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Render96 Video Game Texture Preservation
💻pc gaming / bethesda-matches
Raven 26-Jun-21 02:22 PM
Just found a texture from Fallout - New Vegas. Specifically it is a texture from the Prospector Saloon in Goodsprings.
The stone in the upper right here is what I found
Here's the original texture
I suspect that many more can be found where I found this one.
KerbalAwesomebuilderX 27-Jun-21 08:56 PM
That looks like a neat website. Are the textures on there free to use for other stuff?
Avatar KerbalAwesomebuilderX
That looks like a neat website. Are the textures on there free to use for other stuff?
Raven 27-Jun-21 10:41 PM
Yes, it says in the last paragraph "Free to use by anyone for anything, just please dont resell the content I have offered for free."
KerbalAwesomebuilderX 27-Jun-21 10:44 PM
Oh ok
Might use some
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