7 February 2004. Thanks to A. These were published in Norway on 26 January 2004:


AO = Area of Operations

MND(SE) = Multinational Division Southeast

ECM = Electronic Countermeasures

These are the rules of engagement for British and supporting troops in British sector in Iraq. They outline the situations where European governments have agreed to use force. They are NATO-classified top secret.

Rules of Engagement (ROE)

1. Conduct of simulated attacks against potentially hostile elements as a non-lethal escalatory warning option is authorised.

2. Designation of targets by use of Laser Target Designation equipment is authorised.

3. Designation of targets by fire control radar for the purposes of height finding by maritime forces is authorised.

4. Counter harassment to a similar extent and degree to that experienced by MND(SE) forces in the AO is authorised.

5. Counter harassment including riding off to a similar extent and degree to that experienced by any vessel is authorised.

6. Use of riot control means where necessary for the purpose of controlling detainees and internees, is authorised.

7. Use of riot control means where necessary for the conduct of Public Order Control is authorised.

8. Use of force up to but not including deadly force to prevent interference with MND(SE) personnel during the conduct of their mission is authorised.

9. Use of minimum force to defend designated non-MND(SE) forces/personnel is authorised.

10. Use of minimum force to prevent the taking possession of or destruction of MND(SE) property or the weapons and ammunition and explosives seized in the execution of the MND(SE) mission is authorised.

11. Use of minimum force to defend against intrusion into Military Restricted Areas or other areas designated by an authorised commander is authorised.

12. Use of minimum force to enforce compliance with diversion and/or boarding instructions is authorised.

13. Use of covert actions in Iraq is permitted to the extent necessary for mission execution.

14. Deployment of indirect fire and crew-served weapon systems is authorised.

15. Use of indirect fire and crew-served weapon systems is authorised.

16. Use of demolitions in Iraq is permitted.

17. Use of non-explosive obstacles in Iraq is permitted.

18. Unrestricted use of ECM is authorised.

19. Laying of anti-personnel mines is prohibited.

20. Use of minimum force against elements demonstrating Hostile Intent against MND(SE) forces or elements under MND(SE) protection is authorised.

21. Use of minimum force against elements, which commit or directly contribute to a hostile act against MND(SE) forces or elements under MND(SE) protection is authorised.


Agreement between Norway and United Kingdom, reservations and exceptions from "rules of engagement" (ROE):

“1. The nature and character of the Norwegian force contribution entail that Norwegian forces will not be able to undertake all the key tasks set out in the Mission Statement at Annex A. The Norwegian forces will primarily focus on IZ SFOR-led tasks and tasks related to support for the population, service and infrastructure of Iraq."

"2. Taking into account that the UK is the only authority in the AO to act as detaining power, the following ROE are not applicable to Norwegian Forces”:

Følgende punkter i stridsreglene har Norge reservert seg mot:

“Detention of a person who is suspected of committing a criminal offence is authorised”.

( - tillater pågripelse av personer mistenkt for kriminelle handlinger)

”Seizure of weapons, ammunition, cargo, products or other similar property or equipment in the possession of any person detained/interned by MND(SE) forces is authorised.”

( - tillater beslag av våpen, ammunisjon, last, produkter og annen liknende eiendom som personer som er pågrepet har vært i besittelse av.)

“Seizure of aircraft, vessels or vehicles of persons detained under Rules 22 is authorised.”

( - tillater beslag av fly, båter eller kjøretøy til pågrepne.)

“Use of minimum force to control the movement and prevent the escape of PWs and persons detained/interned under rules 22 and 23 is authorised.”

( - tillater bruk av makt til å begrense bevegelser til krigsfanger og internerte til og forhindre at krigsfanger og internerte flykter.)

”Use of minimum force to secure the release of MND(SE) personnel, aircraft, vehicles(s), vessels or installation(s) or elements under MND(SE) protection following unlawful detention, or seizure is authorised.”

( - tillater bruk av makt til å befri militært personell, fly, kjøretøy, skip, installasjoner eller annet som tilhører den  flernasjonale stabilitetsstyrken i Sørøst-Irak og ulovlig er fanget eller tatt i besittelse.)

"3. The Norwegian contribution will be linked to humanitarian purposes as well as tasks of importance to the civilian population."

"4. Any use of force by the Norwegian personnel will be limited to the exercise of self-defence for the Iraqi Stabilisation Force."

"5. NO understands the term "coalition" in the Cpa Order number 17 dated 27 June 2003 as covering:

a. the occupying powers; and

b. other States that are not occupying powers, like Norway, and are working now, or in the future may work under the Authority."