{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\lang1033\f0\fs20 \f1 Prometheus Publications\par P O Box 7584\par Phoenix AZ 85011-7584 USA\par Telephone: 602-319-5525\par \pard\li1440\ri1440\par This CD edition of \i The Art of Pyrotechny \i0 contains the entire text and illustrations of the first edition of the book published ca. 1873 in London. The book is rendered in Adobe Acrobat Original Image with Hidden Text format using Acrobat Capture software. This means that while the image you see on your computer screen retains the original formatting and appearance of the 1873 edition, the new electronic edition is also text searchable. \par \par This file can and may be printed, but not altered except for adding your annotations as allowed by the Adobe software. The buyer should be aware that as this edition is published, it is entirely feasible to print the contents of your CD directly from digital format to bound book format using the Xerox Docutech system. We encourage this practice as long as printing is limited to one copy for personal or library use.\par \par This edition of \i The Art of Pyrotechny \i0 is warranted to be free of manufacturing defects. We currently use only high quality Ritek and Taiyo Yuden CD-R disks. We will replace at no charge, any copy of this work that is returned to us within one year of purchase. \par \par Although the book itself is long out-of-copyright, Prometheus Publications claims rights to this particular CD edition and the files and all parts of the files in this electronic edition. We ask that you respect this copyright and refrain from making copies except for back-up purposes.\par Also included on this disk is Edgar Fahs Smith's biography, "James Cutbush, an American Chemist." This is, as far as I know, the most complete biography of Cutbush available.\par \par In order to access this disk, you will need to install the appropriate software. Either Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4 or higher or the Adobe E-Book Reader would suffice. Both of these products are available free of charge from Adobe at: www.adobe.com. \par \par Thank you for your attention. We hope you will enjoy your new electronic edition of \i The Art of Pyrotechny\i0 . \par \pard\par \pard\li1440 Prometheus Publications\par P O Box 7584 \par Phoenix AZ 85011-7584\par USA\par Telephone: 602-319-5525\par \pard\f0\par }