EnOJN Version 0.1.0 This is a PHP script which converts .BMS notechart to .OJN notechart file. What's included in the package? 1. enojn.exe -- Windows Executable created using Bamcompiler How to use? Drag your .BMS file over the application, or in command line, php enojn.php yourbmsfile.bms Limitations: The application does not generate .OJM files, which are the key sound table. That means that only keysound number will be imported, not the file names, which are stored in .OJM file. All notes will be in the WAV section, but it may change in future releases! Have fun! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OJN2BMS - Converts .OJN notes to .BMS files. VERSION 0.1.0 (Initial Release Version) HOW TO USE? Ok, so you have all these files, already, right? Now all you have to do is drag the .OJN files over the .EXE files. If you prefer to use the perl source code version, just open the shell prompt, go to that directory, and type: perl debms.pl o2maxxx.ojn That's it. The tool will create files for each difficulty of the song!