/-----------------------\ | How to "Crash" | | Arcade Gamez | | By Hi Fi Del | | The supreme Twisted | | Overmind | \-----------------------/ In this file, I will go into ways to cheat, or affect the machine in some way as to bring life to these rather dull gamez. 1> Pac Man (Like this K-Rad game is still around) In Pac-Man, there is a hiding place where you can position your little happy phuck so that you can't get caught by the ghost things. Here is like this real crude drawing of this maze- |-----------------------------------------------------------| | :------: :--------: | | |---------| :-------: | | :------: :--------: |--| |---------| :-------: | | # | | :------: :-: ----------------- :-: :-------: | |---------| : :______ : : _______: : :-----------| | : :------| :--: |-------: : | | : : _____ ______ : : | ---------| :-: | | :-: |-----------| | # <- Ghost | |---------| :-: |________________| :-: |-----------| | : : : : | | : : |----------------| : : | |---------| :-: |------| |------| :-: |-----------| | # | | * <---- This is where you hide. | :_-_---: :---------: |--| :---------: :_-_-_-_: | | : : : : | | :-: |--| :----------------: |--| :-: | | | | | | | | | | :----------- |------: | | :------| -------------: | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------| When you place your little Pac-Shit here, you can go off and eat a pizza, hack some codez, boink some chic, or do your job (Ha) and you won't get eatin or whatever the ghosts do to ya! (Unless some Bozo comes and moves Pac-Dude from there). There is another position in the game "Mrs. Pac-Man", but it is on the 3rd maze and on the top left-hand side of the screen right where the little corridor is where you loop around to the other side. Another thing you can do to Pac-Dude is a Byte-Loop. If, and when, you get to level 255 (Right dude) if you eat all the dots on this level it will try to progress to the next level. Well, inside the machine you have hit the byte value of 11111111 or 255. The machine will loop back to #0, there fo thinking to print up Level 0! But the sad thing is, Pac-Man starts at level 1, not 0, so ther is no level 0 to show up.. This will result in causing the machine to have a mental brakedown. 2> Donkey Kong, Jr. This will give you unlimited play for only one player. But you have to put in 2 quarters . You choose 2 player and start off playing cool with the first guy, but when you croke, move Donkey to the right, stopping just before he plops into the water. He should have one foot on the grass and one foot hanging over the edge. (Kinda the way life worx eh?) Soon, one of those Walking jawz will start to come down the vine near you. When he comes to the end of his vine, he will fall into the water. Make your ape dude jump and hit Mr. Jaws as he hits the water. Your ape dude will die (player 2), but you will get a bonus life for both playerz. So just keep playing right with #1 and kill #2 the way I discribed, and you will play for ever (And rip off Nintendo for alotta dough!). 3> Dig Dug Like, this game is to cool for me! What you can do is freeze up the game, by killing the last monster dude twice. Thats right, kill'm twice. You have to kill all the monsters but one, and then blow up the last one enough to paralize him under a rock. Then make the rock fall on him, and right as the rock hits him, make him blow up with your tube thing. This will cause him to die twice! After you have done this, you can walk your Dig Dude around and carve out "Fuck You" in the sand. Then to continue, all you gotta due is comit suicide (The Digger, not you). Just step under the nearest rock... 4> Xevious This arcade game has a back door to it. Right at the begining, fly your ship over this country-club thing and go to the right of the screen when you get into a wooded area. Start bombing here. These ring dudez will come out, but they won't attack. When they get close to you, blast the hell outta them and it will print up the original designers name. Like, I hope you have fun fucking with these old games at your local arcade. - Hi Fi Del