2 December 2004. Thanks to A.

This responds to the question of the purpose of a secret US Navy construction site in Washington, DC, and the possibility it is related to tunnel work for transportation of senior officials and materials:


More information on the Presidential and other secret DC tunnels is invited. Send to jya@pipeline.com. If encryption is preferrable use the public key on Cryptome.

A. writes:

Here are a few links that should help on the question of the DC tunneling projects:

Links regarding the "House" Subway System



Here are unclassified mentions of the Presidential Subway that runs under/near Rt 7 to Berryville/Winchester and connects via the Rt 11/Rt 81 access points with numerous facilities at Front Royal, Summit Point, Bluemont, Quirauk Mt, Blue Ridge, Sites W/R/D/S/C/E, and the other 107 relocation and C3I sites in the area with the situation room at the White House and the Site P/NMCC command center just off the Yellow line ext to the Potomac.


The tunnel connects near the White House evacuation platform, and transits a point within just a few hundred feet of here where it cross underneath the Yellow line before the slow climb to Bluemont to the West. The proximity of this project to the Metro Yellow line and the Presidential line could just be a coincidence.

Note the reference with the following to the "Union Station Tunnel" and the "Stubs" at the Pentagon.




Note the Yellow line connection (Opened in 1983) on the right hand side of the map below, and where it goes to in the second map:


The Yellow line runs over a bridge where it crosses the Potomac, and comes out from underground at the [US Navy] construction site published on Cryptome, crosses the Potomac, and then goes back underground once it gets over the Potomac. You may want to highlight the Yellow line on your maps/ortho's, and show the lines relative to the construction. That fact that there are two construction sites on the East Potomac Park is notable as it is one of the only practical locations where equipment/supplies can be introduced to Yellow line tunnels to service the spurs at the Pentagon. The Yellow Metro system is younger that the "House" system which was built almost 100 years ago, and the Presidential system initially built before Vietnam but extended to Route 11 in the 1970's.

Note the following text in the listed article where the "Pentagon spurs" are mentioned:


There are pedestrian tunnels that run between the Pentagon and the surrounding parking area, plus there is habitable office and work space that have been excavated in pockets around the main structure, some of which are hundreds of feet away.

Given the [US Navy] construction location, the size of the soil piles, the configuration of the service buildings, and the equipment present at both sites it is reasonable to assume that the site is being used to build/finish the Yellow line Potomac tunnel that was started years ago, but never really finished. Also, the "exposed" Yellow Line bridge was been one of the most vulnerable points of the Metro system to terrorist attack, and the Pentagon could be crippled if someone attacked either this bridge, the East Potomac Park Metro station, or one of the subway stations servicing the Pentagon.

By finishing the Yellow Line Potomac tunnel the security of the subway system would be considerably enhanced by eliminating the choke point of the Metro bridge, but more specifically the transportation system that supports the Pentagon would be not only more secure, but more reliable. It would also provide a cross connect between the Metro Yellow line, and the Presidential tunnel that runs right under this point already.