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Render96 Video Game Texture Preservation
🐻🐦Rare / rare-general-talk
Lucoshi 21-Apr-21 02:25 PM
Hey why you don't invite Oakieland from Banjo kazooie discord?
The reason i can't is because i was banned
Speed Weed 21-Apr-21 03:00 PM
he can look at the wiki
Avatar Speed Weed
he can look at the wiki
Lucoshi 21-Apr-21 05:15 PM
I know but i need to him if i posted an drama that made him angry!
and he should unban me if the he said the drama is over is over and you need tell him.
BTW i don't want bring any drama.
DorfDork 21-Apr-21 05:19 PM
look we only talk about textures in this server
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look we only talk about textures in this server
Lucoshi 21-Apr-21 05:22 PM
I see, but you know how difficult is the social networks
Krystal 06-Jun-21 09:47 PM
this wood is everywhere in the renders i haven't found it yet
Fanamel 06-Jun-21 09:52 PM
The wood is a bit odd, it shows up in a ton of Rare games but doesn't seem to appear in alias 3
I think it might pop up in an earlier version but it's hard to say
Krystal 06-Jun-21 10:35 PM
something i was working on for a little while:
running dkc in unity through retroarch snes9x and hooking into the object table memory addresses to get the position and id of objects in the game (edited)
Fanamel 06-Jun-21 10:44 PM
that's pretty neat, how long did that take to figure out?
Krystal 06-Jun-21 10:46 PM
a few days, but there was a ram map that people on dkc atlas made
which saved me actually having to reverse engineer the game
Fanamel 06-Jun-21 10:54 PM
noice, coding is still my weak point so I'm always impressed when people manage to figure out things like that
I was actually working on this recreation a few weeks back but got distracted from finishing it with learning godot
Krystal 06-Jun-21 10:58 PM
this is cool
did you model the trees or are they billboarded?
Fanamel 06-Jun-21 11:02 PM
The tree's are 3D, most of the detail is from slapping some normalmaps on them with the SM64 raytracer that came out recently
Krystal 06-Jun-21 11:03 PM
ah thats really cool
Avatar Krystal
this wood is everywhere in the renders i haven't found it yet
Pik 07-Jun-21 12:33 AM
Same- That wood texture's been a big bounty of ours for a while, but so far no luck with it
Avatar Fanamel
I was actually working on this recreation a few weeks back but got distracted from finishing it with learning godot
Speed Weed 07-Jun-21 11:53 AM
you sure love the rt repo lol
Avatar Fanamel
I was actually working on this recreation a few weeks back but got distracted from finishing it with learning godot
Retro64 17-Jun-21 05:24 PM
Woah that looks absolutely stunning! The sky effect is spot on! The Trees also REALLY accurate!
Been trying to do recreation of DKC myself, but I mostly have just done characters lol
@Fanamel If you don't mind, could explain how you did the sky? I'm guessing it was some kind of noise?
Fanamel 18-Jun-21 01:12 PM
@Retro64 hey thanks man, that's a cool DK.
😊 1
The clouds from what I can tell are the perlin noise procedural which shows up in most 3D programs, I used the one in Blender for the sky
You just throw a gradient map over it to adjust how the clouds look
Retro64 18-Jun-21 01:17 PM
Thanks for the complement and the instructions haha I'll be sure to try it out 👍
JeremyFan Girl Fox Alt 14-Aug-21 05:19 PM
DK64 Kiosk Demo Is Used Cobble_Stone!
cobble_stone 9
👌 1
TechnoCookie 30-Aug-21 05:33 PM
A tribute to the 1997 classic GoldenEye 007 developed by Rare Ltd. for the Nintendo 64.
👍 3
Metalex123 09-Oct-21 12:35 PM
if anyone's interested, I remember hearing that apparently the SFXs for Mad Jack in Donkey Kong 64 are actually Donald Duck voice clips from old Disney shorts, and that the Dogadon roar I posted in the DK64 channel is apparently from an old Godzilla cartoon. Not sure if these are true, and I couldn't find them while searching for them myself, but just thought I'd share that here.
it wouldnt surprise me if Mad Jack really used Donald Duck voices, since Chunky's cry SFXs come from Pluto's crying voice from an old Disney short
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