesn't loop super well, so each instance of it seems to be edited in some way
Folkin 03-Jun-21 02:45 PM
Speed Weed 03-Jun-21 02:45 PM
oh yeah definitely edited but i'm pretty sure it's a son of cobblestone
Folkin 03-Jun-21 02:45 PM
Now I was wondering if there are any texture CD's that are connected to LightWave? (edited)
Here are 2 more areas from the game that might help.
PlayStation - Tomba! / Tombi! - The #1 source for video game sprites on the internet!
Under "Backgrounds"
Stevie 05-Jun-21 03:15 AM
Wow, I didn’t know that selling a collection of textures and then suing whoever uses it for commercial use is a career option!
I wonder if capcom is going to settle or defend that their purchase of the book is a license for commercial use. It doesn’t explicitly say on the book listing.
Flo 05-Jun-21 03:26 AM
Stevie 05-Jun-21 04:11 AM
After reading that; there’s no way capcom will agree to paying 16 mil for that.
I could see them settling for like 500k if that, 16 mil is a lot to ask for.
The CD being bundled for free with textures that aren’t supposed to be used commercially might be a problem though. Can’t wait to see how the case will play out.
Eugene 06-Jun-21 10:24 AM
Not quite game-related, but I was wondering what you think about these dark clouds. Do you think they were just drawn or could they be from a (photographic) texture?
SonicChao 11-Jun-21 01:20 PM
Hey I was wondering if anyone knows a way to convert the texture files in Alias 6 to be viewable?
roovahlees 11-Jun-21 02:07 PM
@SonicChao What type of files are the textures in Alias 6? (edited)
SonicChao 11-Jun-21 02:10 PM
It's doesn't say what type
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It's doesn't say what type
roovahlees 11-Jun-21 02:23 PM
Convert your files from over 120 formats to a JPG image with this free online JPEG converter. Optionally apply digital effects.
change the Quality settings to best (edited)
and Compress to none (edited)
SonicChao 11-Jun-21 02:27 PM
unfortunately it didn't work
😕 1
ThatNintendoNerd 11-Jun-21 04:19 PM
View the file in a hex editor and look at the file magic, then look online for it and see what can parse it
Skye 13-Jun-21 02:27 PM
Hey guyd gotta question. As a game developer who is need of textures what is my best way of aquiring textures i can use and not worry about copyright etc
Fanamel 13-Jun-21 02:43 PM
You might do this already but the easiest way I know of is to dig around on google for free texture sites and take a look at what their license is
Free materials never looked this good! Get 1000+ PBR materials and textures for free under the Public Domain license.
this site for instance lists it all under Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal License. which means you can use it for anything without giving credit
Stevie 15-Jun-21 02:31 AM
Do you guys think the format is good? I have the game running in dolphin and use a hotkey to toggle the texture(s) through a texture pack. Dunno if I'd do this for other games since I'm so focused on Rush at the moment, but it was really cool to find these and implement them.
roovahlees 15-Jun-21 05:36 AM
awesome video Stevie
advanced 1
Fanamel 15-Jun-21 06:27 AM
That video is cool. I really like how you showed them being replaced in-game and showed the original textures with the sources. Helps put in perspective what's going on for people not as familiar with how textures work.
Avatar Fanamel
That video is cool. I really like how you showed them being replaced in-game and showed the original textures with the sources. Helps put in perspective what's going on for people not as familiar with how textures work.
Stevie 15-Jun-21 02:20 PM
I was going to explain it in the beginning at first but I feel like it's easy to pick up on. Hardest part was culling unnecessary context and footage.
also I kept on finding new matches haha
I'm hoping the algorithm picks up on the video and get new people interested in texture matching.
roovahlees 15-Jun-21 03:35 PM
@Stevie Do you have a Twitter profile?
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@Stevie Do you have a Twitter profile?
Stevie 15-Jun-21 03:35 PM
all of my activity is on Youtube though, twitter is for lurk.
roovahlees 15-Jun-21 03:36 PM
Can you post your video there so I can retweet that?
That will bring more people
Stevie 15-Jun-21 03:37 PM
how do you go about doing that? Is linking it or uploading it better?
roovahlees 15-Jun-21 03:37 PM
just post the youtube link like you did in here
add a comment If you want (edited)
Stevie 15-Jun-21 03:40 PM
Any tag or credit requests? I'm going to say "Thank you to some of the people at Render96" or something similar.
roovahlees 15-Jun-21 03:42 PM
you could tag the guys you mention on the video
I know Fanamel has a twitter (edited)
Art, Pixels, and Animation can be found here. Video Game Texture Archival Dude
Stevie 15-Jun-21 03:43 PM
Here’s some source textures found in the 1999-2000 game San Francisco Rush 2049. Thank you to @FanamelT for the help!
⭐ 1
Others don’t have twitter accounts
roovahlees 15-Jun-21 03:48 PM
ok you got them covered in your video credits (edited)
Speed Weed 15-Jun-21 04:52 PM
@DorfDork Yo you should retweet this with the r96 account :)
👆 1
Mahthrbertr 17-Jun-21 05:23 PM
Not sure if these were sourced from stock photos or not, but I'm still curious
These are from the Monster Island stage in Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee
Mahthrbertr 17-Jun-21 06:05 PM
Same with these
Sorry if spammy
Mahthrbertr 17-Jun-21 06:29 PM
But, does anyone here recognize any of these? I looked through all the resources links and reversed image searched and everything, but I couldn't find any matches
Stevie 17-Jun-21 08:50 PM
This isn't uploaded anywhere else afaik. I backed it up on my google drive, it's just 4 directories with images. (edited)
SonicChao 18-Jun-21 10:11 AM
Thank you!
Fanamel 18-Jun-21 01:15 PM
Sweeet, don't think I did download those yet
Stevie 18-Jun-21 01:17 PM
They’re not the ones I was looking for but I’ll take what I can get.
I actually found them by googling the contents of the file names. Eventually I got a torrent link to these. No luck yet for the basic CD-Rom though.
Also if you guys want to reupload those to an account go right ahead.
Retro64 18-Jun-21 01:21 PM
@Stevie Do you know what year these are from?
Stevie 18-Jun-21 01:24 PM
No idea. Does right clicking and opening properties show it? If not then I have a readme blurb that I pulled from the ftp link a while back, that might have it.
Retro64 18-Jun-21 01:26 PM
i'm unable to download it as of right now due to it's size could you post that readme?
Stevie 18-Jun-21 01:30 PM
This was grabbed independently from those what I have in google drive
Retro64 18-Jun-21 01:31 PM
hrmmm the copyright says 1989-1997, which isn't very helpful haha
also you might want to repost that w/o the employee contact info
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also you might want to repost that w/o the employee contact info
Stevie 18-Jun-21 01:33 PM
Oh lol
Retro64 18-Jun-21 01:33 PM
it has the same info
along with the contact stuff lol (edited)
Stevie 18-Jun-21 01:36 PM
Ya Idk.
Dang now to find the year.
David27 22-Jun-21 09:10 PM
Hello, everybody. I love that people do this, and as a child in the 90s I am very grateful for the hidden preservation work going down. Thank you. (edited)
I have been thinking of starting some kind of digital archaeology project to unearth lost treasures for the fun of it. A video about the cobblestone texture by Kid Leaves Stoop randomly served to me by the magical YouTube algo. I then remember that my city is the home city to Bioware and Beamdog and wondered if there was a way to obtain old archived data/disks/tapes/CDs direct from source? Has it been tried? Is there info amongst you people on how best to approach, etc? (edited)
Avatar David27
I have been thinking of starting some kind of digital archaeology project to unearth lost treasures for the fun of it. A video about the cobblestone texture by Kid Leaves Stoop randomly served to me by the magical YouTube algo. I then remember that my city is the home city to Bioware and Beamdog and wondered if there was a way to obtain old archived data/disks/tapes/CDs direct from source? Has it been tried? Is there info amongst you people on how best to approach, etc? (edited)
Speed Weed 23-Jun-21 03:43 AM
You could try sending an email to them
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You could try sending an email to them
David27 23-Jun-21 10:20 AM
That's a great start, sure! 😄
Raven 26-Jun-21 02:27 PM
Just posted my first find snomrave
Fanamel 26-Jun-21 02:36 PM
damn nice, seems likely that site would hold more
helps that the site straight up says it started in 2008 which fits new vegas being released in 2010
MtH 29-Jun-21 03:54 AM
@Stevie after we found a few more wraptures matches in sonic adventure & did a little more research, I wrote up a little paragraph about it that might interest you. it also includes links to previews for the full Wraptures One and Wraptures Two discs
Avatar MtH
@Stevie after we found a few more wraptures matches in sonic adventure & did a little more research, I wrote up a little paragraph about it that might interest you. it also includes links to previews for the full Wraptures One and Wraptures Two discs
Stevie 29-Jun-21 03:55 AM
Awesome, I'll read it right now.
Stevie 29-Jun-21 04:03 AM
There's probably a decent amount of first party dreamcast game matches you can find in these. I can't wait to get a hold of them.
I may have found another 2049 match in the previews but it's too hard for me to tell at the moment.
MtH 29-Jun-21 04:07 AM
mhm, fanamel actually found an oot match surprisingly (edited)
Stevie 29-Jun-21 04:10 AM
Okay, now I really want to get ahold of this lol
And I felt like I was really grasping at this one, can't wait to see the full res image.
Wow this one really did get around then lmao
This is actually huge news for me because this means this may have been a texture library used for the CG textures used in the game; I've never been able to source anything from them until now. (edited)
MtH 29-Jun-21 04:16 AM
we're getting wraptures two, havent found any listings yet for 1. might end up emailing the Form and Function founder to see if there's still any way to get it
if you come across any though, lmk
Stevie 29-Jun-21 04:17 AM
I'll dig around for it.
Although they're getting dumped right? I thought that someone here had the discs already.
MtH 29-Jun-21 04:20 AM
KerbalAwesomebuilderX has wraptures extreme3d, and some versions of Macromedia extreme3d with textures bundled
talked abt that briefly in #pc-general-talk if you wanna catch up
Stevie 29-Jun-21 04:22 AM
Oooh I see, I thought that those 3 discs had the same stuff in the previews.
MtH 29-Jun-21 04:24 AM
i believe they only have stuff from wraptures extreme 3d, but i think they are up on if you wanna check
advanced 2
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@Stevie after we found a few more wraptures matches in sonic adventure & did a little more research, I wrote up a little paragraph about it that might interest you. it also includes links to previews for the full Wraptures One and Wraptures Two discs
SonicChao 29-Jun-21 04:29 AM
Hell yeah!
Is the CD abandonware?
MtH 29-Jun-21 04:37 AM
afaik it's not being sold officially anymore
Tomahawker 29-Jun-21 10:03 PM
just wondering, how do we go about finding these textures
more specifically where do we find texture discs
Fanamel 29-Jun-21 10:26 PM
I usually dig through yahoo auctions japan or ebay for image/texture CD's then dig through, wayback machine, google if there's any uploads or better info on them
You kinda just find them by trying out different search terms or reverse image searching based on what you know from previous info
Tomahawker 30-Jun-21 07:47 AM
oh i see
thanks! (edited)
SonicChao 30-Jun-21 12:52 PM
Also I wanted to ask if has there been any attempt to recently track down the ImageCELs texture cd that was used for Crazy Taxi?
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Also I wanted to ask if has there been any attempt to recently track down the ImageCELs texture cd that was used for Crazy Taxi?
Stevie 30-Jun-21 01:11 PM
I try every few weeks for an hour or two to find a mirror; but no luck yet. Closest I got so far is the desert tree collection, I posted it here a while back.
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Imagecels Desert Trees, Desert Shrubs, Shrubs Vol 1, Tropical and More
Stevie 30-Jun-21 01:12 PM
Imagecels Textures
SonicChao 30-Jun-21 01:14 PM
Thank You!
Fanamel 30-Jun-21 02:49 PM
Someday hopefully we get lucky with them lol
Fanamel 30-Jun-21 03:24 PM
Gonna dump some info here. I found a small line of image/texture CD's called PhotoGear made around 1993 by a company named Image Club Graphics. At first it looked like a small random company but it turns out they were owned by Adobe and their archived website states they were one of the first to create clipart CD's. I don't really know if these PhotoGear CD's got used in anything notable but I thought it was worth mentioning here
Copyright free digital backgrounds to use for print, online graphic design and craft projects. 30 images including bricks, metal, denim, money, crumpled paper and more on Mac or PC compatible CD. File format is RGB TIF in 3 resolutions: 2390px X 3060px, 1060px x 1330px, 280px x 360px. Can be
The only PhotoGear CD I see online is the first which the above page has previews for the images on it (edited)
the archived site show they had about 11 CD's released
Stevie 01-Jul-21 09:19 PM
Imagecels CD-ROM readme with texture names and resolutions
101.94 KB
It goes with the webpage with all of the preview, I'm surprised I missed it.
Stevie 01-Jul-21 09:37 PM
We should put a bounty on this CD. I'd gladly add $50 to a pool.
On the brightside the resolutions aren't anything to write home about.
136x173 is the original res for a tree in rush; it's a really small size for something on a cd.
Fanamel 01-Jul-21 09:55 PM
Yeh if we do get this CD it won't be too useful for getting HD textures out of it. It just helps figure out what was using it and how often it was used, plus the novelty of people being able to say they're using the same textures the old devs had for their own mods/hacks.
I could toss some money in too. I just wonder if the subject would be too niche for people to consider hunting it down for money
Stevie 01-Jul-21 10:07 PM
A lot of people on twitter seem to really like it, I'm really surprised by a lot of the traction your texture matching posts make.
Fanamel 01-Jul-21 10:24 PM
I'm a little surprised by it too honestly. It's pretty nice to see people enjoy the subject but tbh I've been kinda shying away from it a bit just because I'd like to create more of my own stuff soon instead of growing the image of being that one guy who finds textures lol
Stevie 01-Jul-21 10:37 PM
That's understandable, I always bounce between projects. Whenever I get bored of one I pick up another. It's really easy to burn out when focusing on one thing.
Avatar Stevie
136x173 is the original res for a tree in rush; it's a really small size for something on a cd.
SonicChao 01-Jul-21 10:49 PM
Wait are the textures really that small in the CD?
Stevie 01-Jul-21 10:51 PM
According to the text file it is
2049's res for it is 128x128 which isn't much smaller.
roovahlees 03-Jul-21 12:30 AM
Just found a few Crazy Taxi matches in there (edited)
👀 1
roovahlees 03-Jul-21 12:52 AM
👀 2
SonicChao 04-Jul-21 04:19 PM
Has their been any Texture Dumps for SoftImage 3.7?
Stevie 07-Jul-21 07:02 PM
The hunt continues..
If you guys ever find a listing online that's ~3.8gb, it's this collection and it does not contain the CD-ROM.
Fanamel 07-Jul-21 07:54 PM
Glad we have plenty of these backed up now at least lol
I still need to dig through those to see if they pop up in anything. I know imagecels was the go-to for architecture programs for a while
Stevie 07-Jul-21 07:56 PM
I'll zip all these and post a link here
Actually I'm gonna upload it to; I should have an account there anyway to keep a lot of the files I work with.
DorfDork 07-Jul-21 08:35 PM
@Stevie its alright I have them already
Avatar DorfDork
@Stevie its alright I have them already
Stevie 07-Jul-21 08:41 PM
roovahlees 08-Jul-21 12:15 AM
Is it possible to extract the textures from this one?
Some shovelware 3D architecture software from Punch Software.No info on the case, but the disc says For Windows 95/98/NTThe about screen in the software say...
It is supposed to contain a few ImageCELs
Retro64 08-Jul-21 03:53 PM
this is up for auction
this is EXTREMELY important to get
for archival
@DorfDork I recommend taking a look at this
DorfDork 08-Jul-21 03:56 PM
looks interesting
Fanamel 08-Jul-21 04:33 PM
The company report books sometimes have some cool behind the scenes pics not seen elsewhere
Would definitely be worth tossing money towards if it's not scanned online already
roovahlees 09-Jul-21 01:54 AM
50,000 yen ....that's 450 usd (edited)
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50,000 yen ....that's 450 usd (edited)
Romsstar 09-Jul-21 03:07 AM
For science!
SonicChao 09-Jul-21 08:15 AM
Mr.Beast has joined the Server
Pik 09-Jul-21 01:09 PM
Holy shit, never seen this specific one before
How do we wanna handle this? I notice it has Satellaview content in it, too
Pik 09-Jul-21 01:23 PM
I have some money I could chip in, if we wanna go that route
Mahthrbertr 10-Jul-21 01:02 AM
Does this match any known finds? (edited)
Speed Weed 10-Jul-21 01:07 AM
where's that from
Mahthrbertr 10-Jul-21 01:08 AM
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee (GameCube version), it's an Atari/Pipeworks game released in 2002 (edited)
There's also these (what appear to be) rocks/stones/pebbles
I've been working on modding the game, so being able to find the source pics for textures would be awesome
I don't know what software they used in producing the game, but it wouldn't surprise me if they used stock textures from CD libraries
Avatar Mahthrbertr
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee (GameCube version), it's an Atari/Pipeworks game released in 2002 (edited)
Stevie 10-Jul-21 03:34 PM
Download the stuff below the visual disk downloads, These are non-japanese libraries so they have an increased likelihood of appearing in your game. I was able to find a lot of matches with the 96-99 San Francisco Rush series which was also developed by Atari/Midway Games.
Contribute to Render96/Render96Wiki development by creating an account on GitHub.
SonicChao 11-Jul-21 11:04 AM
earthbound 64 fans we eat tonight, you're welcome
I've been wanting to talk about this for the past couple weeks!
We might be getting an uncompressed EB64 Trailer
Avatar SonicChao
We might be getting an uncompressed EB64 Trailer
Speed Weed 11-Jul-21 12:27 PM
That's pretty poggers honestly (edited)
SonicChao 11-Jul-21 01:31 PM
Hey I was wondering if anyone could possibly dump the texture from Imagesofts. Since I tired to get it running on my PC but for some reason it just refused to work (Even with the Virtual Machine)
Security Officer The Fonz 11-Jul-21 07:51 PM
Does anyone know how many Bakku CDs we have access to?
Avatar Security Officer The Fonz
Does anyone know how many Bakku CDs we have access to?
Stevie 12-Jul-21 05:03 PM
@MtH did you ever get that wraptures by any chance?
MtH 12-Jul-21 05:08 PM
yeah, just yet to be dumped
i had it shipped to someone else cuz i dont live in the USA
👍 1
Stevie 12-Jul-21 05:17 PM
Glad to hear, can't wait to use it
Avatar Stevie
Download the stuff below the visual disk downloads, These are non-japanese libraries so they have an increased likelihood of appearing in your game. I was able to find a lot of matches with the 96-99 San Francisco Rush series which was also developed by Atari/Midway Games.
Mahthrbertr 13-Jul-21 04:08 AM
I looked through ever one of those, and couldn't find any matches for any of the textures in it, unfortunately.
Then again, I'm not nearly as experienced identifying stuff, I honestly think I need some help, I apologize if I'm being annoying and/or a burden! I just really love this game is all, it was my childhood lol (edited)
Stevie 13-Jul-21 04:25 AM
You’re good, library probably hasn’t been found yet. There’s gotta be hundreds of them out there and I’m sure plenty have gotten lost in time.
Mahthrbertr 13-Jul-21 04:28 AM
I just don't want to come across as entitled, I don't want to be a dick
Stevie 13-Jul-21 04:29 AM
Some advice if you haven’t found any textures whatsoever: dump as many textures as you can find and run it through a reverse search like tineye. The best images are the ones that look or are photographic like rocks, wood, grass, or metals. If you get matches then it’s highly likely not the original and probably from a cd. Also factor in region/year when looking through cds.
Also if you end up dumping the textures and uploading them somewhere I’ll take a look through to see if anything matches the Atari game I work with.
Mahthrbertr 13-Jul-21 04:31 AM
Thank you kindly, I really appreciate it
roovahlees 13-Jul-21 08:23 AM
Interesting early 00's texture packs (edited)
Absolute Textures produces seamless, tileable textures for use in 3d artwork as well as 2d artwork. A favorite among world class 3d artist, game developers, cg movie creative teams and advertisers.
👍 1
KerbalAwesomebuilderX 15-Jul-21 10:47 PM
I have a large collection of textures like these, where should I share them?
Avatar Stevie
@MtH did you ever get that wraptures by any chance?
KerbalAwesomebuilderX 15-Jul-21 10:50 PM
I have a few physical wraptures discs as well if you’re interested I can send you images
Avatar KerbalAwesomebuilderX
I have a few physical wraptures discs as well if you’re interested I can send you images
Stevie 15-Jul-21 11:08 PM
Yeah I'll take everything you have. Google drive or are both good places.
KerbalAwesomebuilderX 16-Jul-21 06:45 AM
Mahthrbertr 16-Jul-21 03:05 PM
Here's some assorted textures from the Seattle level in Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee, if/whenever someone could take a look:
there's other textures for that level too, but I chose the ones I think that would most likely have sources that could be identified
Fanamel 19-Jul-21 08:44 PM
Finally got Wraptures Two dumped. Here's the links: Converted images using ImageMagick (still contains the .pct files as not everything was converted):
I also have the ISO and files from the ISO here: The ISO itself (HFS filesystem, doesn't read on Windows): Ripped files from ISO:
It'sEasyActually dumped Wraptures 2 for us with MtH getting the CD bid before
@Stevie I think this would be of use for you
🙏 1
DorfDork 19-Jul-21 09:09 PM
these will be archived soon for future refrence!
👍 1
Stevie 19-Jul-21 10:17 PM
It's so satisfying to see the collection grow
Fanamel 19-Jul-21 11:48 PM
It really is lol. Hopefully we reach a point most of these are super simple to reference when needed
Mahthrbertr 20-Jul-21 04:08 AM
Agreed. I'm so glad this project exists.
The Clown 20-Jul-21 04:26 PM
how does this server have a square icon
wait it doesnt
I probably have an eyesight problem and/or mental disorder
Fanamel 20-Jul-21 04:51 PM
dorf magic
MtH 20-Jul-21 04:58 PM
the square is smaller than the circle
KerbalAwesomebuilderX 20-Jul-21 09:13 PM
anyone know where I could find a tiled balloon texture?
ThreePlanet 21-Jul-21 09:51 AM
KerbalAwesomebuilderX 21-Jul-21 12:01 PM
Never mind
dominic 01-Aug-21 06:57 PM
this is not a game, it's an icarly dvd, but I found the stock photo they use for the camera icon
its a canon gl2 but with the 3ccd emblem and branding somehow taken off???
ThreePlanet 01-Aug-21 07:53 PM
You mean the watermark? That's probably because they bought the image
MtH 02-Aug-21 06:24 AM
nah they mean the branding on the original camera
the logos are stripped off on the adobe stock image
because of copyright, i imagine (edited)
GRAnimated ᵈᵘᵐᵇᵒ 02-Aug-21 04:52 PM
they covered it in the show as well
on the camera seen
JeremyFan Girl Fox Alt 04-Aug-21 05:31 AM
Why All Files Are Pcd File?
Lucoshi 05-Aug-21 11:22 AM
Looks like a grassy hill
Lucoshi 05-Aug-21 11:33 AM
maybe someone could match this
DorfDork 09-Aug-21 07:39 PM
@TechnoCookie mind if I post that onto the r96 twitter?
the skullgirls match
TechnoCookie 09-Aug-21 07:40 PM
SonicChao 12-Aug-21 04:22 PM
does anyone know if the posters that used in Kindergarten Cop made sufficiently for the movie? Since it might explain a bit more of the connection with Silent Hill
DorfDork 12-Aug-21 04:50 PM
I assume its from an autodesk library based on the black and yellow stripes
Stevie 13-Aug-21 08:14 PM
@Fanamel Do you have any interest in documenting fonts used in games with examples of in-game use?
The idea came up because I wanted to add some more matches to the 2049 page. I also have several fonts saved that were used for 2049, mainly for ui and billboards. (edited)
YOU DON'T EXIST PORRA 13-Aug-21 08:38 PM
Could anyone tell me where I can get Visual Disk nowadays? I can't find it on anymore. :/ I'm lookin specifically to Visual Disk N-3 from dizain
Fanamel 13-Aug-21 08:56 PM
Oh yeah I'd love to get the fonts mentioned too when they can be
Stevie 13-Aug-21 08:57 PM
Is there a way I can edit the page myself?
Fanamel 13-Aug-21 08:59 PM
Also VisualDisk N-3 was dumped by the beta recreation guys. I thought that did get uploaded to archive but I don't see it either
and yeah I was about to mention I could give you editing permission if you'd be interested in adding in things yourself.
Could anyone tell me where I can get Visual Disk nowadays? I can't find it on anymore. :/ I'm lookin specifically to Visual Disk N-3 from dizain
Stevie 13-Aug-21 09:02 PM
yeah I'd love that. My github account name is Stevie2049. Do I have to add you or dorf first?
Avatar Stevie
yeah I'd love that. My github account name is Stevie2049. Do I have to add you or dorf first?
Fanamel 13-Aug-21 09:09 PM
I got a invite sent, let me know if it lets you edit the wiki
Stevie 13-Aug-21 09:16 PM
Invite seems to work, thank you!
Fanamel 13-Aug-21 09:19 PM
awesome, don't worry about making things look super nice if you don't have time to figure it out. I can always tidy things up when I start adding in missing things like I plan to later
Avatar Fanamel
Also VisualDisk N-3 was dumped by the beta recreation guys. I thought that did get uploaded to archive but I don't see it either
YOU DON'T EXIST PORRA 13-Aug-21 09:20 PM
Thanks!! :D
Avatar Fanamel
awesome, don't worry about making things look super nice if you don't have time to figure it out. I can always tidy things up when I start adding in missing things like I plan to later
Stevie 13-Aug-21 09:25 PM
Nice to know, I'll do my best anyway. Gonna take some time to gather up all of the new matches too. I'll have it all published at the same time.
🎃Urall🎃 14-Aug-21 01:58 PM
can someone help me find the brick wall texture in the back?
ThreePlanet 14-Aug-21 02:17 PM
These ones are a lot harder I would say because the developer could have gotten it from Internet as a solo image instead of a volume, which makes it a lot harder, but I'm gonna see
And the fact that also just appears here
With Freddy in front
🎃Urall🎃 14-Aug-21 02:36 PM
Thank you for helping
There is another render by the way
But its a bit low res
MtH 14-Aug-21 02:38 PM
clearly this is cobble_stone
TechnoCookie 15-Aug-21 03:08 PM
the stone behind the slaughter
Avatar 🎃Urall🎃
can someone help me find the brick wall texture in the back?
TechnoCookie 16-Aug-21 08:06 AM
My best guess as to where this is from is that it’s either a stock image Scott found on Google or a photograph he took himself
Have you tried contacting him about where this is from?
🎃Urall🎃 16-Aug-21 08:19 AM
its probably a stock image
and contacting to scott is like impossible
TechnoCookie 16-Aug-21 08:20 AM
Didn’t he use to be really open with fans?
🎃Urall🎃 16-Aug-21 08:22 AM
he is retired now
TechnoCookie 16-Aug-21 08:43 AM
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he is retired now
Lucoshi 16-Aug-21 11:35 AM
And i hate this!
TechnoCookie 17-Aug-21 12:06 AM
Imagine if we found where this background is
SonicChao 18-Aug-21 10:34 AM
Hey I was wondering if anyone has an invite link to this Discord since the one on the website seems to be expired
Avatar SonicChao
Hey I was wondering if anyone has an invite link to this Discord since the one on the website seems to be expired
Fanamel 18-Aug-21 10:47 AM
oh I wasn't even paying attention to that, thanks for bringing it up. There's a new invite on the wiki page now
SonicChao 18-Aug-21 10:47 AM
okay thank you
DeityOfToxin 19-Aug-21 01:21 PM
can anyone help me find this image
the cobblestone
i found this in a tf1 video
its the original 2fort
DeityOfToxin 19-Aug-21 01:29 PM
closer image
Speed Weed 19-Aug-21 01:30 PM
that's not cobblestone
DeityOfToxin 19-Aug-21 01:30 PM
its medieval brick wall of some sort
Fanamel 19-Aug-21 01:34 PM
I wasn't certain at first but now I'm kinda curious because some of these shapes are pretty similar
Speed Weed 19-Aug-21 01:34 PM
I don't see any of the patterns even if i flipped the image
Fanamel 19-Aug-21 01:35 PM
these two shapes specifically is what got my attention
I wouldn't know where to find the texture though without ripping it right out, I don't know if this came with quake or it was made for the mod (edited)
Speed Weed 19-Aug-21 01:40 PM
it's missing the little square right on the ridge
and the thin brick right on top
Fanamel 19-Aug-21 01:42 PM
I know but that doesn't mean it couldn't be edited is all, sometimes they went an extra distance with these
MtH 19-Aug-21 04:41 PM
they werent saying it's cobble_stone lol they were just talking about the type of wall
Avatar TechnoCookie
Imagine if we found where this background is
Tomahawker 22-Aug-21 06:31 AM
this is an oxbow lake in the rio negro national park in paraguay (edited)
its the closest match i could find (edited)
Tomahawker 22-Aug-21 06:55 AM
visually different but the characteristics are the same to the point where it could be the one
SonicChao 25-Aug-21 01:48 PM
Hey @Fanamel sorry for the ping but I was wondering if it's okay to advertise the server on my Twitter? Since I'm currently making a HD Pack for Sonic Adventure 2 and this server was the reason this project exists in the first place I wanted to advertise the server to not only help out with finding matches for SA2 but just for people who would like to help find matches.
Fanamel 25-Aug-21 02:00 PM
Sure I don't mind that if you feel like it would help out your own searching
SonicChao 25-Aug-21 02:05 PM
mario60bore 28-Aug-21 11:06 PM
mario60bore 29-Aug-21 09:37 AM
i have to ask how did you find alias 3
Speed Weed 29-Aug-21 11:49 AM
Ask the 64history people
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i have to ask how did you find alias 3
Fanamel 29-Aug-21 12:15 PM
dorf put a copy of it on the render96 archive account
DorfDork 29-Aug-21 01:21 PM
peashooterman3 29-Aug-21 07:20 PM
Avatar Fanamel
dorf put a copy of it on the render96 archive account
mario60bore 30-Aug-21 08:18 AM
i have a copy of n world but its copy protected
mario60bore 30-Aug-21 08:32 AM
here's something i wonder i know capcom and id used photo albums but you think sega or Nintendo also used them
mario60bore 30-Aug-21 05:59 PM
@Fanamel i have the sgi version of n world do you think you know anyone who can crack it
Avatar mario60bore
@Fanamel i have the sgi version of n world do you think you know anyone who can crack it
Fanamel 31-Aug-21 02:45 PM
I do not sadly although I'm not really familiar with what's been going on with N-World. Could be possible another group out there cracked it already.
Avatar Fanamel
I do not sadly although I'm not really familiar with what's been going on with N-World. Could be possible another group out there cracked it already.
mario60bore 31-Aug-21 04:59 PM
there's only the nt version but that doesnt have evreything
SonicChao 01-Sep-21 09:59 AM
Does anyone know where to find a copy of Artbeats Reel Explosions 2?
MtH 02-Sep-21 03:01 AM
i'll DM u a link
dominic 13-Sep-21 04:12 PM
does anyone know anything regarding the gameboy horror texture used in luigis mansion?
Fanamel 13-Sep-21 04:24 PM
It's just a photoshop of the transparent gameboy color they put through a scanner
TechnoCookie 15-Sep-21 11:00 AM
Delay Lama match by @FanamelT. The texture originates from Maya and the texture name is "cottagebrick."
Are these textures in newer versions of Maya?
Fanamel 15-Sep-21 08:09 PM
The one I found that in was the 2004 version if I recall right
Avatar Fanamel
The one I found that in was the 2004 version if I recall right
TechnoCookie 16-Sep-21 02:58 AM
Is that version abandonware or do I still have to buy it?
Avatar TechnoCookie
Is that version abandonware or do I still have to buy it?
Fanamel 16-Sep-21 04:02 PM
it's abandoned, I found it on by searching maya
mario60bore 18-Sep-21 11:02 PM
i see some textures from Pilotwings
modestlaw 21-Sep-21 08:17 AM
hey, I just wanted to poke in and thank you guys for the work you are doing , its been incredibly helpful for my working upscaling EverQuest
Pik 21-Sep-21 11:58 AM
Glad to hear it! Those shots are looking good
ThreePlanet 21-Sep-21 12:39 PM
Looking really good man!
peashooterman3 21-Sep-21 12:56 PM
Fanamel 21-Sep-21 01:49 PM
sick stuff
Fonix 25-Sep-21 12:16 PM
DorfDork 25-Sep-21 12:18 PM
Fonix 25-Sep-21 12:19 PM
Ive been looking for graphics and was wondering if those render cds are online. As I'm wanting to make a game that looks and feels like an64 game
Probably should have finished this video im watcihg to learn I can find the stuff on
Though I wonder if this WIki on the website would be more accesable on those wiki pages that fandoms usually use. They have one for sounds
DorfDork 25-Sep-21 12:28 PM
I'm supposed to work on the sound pages for the wiki but I've been busy with work
Contribute to Render96/Render96Wiki development by creating an account on GitHub.
Its not even complete yet 😦
Fonix 25-Sep-21 12:30 PM
I'm working on a project that wants to make a game that looks and feel like a N64 game. Are the soundfonts of the games copyrighted?
And if I was to use the textures from the website would I run into copyright issues as well?
DorfDork 25-Sep-21 12:32 PM
I'm not a legal professional so I can't say with 100% certainty
Fonix 25-Sep-21 12:35 PM
Which CD was Super Mario 64 heavily referenced on
I think it was the one that starts with an S and i think I found it
DorfDork 25-Sep-21 12:42 PM
Remi 25-Sep-21 12:42 PM
If by soundfonts you mean samples then yes but not by Nintendo
Fonix 25-Sep-21 12:42 PM
Are the textures able to be used, like has their licence ran out for these textures to be free domain
Avatar Remi
If by soundfonts you mean samples then yes but not by Nintendo
Fonix 25-Sep-21 12:43 PM
So I couldn't use the the soundfonts from a game like Super Mario 64 in a new game
Remi 25-Sep-21 12:44 PM
Not legally, but it's not very likely anyone would do anything about it.
I'd suggest not using soundfonts to begin with
Fonix 25-Sep-21 12:46 PM
Hmm... Then id ether have to compress the audio to make it sound retro, unless theres soundfonts that exists free on the internet
Avatar Remi
Not legally, but it's not very likely anyone would do anything about it.
TechnoCookie 25-Sep-21 12:46 PM
Undertale uses Earthbound samples so I don’t see how that’d be any different with Mario 64 samples
Remi 25-Sep-21 12:47 PM
Still not legal in Undertale
but again
Not likely anyone would do anything about it
Nintendo/HAL doesn't own the copyright to those samples
TechnoCookie 25-Sep-21 12:47 PM
Remi 25-Sep-21 12:47 PM
The companies that do don't care/are gone
Minus Spectrasonics
Plus it's more fun to build up your own personal sound palette for a game at least to me
TechnoCookie 25-Sep-21 12:55 PM
I think you can make something that feels like your own through sampling though, just as long as you aren’t rapping over an existing song with a trap beat over it
Remi 25-Sep-21 12:55 PM
Secondly if you're just streaming music and not doing a midi/module playback you can get something called TAL-Sampler for pretty cheap. That'll let you do all the compressing in the sampler and you can just keep the original audio untouched.
Fonix 25-Sep-21 12:56 PM
Like converting it to a mp3
Remi 25-Sep-21 12:56 PM
You don't need to convert it to mp3
Reducing the sample rate and bit depth is all you need.
Preferably with control over how the audio get aliased which TAL-Sampler lets you do as well
Fonix 25-Sep-21 12:59 PM
Well I dont have 60 dollars to get TAL Sampler
But I'll keep the software in mind
Remi 25-Sep-21 12:59 PM
You can also do it with OpenMPT albeit slower
and you'll have to save copies of the samples
100% free though
if you don't mind dubiously legal abandonware sample CDs
Avatar TechnoCookie
I think you can make something that feels like your own through sampling though, just as long as you aren’t rapping over an existing song with a trap beat over it
Remi 25-Sep-21 01:02 PM
Absolutely, but still if you're just using the entire Super Mario 64 soundfont for your own game with its own aesthetic then it can start to come across as lazy or worse unfitting.
Take all this with a grain of salt, if this is just some hobby thing you're messing around with to not make money with then do whatever you want
This is just advice from someone that has almost gotten screwed over audio copyright and would like others to not fall into the same pitfalls potentially
Fonix 25-Sep-21 01:10 PM
Care to explain?
Remi 25-Sep-21 01:14 PM
I released a trip-hop EP around 2011/2012 with some samples from old sample CDs and got a notice for it. Turns out those old sample CDs don't always clear the rights for the samples they sell you. I got told to remove the samples in question or else. They probably went easy on me because the album barely made any money back then so I did what they asked.
Sample CDs from the late 80s on through the 90s were the wild west
Fonix 25-Sep-21 01:18 PM
Then how does TheFatRat get away with using samples in his music?
Remi 25-Sep-21 01:18 PM
Now-a-days the companies that managed to keep selling their old stuff has to have a big disclaimer saying "You can't use these in a commercial production without first getting the rights"
Fonix 25-Sep-21 01:19 PM
I know in Time Lapse he uses a yoshi sound effect and maybe the bongos
Remi 25-Sep-21 01:21 PM
That's the neat thing about copyright, if the rights owner(record execs and CEOs mostly) don't care to pursue you for it then you can just get away with it.
I don't know which effect he used, but the old SNES Yoshi sound was just a manipulated orchestra hit sample iirc
I'm not entirely sure how that changes the legality of it especially since the orchestra hit in question was everywhere and was probably lifted from a record
Just as another example, the string ensemble sound used in A Link to the Past shows up under three different company's catalogs in some form
I don't think anyone these days knows who actually owns the original recording
Edd 25-Sep-21 05:58 PM
i gotta go through all the early aughts/late 90s shit i played now
specifically two games though, one especially because it just straight up had a bunch of stock .bmp backgrounds
peashooterman3 25-Sep-21 06:12 PM
Edd 25-Sep-21 06:16 PM
on the other hand the other one uses only roland and groovemaker for its songs so maybe the textures are just as easily unravelled off of a single lead
probably not though
Edd 25-Sep-21 06:24 PM
two different lego loco backgrounds have this same sorta pattern on them- and in the exact same positions, too! maybe i can isolate it somehow, if i can find the edges of the tiling. (edited)
Avatar Edd
two different lego loco backgrounds have this same sorta pattern on them- and in the exact same positions, too! maybe i can isolate it somehow, if i can find the edges of the tiling. (edited)
peashooterman3 25-Sep-21 06:43 PM
dont know if you already found it but i did, here you go
idk if its the exact place where it loops, i just based it off of this bit of pixels
Edd 25-Sep-21 06:56 PM
Should note those are small crops
There's a lot more area to work with on both
peashooterman3 25-Sep-21 08:52 PM
Edd 25-Sep-21 10:56 PM
while i'm at it maybe i can archaeologize this silicon-tastic book i've had for years.
Edd 25-Sep-21 11:58 PM
very epic moment downloading abandonware diamar packs that say "2048x3072" in their preview images only to be greeted with 512x768 instead
i do not appreciate being trolled through time, diamar.
Kooloo-Limpah! 29-Sep-21 02:05 AM
bro fanamel is incredible he can just find textures from a meme audio software pluggin
Avatar TechnoCookie
Imagine if we found where this background is
Kooloo-Limpah! 29-Sep-21 02:06 AM
idk about the backround but ik the dirt is wood from a visual disk
LDK.SuperDante 02-Oct-21 04:59 PM
Hello everyone, I sent a direct message to the Twitter page the other day and got directed here. I'll go ahead and screenshot the conversation here to bring anyone interested in helping me out up to speed 🙂. Thanks in advance!
DorfDork 02-Oct-21 05:02 PM
LDK.SuperDante 02-Oct-21 05:07 PM
Hi! Sorry I wasn't sure what that meant but then I realized it kinda looks like someone waving haha.
DorfDork 02-Oct-21 05:08 PM
it is!
LDK.SuperDante 02-Oct-21 05:08 PM
Sweet lol. So, would you happen to know anyone that might be interested in helping me with this sort of thing?
DorfDork 02-Oct-21 05:09 PM
I think @Fanamel or @roovahlees has an idea about capcom matches but I could be wrong
LDK.SuperDante 02-Oct-21 05:09 PM
Awesome, I'll wait and see if they have anything to say, thanks.
roovahlees 02-Oct-21 05:40 PM
Unfortunately I've never come across a match related to Capcom games. I'm interested for Soul Calibur DC matches. (edited)
MtH 02-Oct-21 05:54 PM
sozaijiten is usually a safe bet to look through for any japanese dev
Fanamel 02-Oct-21 06:12 PM
Sadly not too certain of Capcom games other than that whole lawsuit thing that happened a few months back
mario60bore 02-Oct-21 06:18 PM
One developer gave some textures from re1 remake ton a fan
Avatar MtH
sozaijiten is usually a safe bet to look through for any japanese dev
LDK.SuperDante 02-Oct-21 06:22 PM
I'll see if there's anything helpful there, thanks.
If anyone else has any info feel free to send me a DM 🙂
Avatar Fanamel
Sadly not too certain of Capcom games other than that whole lawsuit thing that happened a few months back
LDK.SuperDante 02-Oct-21 06:41 PM
I remember hearing about that. I tried to find where I could buy that book but couldn't find it at the time.
Fanamel 02-Oct-21 06:42 PM
The book apparently came with a CD with the images on it too, but I rarely see that part mentioned and it doesn't seem likely any resellers kept the CD's with their books
Last I saw a listing it was being overpriced due to the news related to it at like $200
LDK.SuperDante 02-Oct-21 06:58 PM
I wonder if it'd be possible to get ahold of the Author and ask them about it.
Avatar Fanamel
The book apparently came with a CD with the images on it too, but I rarely see that part mentioned and it doesn't seem likely any resellers kept the CD's with their books
mario60bore 02-Oct-21 08:08 PM
There's a pdf
Avatar LDK.SuperDante
I wonder if it'd be possible to get ahold of the Author and ask them about it.
mario60bore 02-Oct-21 08:08 PM
I can send you the pdf version if you want
LDK.SuperDante 02-Oct-21 08:10 PM
That would be very helpful thank you
Avatar LDK.SuperDante
That would be very helpful thank you
mario60bore 02-Oct-21 08:16 PM
Dm or here?
LDK.SuperDante 02-Oct-21 08:16 PM
Dm probably works best, thanks!
LDK.SuperDante 02-Oct-21 08:39 PM
@mario60bore did it go through?
Avatar LDK.SuperDante
@mario60bore did it go through?
mario60bore 03-Oct-21 02:20 AM
Nevermind I got the wrong one
TechnoCookie 04-Oct-21 10:32 AM
Did anyone ever find the original version of this image? (from Touhou 6)
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Did anyone ever find the original version of this image? (from Touhou 6)
Edd 07-Oct-21 02:18 AM
it's probably image(s), gears overlaid on a clock
still, i brightened it a little and recolored it to offwhite so i'll see if reverse search gets anything
got nothing, sorry.
Metalex123 09-Oct-21 10:11 AM
hi there, just wanted to say I really like what you guys are doing, preserving video games textures and their origins and stuff, it's really awesome to see :)
peashooterman3 09-Oct-21 10:11 AM
Metalex123 09-Oct-21 10:12 AM
DorfDork 09-Oct-21 10:13 AM
Thanks, the team spends a lot of time and research to get it all done
Metalex123 09-Oct-21 10:13 AM
oh also I've seen on the github wiki that there's a section for "Video Game Texture and Audio Matches", does that mean you also preserve stock sfx?
DorfDork 09-Oct-21 10:15 AM
Metalex123 09-Oct-21 10:15 AM
oh that's awesome!
DorfDork 09-Oct-21 10:15 AM
There's some on the already
Metalex123 09-Oct-21 10:16 AM
oh nice!
DorfDork 09-Oct-21 10:16 AM
Obtained by Hinzoto and DorfDork of Render96Big Fish Audio Megaton Bomb Sampling Collection (2X audio CD) - 140 minutes of loops, grooves, fills and FX. This...
Metalex123 09-Oct-21 10:17 AM
this is actually really cool :)
if I find a sfx from a game/series listed here on the discord that was reused in other medias, should I mention it in the respective channel, or only if I think I found the original use of it? just curious, cause I remembered finding some DK64 sfx used in other medias recently
DorfDork 09-Oct-21 10:25 AM
If you can provide some sort of link to the clip use that with your post. The post should also include the descriptive usage of the sound, the location of the sound file, and the name of the sound file whenever possible.
Metalex123 09-Oct-21 10:27 AM
ah, so let's say I found a DK64 SFX in another media, I would need to find a clip from DK64 of the SFX, and a clip of the other media too that shows the SFX, along with a description of the usage of that SFX in both DK64 and the other media? (edited)
DorfDork 09-Oct-21 10:28 AM
For that case specifically since you don't know the original sound file, you can name the dk64 SFX as the source. Later on if we figure it out we can update the finding and knock both of them out
Metalex123 09-Oct-21 10:29 AM
alright, I'll try finding clips and send it then
but what if it's from something like a TV show? should I just send the name of the episode/show and the time where it's used, or send a link to see the episode legally if possible?
sry for asking lots of questions btw
DorfDork 09-Oct-21 10:31 AM
Name of tv show/episode/timestamp
Metalex123 09-Oct-21 10:31 AM
alright, will do! thanks!
Metalex123 09-Oct-21 10:51 AM
I've just added a match on the Donkey Kong 64 channel, is the format okay? first time doing that so not sure if it's done well or not
DorfDork 09-Oct-21 11:01 AM
looks good, I miss dk64 I need to play it again
Metalex123 09-Oct-21 11:04 AM
its my fav game of all time :)
people often criticise the backtracking in that game, but I dont think its that bad imo
TechnoCookie 09-Oct-21 12:42 PM
Do you guys have this in your archives yet?
DorfDork 09-Oct-21 12:47 PM
TechnoCookie 09-Oct-21 12:52 PM
This seller's got a ton of CD libraries
Stevie 09-Oct-21 07:45 PM
Question for the texture hunters here; Do any of these album covers look familiar to you?
The beetle is the only one I've been able to find so far since it's such an easy key word search. I don't know classic rock art covers that well so this is going to be quite the search but I really want to find all of them.
Wait give this album a listen if you haven't already, it's so good.
mario60bore 09-Oct-21 10:25 PM
is the paetreon going to cover it
Avatar Stevie
Wait give this album a listen if you haven't already, it's so good.
Edd 10-Oct-21 04:17 AM
Mezzanine's great.
What game is this out of?
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What game is this out of?
Stevie 10-Oct-21 04:19 AM
SF Rush 2049. I don’t have a pic of it in the game on mobile but it’s a building texture from the race track “Night.”
Edd 10-Oct-21 04:20 AM
I see.
I'm gonna look for this one first, it seems easily identifiable and is probably some cool IDM or trance shit (edited)
Stevie 10-Oct-21 04:22 AM
I thought that it might have been nirvana’s never mind but with the baby edited out, I’m not sure as to how the extent is that they edited out copywrited material
Edd 10-Oct-21 04:23 AM
it looks nothing alike.
Avatar Edd
I'm gonna look for this one first, it seems easily identifiable and is probably some cool IDM or trance shit (edited)
peashooterman3 10-Oct-21 04:23 AM
Stevie 10-Oct-21 04:23 AM
The blue gradient matches closely
Also what the heck that might be it lol
peashooterman3 10-Oct-21 04:23 AM
Stevie 10-Oct-21 04:23 AM
That has to be it
Edd 10-Oct-21 04:24 AM
found it simultaneously lmao (edited)
Stevie 10-Oct-21 04:24 AM
Nice you guys are awesome
Edd 10-Oct-21 04:24 AM
seems cupscale+yandex is the rule here
DorfDork 10-Oct-21 04:24 AM
yandex is russian god google
love it so much
Stevie 10-Oct-21 04:24 AM
What model did you use for cupscale?
Avatar DorfDork
yandex is russian god google
peashooterman3 10-Oct-21 04:25 AM
explains why basically every text result was in russian
Edd 10-Oct-21 04:25 AM
default brsgan 4x
👍 1
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yandex is russian god google
Stevie 10-Oct-21 04:25 AM
I’ll give it a try
Edd 10-Oct-21 04:25 AM
no dice on this one yet, the "LOSER" is probably slapped on or something
peashooterman3 10-Oct-21 04:25 AM
second album on bottom is deep purple made in japan
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second album on bottom is deep purple made in japan
Stevie 10-Oct-21 04:27 AM
Nice find, thank you!
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second album on bottom is deep purple made in japan
peashooterman3 10-Oct-21 04:27 AM
heres a high res image i got
👍 1
Edd 10-Oct-21 04:27 AM
can't find anything for this
Avatar Edd
can't find anything for this
Stevie 10-Oct-21 04:28 AM
Someone in a different server thought it was this. It doesn’t match up when scaled down though.
Edd 10-Oct-21 04:29 AM
I doubt it anyways (edited)
Got nothing for random dudes running
Stevie 10-Oct-21 04:30 AM
Also the game is from 1999
peashooterman3 10-Oct-21 04:30 AM
this one's love will tear us apart by joy division
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this one's love will tear us apart by joy division
peashooterman3 10-Oct-21 04:30 AM
👍 1
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Got nothing for random dudes running
Stevie 10-Oct-21 04:30 AM
Yeah stumped on that one too, looks like a weird abbey road
Edd 10-Oct-21 04:31 AM
I am convinced it's half real albums and half stock images
Stevie 10-Oct-21 04:32 AM
These are such non-mainstream album picks that it’s hard to know
Edd 10-Oct-21 04:32 AM
this one just looks like astro lounge and superunknown thrown into a blender
Stevie 10-Oct-21 04:32 AM
I thought it was a sound garden album but edited at first glance
That’s like the closest I can find
Edd 10-Oct-21 04:33 AM
...i just said it was vaguely similar to superunknown. (edited)
Stevie 10-Oct-21 04:35 AM
Sorry missed it, just saw that you posted the pic
Edd 10-Oct-21 04:36 AM
no worries, yea
roovahlees 10-Oct-21 03:36 PM
Here's an upscale
CorenDot 11-Oct-21 07:30 AM
Being interested in retro 3d graphics i stumbled upon all this movement. I don't know if this is the correct place for ask but i would be interested on obtaining some of these textures to recreate the feel of the 3D environment back then, what are my best options? Can i buy some of these Retro Texture CDs nowadays?
DorfDork 11-Oct-21 08:31 AM
@CorenDot the ones I'm able to upload on are there for anyone to download.
CorenDot 11-Oct-21 08:32 AM
@DorfDork yea i'm looking at them right now, does this mean that it could be used for commercial projects? I'm not planning to use them as they are, but modifying them further in other edition software.
DorfDork 11-Oct-21 08:33 AM
no clue on the legality on commercial products.
CorenDot 11-Oct-21 08:33 AM
i see
DorfDork 11-Oct-21 08:34 AM
most of the companies are gone so I don't know what would happen
CorenDot 11-Oct-21 08:35 AM
I found these resources interesting due to their already low resolution, but may be better to not take the risk
MtH 12-Oct-21 03:26 AM
its worth looking into company history, and where the rights reside. may have been bought out, may have just dissolved
👍 2
lot of stock providers did get bought up by gettyimages, shutterstock, adobe etc.
and if you can actually secure a physical copy of a disc, i think you should technically have the appropriate license as well
TechnoCookie 13-Oct-21 02:58 PM
This stock photo uses a Sozaijiten picture
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