WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING? It should be painfully obvious by now that the world as we know it won't last too damn much longer. And what are you doing about it? Going to work or school, coming home, goofing around. What will happen to your routine when all the shit comes down on us at once? Don't you feel responsible for trying to help this endangered planet? No? Good. The fact is, it's too late. There isn't a god damned thing you as an individual can do about eco-disaster, nuclear death, overpopulation and so on. Things are going to Hell on a fast train and about the you, or anyone else besides the Rockerfellers, can do about it is just sit back and watch the show. WILL YOU BE READY? WILL YOU STILL BE SANE ENOUGH TO LAUGH WHEN THAT WHICH THAT WHICH MUST COME TO PASS, COMES TO PASS? WILL YOU EVER GET SLACK??? Study our SubGenius "literature" closely. Keep it by your toilet and memorize it. If you aren't as dense as most people, you'll be quick to realize that, cheesy scam though it might well be, the Church of the SubGenius is just about the only organization around that can help you face the god-awful facts without some sort of ingratiating, sweetness-and-light, goody-two-shoes, pollyanna, life-is-a-bowl-of-cherries bullshit. Not only that, but the Church of the SubGenius is beyond the shadow of a doubt THE ONLY TRUE RELIGION. We perform miracles, answer any question, invoke demons, and have a direct etheric hotline to the space god JEHOVA 1 through our infra-psychic trance-babbling Personal Savior, J.R. "Bob" Dobbs--who is actually a pretty regular guy, just possessed by forceses greater than Man. The SubGenius material has only recently been made public. This is your chance to get in on the ground floor of a huge, lucrative cult--NOW, while rates are low, so that you will not only recieve the emmediate benefits listed on our Application Coupon*, but will also be eligible for all the $$$, weird sex, and sheer power over others that go with highranking membership in what will probably sweep this unkempt planet in an unstoppable wave of cynical, dangerous power plays, insanely morbid truths and panhandling, zombie-like teenage "followers." The SubGenius Foundation. "Researching the Public's Fear of the Unknown Since 1953." Slogans: "Fuck'Em If They Can't Take A Joke" "Too Much Is Always Better Than Not Enough" "Pull The Wool Over Your Own Eyes" "You'll PAY To Know What You REALLY Think" "If You Act Like A Dumbshit, They'll Treat You As An Equal"