========================================== CygnusJam RendererEngine Version 0.8b Reversion 12 (21/03/2013) cxo2@o2jaml.asia This is freeware Engine Library You may use it at your own risk with no warranty of any kind. Copyright (C) 2013 - CXO2 ========================================== Note ----------------------- - This library written in .Net Framework 2.0. So, library support application that using .NET Framework 2.0 or above - The CPU Usage of rendering is a little high. Synchronizing process and quality of sound samples in each keysounded is the top reason why it take some amount of CPU Usage About ----------------------- Renderer Engine Library is light library that can Render the OJN Chart. It also can read OJN Header and read OJM Sound Samples. Library automatic processing (decoding) Sound Samples in OJM. So the data pure the sound sample without any invalid byte. Structure Class ----------------------- This library have some Cllasses and Functions: - [Class] RendererEngine - [Class] Settings - [Property] EnableKeysounded - [Property] EnableMusicBackground - [Class] Volume - [Property] Keysounded - [Property] MusicBackground - [Class] Samples - [Function] GetAllSampleData - [Function] GetSampleData - [Function] GetSampleID - [Function] GetSampleName - [Function] GetSamplesID - [Function] GetSamplesNames - [Function] About - [Function] Initialize - [Function] Open - [Function] Render - [Function] StopRender - [Property] Header Documentation is explain each Class / Function / Property uses. Read documentation carefully before using them. Usage ----------------------- 1. First, Add References to your Project (VB.NET or C#.NET is supported) 2. add using CygnusJam; at the reference list on the top; 3. After your program loaded properly, call RendererEngine.Initialize(); to Initialize System Engine 4. Load OJN Chart by calling RendererEngine.Open(string filename, Chart.Modes mode); - string filename : target OJN File - Chart.Modes mode : difficulty of Chart 5. You can get the Header of OJN (such as Titile, Artist, Pattern etc) in the property of RendererEngine.Header 6. You can get Samples Information and Data in Samples Class (RendererEngine.Samples) 7. To Render the music, Call RendererEngine.Render(); to stop it, Call RendererEngine.StopRender(); Changelog ----------------------- === RendererEngine 0.8b = - Fixed StopRender() function - Fixed Threading System ================== === RendererEngine 0.8a = - Initial Release ==================