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Render96 Video Game Texture Preservation
🦔sega / sega-general-talk
For discussion of Sega textures
SonicChao 07-Jun-21 12:46 PM
Does anyone know what tools Sega used to develop models for the Dreamcast back then?
Like this?
Pik 07-Jun-21 12:51 PM
They're using SoftImage there. You can see the button layout matches, along with the color palette at the bottom-left corner
I have the Windows version here, but looks like they used the SGI version
SonicChao 07-Jun-21 12:51 PM
Okay Thank You
Might see if Textures are induced and see if any match from SA2
Pik 07-Jun-21 12:59 PM
Good luck! You can find the download for it on, it's version 3.7
🖤 1
3.7 was released in 1997, so it could be the version Sega is using there (But it's hard to say for sure since the UI looked the same for a while)
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3.7 was released in 1997, so it could be the version Sega is using there (But it's hard to say for sure since the UI looked the same for a while)
SonicChao 07-Jun-21 01:03 PM
think the best bet would maybe be from 1998 or 1999 (that's when Sonic Team started Development on SA2) but I'll check a few versions and thanks for helping me ^-^
SonicChao 07-Jun-21 09:38 PM
out of all the textures in SA2 this is the one I'm hoping get's found
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Good luck! You can find the download for it on, it's version 3.7
SonicChao 07-Jun-21 10:30 PM
sadly Virtual Box didn't want to work on me so I couldn't get it workingšŸ˜…
MtH 08-Jun-21 07:44 AM
i can at the very least tell you where this is lol, not necessarily where the image comes from tho
personally i dont think this is sourced from anywhere, they probably took it themselves
considering that
but yeah, pretty central san francisco
if it is a satellite image and not a photo from a plane/helicopter then i imagine they scanned it from a printed map or sourced it online
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if it is a satellite image and not a photo from a plane/helicopter then i imagine they scanned it from a printed map or sourced it online
SonicChao 08-Jun-21 08:13 AM
That's a good point to mention about it coming from a map
SonicChao 26-Jun-21 12:23 PM
I wonder if the sonic 3 Icecap background is just a stock photo. Since it appears on the album art for the Jetzons Hardtimes
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I wonder if the sonic 3 Icecap background is just a stock photo. Since it appears on the album art for the Jetzons Hardtimes
Retro64 26-Jun-21 02:34 PM
this seems fanmade the font is also a sonic font doubt it's a stock photo
SonicChao 26-Jun-21 03:09 PM
Shares4FacebookTweetEmail Remember when we discovered that Sonic 3ā€™s Ice Cap Zone music was actually based on a music track from a yet unreleased album by a band called ā€œThe Jetzonsā€ way back? Well, after a digital only release, the song ā€œHard Timesā€ is now finally available on vinyl, and it uses the background from Ice ā€¦ Continue reading The Je...
MtH 28-Jun-21 07:41 PM
this image is just the game background with an interpolation filter, but i wouldnt be surprised if some elements of sonic 3 were referenced from stock textures, like these marble garden stones for example (edited)
SonicChao 30-Jun-21 12:56 PM
Hey I was wondering if you would like me to gather a bunch of High Quality artwork used for the Sonic Adventure games for the Website since I have been collection some art for my HD textures recently
MtH 30-Jun-21 07:49 PM
i think i have access to most of the HD stuff out there, but if you'd like to share your collection i'm sure it wouldn't hurt lol (edited)
SonicChao 05-Jul-21 01:22 PM
Might see if I can reach out to the art director for Sonic Xtreme and ask if it's possible if he might remember what texture cds we're used during development
SonicChao 05-Jul-21 05:06 PM
So one of the devs got back to me!
👍 1
and sadly they don't know the source for the textures
(My name isn't Gavin it's Gabi lol) "Hi Gavin. Sorry but I have no idea about the source of the environment textures. I only worked on the 3D characters and animations. Iā€™m assuming you mean the Ofer Alon/Chris Senn incarnation. As far as I recall, I always assumed Ofer had done the textures used (maybe with help from Chris Senn). But if they indeed came from a texture pack, then Iā€™m more inclined to think it was Ofer rather than Chris who did this. Using stock art as a base wasnā€™t a thing game artists even considered doing back then. It wasnā€™t as simple as now to actually incorporate and use, we were all more interested in creating our own art anyway and of course there was always the copyright issue. Still, everything was prototype at best running on a PC so itā€™s possible these programmer textures would have been replaced long before they were converted to the only platform that mattered for SonicX, the Saturn console. Sorry I canā€™t be more helpful, Ross"
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So one of the devs got back to me!
Stevie 05-Jul-21 05:14 PM
Same thing happened to me when I talked to a dev about sources used. The one I talked to said he doesn't remember using one even though there's quite a few matches in the game. I showed him a few examples and he was surprised by them lol
It could easily be someone on the team getting lazy and taking from resources at someone else's desk too. At Midway/Atari there were a few studios next to each other so in that case an art person could have borrowed from another person's studio.
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It could easily be someone on the team getting lazy and taking from resources at someone else's desk too. At Midway/Atari there were a few studios next to each other so in that case an art person could have borrowed from another person's studio.
SonicChao 05-Jul-21 05:17 PM
That might likely be the case
SonicChao 11-Jul-21 11:31 AM
So I know not too many people care about Sonic Chronicles but I got bored and gathered a bunch of HQ art so if anyone is interested
SonicChao 18-Jul-21 10:03 AM
I was looking around google maps trying to see if I can find some sort of match for any of the textures (Haven't found any) but I did notice that Steff's shop near Sonic Team USA had a similar font used for the Nights poster
though I'm most likely wrong but thought it was interesting to bring up
SonicChao 18-Jul-21 01:47 PM
Does any recognize where this voice clip could be from?
I was looking up footage of gorillas fighting for a video AND I DID A DOUBLE TAKE IMMEDIATELY AT THE MUSIC
Unless it's been found
MtH 18-Jul-21 02:01 PM
spectrasonics heart of africa
SonicChao 18-Jul-21 02:18 PM
Thank You!
SonicChao 30-Jul-21 05:15 PM
So my friend Garret pointed out how some of the textures in the first Jet Set Radio are heavily edited stock photographs like with the trees for example
PokeHeadroom 02-Aug-21 05:25 PM
off the top of my head i can only think of imagecels and the shrubs collection
TechnoCookie 07-Aug-21 01:51 PM
From Super Monkey Ball's Jungle world, not 100% sure if this is the original texture though but a pretty close match (Most likely extremely modified though) (edited)
ThreePlanet 07-Aug-21 01:59 PM
Pretty sure it is pal! Seems like for some reason they just edited it in the bottom part and added that spot there
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Pretty sure it is pal! Seems like for some reason they just edited it in the bottom part and added that spot there
TechnoCookie 07-Aug-21 02:07 PM
It was more so the veins that were throwing me off since they look completely different from the original (or are those nerves, i don't know butterfly anatomy) (edited)
Another Monkey Ball find, comes from the Bakku no Oni Water pack. I think this texture is used in the Arctic, but I'm not sure
MtH 07-Aug-21 02:14 PM
ah :) the classic oni water
would you like me to make a monkey ball channel?
TechnoCookie 07-Aug-21 02:14 PM
That water texture was used in Sonic Adventure as well right?
MtH 07-Aug-21 02:16 PM
yeah, on the main bg for title screen, menus, boxart etc
DorfDork 08-Aug-21 11:16 AM
@TechnoCookie that website you linked is weird, it has theft protection on the image but if you inspect element you can find the image
I use to search images aside from google search and tin eye
Funny pictures, backgrounds for your dekstop, diagrams and illustrated instructions - answers to your questions in the form of images. Search by image and photo
SonicChao 08-Aug-21 03:52 PM
Is it bad that I never noticed this guy running on top of the soap shoes logo?
MtH 08-Aug-21 04:07 PM
prob best to wait on posting in #monkey-ball-matches until you know the actual disc lol
getting kinda clogged
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prob best to wait on posting in #monkey-ball-matches until you know the actual disc lol
TechnoCookie 08-Aug-21 04:21 PM
I already found it lol
MtH 08-Aug-21 04:31 PM
after like 6 messages lol
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after like 6 messages lol
TechnoCookie 08-Aug-21 04:42 PM
sorry, i talk a lot
Fanamel 08-Aug-21 05:12 PM
It's all good, loving the work with monkey ball so far. Could be useful for people modding the new game that's coming up
SonicChao 17-Aug-21 12:16 PM
I can't tell which one is more edited
SonicChao 17-Aug-21 12:23 PM
nvm found it
MtH 17-Aug-21 02:45 PM
SonicChao 17-Aug-21 03:27 PM
Sorry I was looking for the background with the least amount edited
MtH 17-Aug-21 03:42 PM
the sa2 textures are based on some of the same parts as the sa1 speed highway skybox
i'd reckon the city is edited into both of them, but the 2nd one you posted has the least edited version of the bottom part and is also the most zoomed out
it's hard to tell for certain though which parts come from where
SonicChao 03-Sep-21 03:17 PM
Would love to see these textures in full HD
Planted Lewis 03-Sep-21 07:05 PM
they defiantly look like stock images
MtH 04-Sep-21 02:43 PM
i have to wonder about the extra details they added to the earth though
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